[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perlmod / pal / 1.13 / bin / pal
: # -*- perl -*-
eval 'exec $PERL_CMD -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
use FindBin;
use File::Spec;
# PAL: Perl Augmented Language.
$VERSION= '1.13';
$COMBINE_CONTINUATION= 0; #lines ended with \ printed as it is
$prog= &basename($0);
($PROG= $prog)=~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if(not defined $PERL) {
$PERL= "/usr/perl5/bin/perl"; #path for perl5; site dependent
# warn "WARNING: BW_PERL not defined, using $PERL.\n";
$BASE= "$FindBin::Bin/.."; #released path
$RUNTIME= "${PROG}_runtime.pl";
if ($^O eq 'solaris') {
$INCLUDE_CMD= "$FindBin::Bin/include";
if ($^O eq 'linux') {
$INCLUDE_CMD= "$FindBin::Bin/include.linux";
$OUTPUT_DIR= "."; # default output directory
$,= ' ';
$USER= $ENV{'USER'} || getlogin() || (getpwuid($<))[0] ;
@ARGV_save= @ARGV;
& initialize(); #may change BASE
if(! $QUIET) {
# $cmd= "echo \"`date +%m/%d/%y:%H`: $prog @ARGV\" >> $BASE/Log/$USER";
# $cmd.= "; chmod 660 $BASE/Log/$USER" ;
# system( $cmd );
#Run cpp on the input file to expand #includes and __LINE__.
#The reason we can't use the perl option that runs cpp before running perl
#is because after running cpp, we have to do some massaging on output file.
### process only '#inc' as include directive :
if(1) { #direct pipe.
$cmd= "$INCLUDE_CMD -i '#inc' -pal $include_string $infile ";
open(PP_FILE, " $cmd |") or die "Can't open pipe from '$cmd' $!\n"; #preprocessed file as input
}else{ #write to a file first.
$cmd= "$INCLUDE_CMD -i '#inc' -pal $include_string $infile > $infile_pp";
& EXIT2(1, $cmd) if( system("$cmd") ) ;
open(PP_FILE, "< $infile_pp") or die "Can't open '$infile_pp' $!\n"; #preprocessed file as input
open(PL_FILE, "> $infile_pl") or die "Can't write '$infile_pl' $!\n"; #translated (perl) output
print PL_FILE "#! $PERL \n"; #make perl code executable
print PL_FILE "# Translated Perl code from '$0 @ARGV_save'\n\n";
for($i= 0; $i< @INCLUDE; $i++) {
print PL_FILE "unshift(\@INC, '$INCLUDE[$i]');\n";
print PL_FILE "srand($SEED);\n" if($SEED);
print PL_FILE "\$BASE= '$BASE';\n";
print PL_FILE "use lib '$FindBin::Bin/../lib';\n";
print PL_FILE "require \'$RUNTIME';\n";
chmod(0750, $infile_pl);
if($keep_tmpFile != 2) {
if ( $outputFile ) {
$attach= " > $outputFile" if($outputFile);
# Make sure current dir is writable, since we'll be generating temp files.
& EXIT2(1, "Output directory '$OUTPUT_DIR' must be writable")
if(! -w $OUTPUT_DIR);
# print STDERR "execute: $infile_pl @ARGV $attach \n";
if( system("$PERL $infile_pl @ARGV $attach") ) {
&EXIT2(1, "Can't execute $infile_pl @ARGV $attach");
# initialize & process cmd-line arguments
sub process_cmdline {
my($PERLOPTIONS) = '';
my $ofile;
while(substr($ARGV[0],0,1) eq '-' || $ARGV[0]=~ /^([A-Za-z_]\w*=)(.*)/) {
my($arg)= shift(@ARGV);
# [Viranjit 11/21/03]
if ( $arg =~ /^(-\S+)=(.+)/ ) { # handle -<opt>=<val>
$arg = $1; # convert to -<opt> <val>
unshift @ARGV, $2;
if( substr($arg,0,1) ne '-') { #set var from cmd-line
$EVAL_STR .= "\$$1$2;\n"; # process "foo= bar"
}elsif($arg eq '-base') { #change base to non-default place
$BASE= shift(@ARGV); # for experimenting new version.
