[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Pastel / LinearGradient.pm
package Pastel::LinearGradient;
@ISA = qw(Pastel::GradientI Pastel::Mixin::Mixin);
use Carp;
use strict;
my $id = 0;
sub _id { return $id++ ; }
use constant USER_SPACE => "userSpaceOnUse";
use constant BOUNDING_BOX => "objectBoundingBox";
use constant PAD => "pad";
use constant REFLECT => "reflect";
use constant REPEAT => "repeat";
use constant RADIAL => "radial";
use constant LINEAR => "linear";
# Perl module for linear Gradientpaint
# Cared for by Malay<curiouser@ccmb.ap.nic.in>
# Copyright 2001, Malay Kumar Basu
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
=head2 NAME
In SVG there are two different types of GradientPaint that you can use.
"Linear" and "Circular". Both of these are represented in Pastel by separate
modules. Pastel::LinearGradient represent a Gradient paint in liear mode. The
Gradient goes from one color to the next from one point to another on the
vector from the first point to the second.
=head3 Pastel::LinearGradient()
=head3 Pastel::LinearGradient(-color1=>$color1, -color2=>$color2)
=head3 Pastel::LinearGradient(-point1=>$point1, -color1=>$color1, -point2=>$point2, -color2=>$color2)
=head3 Pastel::LinearGradient(-point1=>$point1, -color1=>$color1, -point2=>$point2, -color2=>$color2, -method=>Pastel::LinearGradient::PAD/REFLECT/REPEAT, -units=>Pastel::LinearGradient::USER_SPACE/BOUNDING_BOX)
=head3 Pastel::LinearGradient(-point1=>$point1, -color1=>$color1, -point2=>$point2, -color2=>$color2, -method=>Pastel::LinearGradient::PAD/REFLECT/REPEAT)
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, ref($class) || $class;
return $self;
sub _init {
my ($self, @args) = @_;
my($p1, $c1, $p2, $c2, $m, $u)=$self->_rearrange(["POINT1",
"UNITS"], @args);
if ( defined($p1) ){ $self->{p1} = $p1; }
if ( defined($p2) ){ $self->{p2} = $p2; }
if ( defined($c1) ){ $self->{c1} = $c1; }
if ( defined($c2) ){ $self->{c2} = $c2; }
if ( defined($m) ) { $self->{method} = $m; }
if (defined ($u) ) { $self->{units} = $u; }
$self->{id} = "LinearGradient". $self->_get_id();
$self->{stops} = [];
if( defined($self->{c1}) && defined($self->{c2})){
my $stop1 = Pastel::GradientStop->new(0, $c1);
my $stop2 = Pastel::GradientStop->new(100, $c2);
return $self;
sub get_point1 {
my $self = shift;
return (defined($self->{p1}))? $self->{p1}: undef;
sub get_point2 {
my $self = shift;
return (defined($self->{p2}))? $self->{p2}: undef;
sub get_spread_method {
my $self= shift;
return (defined($self->{method}))? $self->{method}: undef;
sub get_units {
my $self = shift;
return (defined($self->{units}))? $self->{units}: undef;
sub to_svg {
my $self = shift;
my $s = '<linearGradient id="'.$self->get_id().'" ';
if ( defined( $self->{p1} )){
$s .= 'x1="'.$self->get_point1()->get_x().'" ';
$s .= 'y1="'.$self->get_point1()->get_y().'" ';
if (defined($self->{p2})){
$s.= 'x2="'.$self->get_point2()->get_x().'" ';
$s.= 'y2="'.$self->get_point2()->get_y().'" ';
if (defined($self->{method})){
$s .= 'spreadMethod="'.$self->get_method().'" ';
if (defined($self->{units})){
$s .= 'gradientUnits="'.$self->get_units().'" ';
$s .= '>';
if(@{$self->{stops}} > 0){
for( my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{stops}}; $i++){
$s .= ${$self->{stops}}[$i]->to_svg();
$s .= '</linearGradient>';
sub get_ref {
my $self = shift;
return '#'.$self->get_id();
sub _get_id {
return $_[0]->_id();
sub get_id {
return $_[0]->{id};