[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Psh / Joblist.pm
package Psh::Joblist;
use strict;
require Psh::OS;
my @jobs_order=();
my %jobs_list=();
sub create_job {
my ($pid, $call, $assoc_obj) = @_;
my $job = new Psh::Job( $pid, $call, $assoc_obj);
return $job;
sub delete_job {
my ($pid) = @_;
my $job= $jobs_list{$pid};
return if !defined($job);
delete $jobs_list{$pid};
my $i;
for($i=0; $i <= $#jobs_order; $i++) {
last if( $jobs_order[$i]==$job);
splice( @jobs_order, $i, 1);
sub job_exists {
my $pid= shift;
return exists($jobs_list{$pid});
sub get_job {
my $pid= shift;
return $jobs_list{$pid};
sub list_jobs {
return @jobs_order;
sub get_job_number {
my $pid= shift;
for( my $i=0; $i<=$#jobs_order; $i++) {
return $i+1 if( $jobs_order[$i]->{pid}==$pid);
return -1;
# $pid=Psh::Joblist::find_job([$jobnumber])
# Finds either the job with the specified job number
# or the highest numbered not running job and returns
# the job or undef is none is found
sub find_job {
my $job_to_start= shift;
return $jobs_order[$job_to_start] if defined( $job_to_start);
for (my $i = $#jobs_order; $i >= 0; $i--) {
my $job = $jobs_order[$i];
if(!$job->{running}) {
return wantarray?($i,$job):$job;
return undef;
sub find_last_with_name {
my ($name, $runningflag) = @_;
my $index=0;
while( my $job= Psh::Joblist::each()) {
next if $runningflag && $job->{running};
my $call= $job->{call};
if ($call=~ m:([^/\s]+)\s*: ) {
$call= $1;
} elsif( $call=~ m:/([^/\s]+)\s+.*$: ) {
$call= $1;
} elsif ( $call=~ m:^([^/\s]+): ) {
$call= $1;
if( $call eq $name) {
return wantarray?($index,$job->{pid},$job->{call}):$index;
return wantarray?():undef;
my $pointer;
# Resets the enumeration counter for access using "each"
sub enumerate {
# Returns the next job
sub each {
if ($pointer <= $#jobs_order) {
return $jobs_order[$pointer++];
return undef;
package Psh::Job;
# $job= new Psh::Job( pid, call);
# Creates a new Job object
# pid is the pid of the object
# call is the name of the executed command
sub new {
my ( $class, $pid, $call, $assoc_obj ) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# $job->run;
# Sends SIGCONT to the job and records it running
sub continue {
my $self= shift;
# minus sign to wake up the whole group of the child:
if( Psh::OS::has_job_control()) {
=head1 NAME
Psh::Joblist - A data structure suitable for handling job lists like bash's
use Psh::Joblist;
$job = Psh::Joblist::create_job($pid,$displayed_command);
$job = Psh::Joblist::get_job($pid);
$flag = Psh::Joblist::job_exists($pid);
$index = Psh::Joblist::get_job_number($pid);
$job = Psh::Joblist::find_job();
$job = Psh::Joblist::find_job($index);
while( $job= Psh::Joblist::each()) { ... }
Read the source ;-)
=head1 AUTHOR
Markus Peter (warp@spin.de)