}elsif($arg eq '-h' || $arg eq '-help') {
& EXIT(0);
}elsif($arg eq '-H' || $arg eq '-HELP') {
& EXIT(0);
# & INFO(); exit(0);
}elsif($arg eq '-I') {
}elsif($arg eq '-k' || $arg eq '-keep') {
$keep_tmpFile= 1;
}elsif($arg eq '-ko' || $arg eq '-keeponly') {
$keep_tmpFile= 2;
}elsif($arg eq '-o') {
$outputFile= shift(@ARGV); #user-given output file
(undef, $OUTPUT_DIR, $ofile) =
File::Spec->splitpath( $outputFile );
$OUTPUT_DIR = "." if $OUTPUT_DIR eq "";
}elsif($arg eq '-q' || $arg eq '-quiet') {
$QUIET= 1;
}elsif($arg eq '-R' || $arg eq '-REVERSE') {
$REVERSE= shift(@ARGV); #user-def reverse char
}elsif($arg eq '-r' || $arg eq '-reverse') {
$REVERSE= "\\\."; #default reverse char: '.'
}elsif($arg eq '-s' || $arg eq '-seed') {
$SEED= shift(@ARGV); #set random seed
}elsif($arg eq '-w') {
$PERLOPTIONS .= ' -w';
}elsif($arg eq '-perl') {
my($newperl)= shift(@ARGV);
if (-x $newperl) {
$PERL = $newperl;
sub EXIT2 { & EXIT(@_, 'NoUsage'); }
sub EXIT {
my($errCode, $errStr, $NoUsage)= @_;
print STDERR "$PROG ERR (line $.): $errStr\n" if($errStr);
& usage() if(! $NoUsage);
& cleanup();
sub initialize {
#reset all control variables :
$REVERSE= ''; #default: no reverse mode
& EXIT(1) if($#ARGV == -1);
& process_cmdline(); #process argv before input file
& EXIT(0, "Missing input file") if($#ARGV < 0);
$infile= shift(@ARGV);
my($name)= &basename($infile);
$infile_pp= "/usr/tmp/$name.$$.pp"; #after preprocess
$infile_pl= "/usr/tmp/$name.$$.pl"; #after xlating to perl
## & process_cmdline() if($#ARGV >= 0); #after input file
# & EXIT(1, "Cmd-Line error") if($#ARGV >= 0) ;
# Check suffix of input file and make sure it exists.
if($infile !~ /\.[^\.]*(pal|pm|tg)$/i && #no .pal|.pm|.tg suffix, and
! $REVERSE) { # not start w/ reverse mode
& EXIT2(1, "$infile must be ended with '.*(pal|pm|tg)'");
& EXIT2(1, "$infile does not exist") if(! -r $infile);
# Make sure include directories exist.
for($i= 0; $i < @INCLUDE; $i++) {
if(! -d $INCLUDE[$i]) {
& EXIT2(1, "Directory $INCLUDE[$i] does not exist");
$include_string = $include_string . " -I $INCLUDE[$i]";
sub LINES_TO_PERL { #translate all lines to perl
$curr_linenum= 0;
$INIT= 1;
$line= '';
$currLineType= '';
while(<PP_FILE>) { #read input file, and do some filtering
if(/^# line (\d+) (.*)/) {
$curr_linenum= $1 - 1; # -1 because the line itself is following
$curr_file= $2;
print PL_FILE $_;
++ $curr_linenum;
if(/^$REVERSE#+\s*(END_INIT|ENDINIT)/ && $INIT) { # put "foo=bar" after #END_INIT
print PL_FILE "$_";
$INIT= 0;
if($line ne '') { #this is a continued line: strip its prefix
if( $currLineType ne &lineType($_) ) {
&EXIT2(1, "prefix of continued line doesn't match previous line");
s/^$REVERSE// if($REVERSE ne '');
if($COMBINE_CONTINUATION==1 && s/\\\s*$// ) {
#line ended w/ \, cat to previous line
$currLineType= &lineType($_) if(! $currLineType);
$line.= $_;
((! /#define/) && s/\\\s*$/\n/) ) {
#ended w/ \, and not #define
$currLineType= &lineType($_) if(! $currLineType);
$line.= $_;
$line.= $_; #concate w/ potential previous lines
$line_save= $line;
& line_to_perl(*line); #change :-lines to perl print stmt
if($line_save ne $line) {
$line=~ s/\n(.)/\n# line $curr_linenum $curr_file\n$1/g;
# print PL_FILE "# line $curr_linenum $curr_file\n" if($line =~ /\n./);
print PL_FILE "$line";
$line= ''; #reset only after a 'line' is complete
$currLineType= '';
sub lineType {
my($line)= @_;
my($prefix)= substr($line,0,1);
($prefix eq ':') && ($MODE eq 'PLAIN' || $REVERSE eq '') ? ':' :
($prefix eq $REVERSE) && ($REVERSE ne '') ? $REVERSE :
'x' ;
