[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Midas /
# -*- perl -*-
package Midas::Setup;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
use Midas::Command;
use Midas::Paths;
use Midas::Section;
use Midas::MMU;
use Midas::Configure;
use Midas::State;
use Midas::Globals;
use Midas::Error;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(setup_files);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
all => [qw(
internals => [qw(
# These functions prepare a diag for further processing. The external
# interface is the setup_files) function.
# setup_files($diag) - Exported function
# Prepares a diag for processing:
# 1. If $STATE is undefined, create a new Midas::State object
# 2. Create build directory if it doesn't already exist
# 3. cd into build directory
# 4. Copy diag from specified path to build directory (default name
# is diag.src).
# 5. Split diag.src into perl and assembly parts
# Return value is the Midas::State object used. The function also has
# the side effect of changing the working directory to the build directory.
sub setup_files {
my $diag_path = shift;
banner "SETUP PHASE";
chat "### Will build in directory \"" .
$STATE->get_build_dir('-abs') .
cd $STATE->get_build_dir();
my $pushd = Midas::Paths->pushd($STATE->get_build_dir());
# build_local($diag)
# Creates build_directory if it doesn't already exist.
# Copies $diag into build_directory.
# If the diag is a .pal diag, it runs PAL to convert it.
sub bring_local {
my $diag_path = shift;
my $build_dir = $STATE->get_build_dir('-abs');
my $src = path_to_build_file($CONFIG{local_src}, $STATE);
if(not -d $build_dir) {
run_command("mkdir $build_dir", -errcode => M_DIR);
} else {
my @intermed_files = map { path_to_build_file(exists $CONFIG{$_} ?
$CONFIG{$_} : $_, $STATE) }
my $files_str = join ' ', @intermed_files;
run_command("rm -f $files_str", -errcode => M_FILE) if @intermed_files;
if($diag_path =~ /\.pal$/) {
my $pal_opt = join ' ', @{$CONFIG{pal_opt}};
$pal_opt .= ' ' if length $pal_opt;
my $pal_diag_args = join ' ', @{$CONFIG{pal_diag_args}};
run_command("$CONFIG{pal_cmd} $pal_opt$diag_path $pal_diag_args > $src");
} else {
run_command("cp $diag_path $src", -errcode => M_FILE);
run_command("chmod ug+w $src", -verbose => 3, -errcode => M_FILE);
# split_perl_assembly()
# Splits the diag.src into diag.s and (of course, default names
# can be changed in Configure). Everything in diag.src before __PERL__ goes
# in diag.s. Everything after goes in
sub split_perl_assembly {
my $src = path_to_build_file($CONFIG{local_src}, $STATE);
my $s = path_to_build_file($CONFIG{local_s}, $STATE);
my $pl = path_to_build_file($CONFIG{local_pl}, $STATE);
my $src_fh = IO::File->new("<$src") or fatal "Can't open $src: $!\n", M_FILE;
my $s_fh = IO::File->new(">$s") or fatal "Can't open $s: $!\n", M_FILE;
my $pl_fh;
chat "Splitting $src into $s and $pl (if necessary).\n";
while(<$src_fh>) {
if(defined $pl_fh) {
} elsif(/^\s*__PERL__/) {
chat "$src conitains perl code, so creating $pl\n", 2;
$pl_fh = IO::File->new(">$pl") or fatal "Can't open $pl: $!\n", M_FILE;
} else {
# just in case the user didn't end with a newline
$pl_fh->print("\n") if defined $pl_fh;
undef $src_fh;
undef $s_fh;
undef $pl_fh;