# Massage the cpp output file to
# replace lines beginning with ":" with print statements
# replace single quote with backslash quote
# replace '\n' with '\\n'
# massage some of the spacing.
sub line_to_perl { #translate 1 line to perl stmt
local(*line) = @_;
my($print_linenum)= 1;
if($MODE eq 'PLAIN') { #===> complete_as_is (plain) TEXT mode:
# if($line =~ s/^[ \t]*://) { #text stuff
if($line =~ s/^://) { #text stuff
$line= & PASS_AS_IS( $line );
}elsif($REVERSE ne '' && $line =~ s/^$REVERSE//) { #perl stmt
& check_mode_switch(*line);
# }elsif($line =~ /^#/) { #cpp-generated stuff: pass
# ; # unchanged as perl comment
}elsif($line =~ s/^\\#/#/) { #text escaped comment: put back
$line= & pass_as_is( $line ) ; #plain text
}else{ $line= & pass_as_is( $line ) ; } #plain text
}elsif($REVESE ne ';' && $line =~ s/^;//) { #===> complete_as_is TEXT mode:
## ';' in first column: NOT even perl variable will be evaluated
## Note that: perl variables still evaluated in ordinary TEXT mode
$line= & pass_as_is( $line ) ;
}elsif($REVERSE eq '') { #==> PERL mode: text needs prefix w/ ':'
if($line =~ s/^://) { #rm text-prefix up to ':'
$line= & PASS_AS_IS( $line ); #text
& check_mode_switch(*line); #perl stmt
}else { #==> TEXT mode: perl code prefixed w/ $REVERSE
if($line =~ s/^$REVERSE//) { #perl stmt: remove prefix
& check_mode_switch(*line);
# }elsif($line =~ /^\s*#/) { #cpp-generated stuff: pass
# ; # unchanged as perl comment
}elsif($line =~ s/^\\#/#/) { #text escaped comment: put back
$line= & PASS_AS_IS( $line ) ; #AS_IS line
}else{ $line= & PASS_AS_IS( $line ) ; #AS_IS line
sub check_mode_switch { #mode-switch command: start_perl, and
local(*line)= @_; # start_text[(reverse_string)]
if($line=~ /^\s*#/) { #comment at the begin:
}elsif($line=~ /^\s*start_plain/) { #switch to pure text mode
$line= ''; #nullify the line
}elsif($line=~ /^\s*start_perl/) { #switch to perl mode
$REVERSE_save= $REVERSE; #save prev REVERSE char
$REVERSE= ''; #clear REVERSE
$MODE= '';
$line= ''; #nullify the line
}elsif($line=~ s/^\s*start_text//) {
if($line=~ s/\s*\((.*)\)//) { #switch to text mode
$REVERSE= "$1"; #use specified $REVERSE
}elsif($REVERSE_save ne '') {
$REVERSE= $REVERSE_save; #use prev $REVERSE
$REVERSE= "\\\."; #use default $REVERSE
$line= ''; #nullify the line
$MODE= '';
}else{ my($prefix_stmt)= & proc_SELECTION(*line);
$line= $prefix_stmt . $line;
sub pass_as_is { #COMPLETELY as is: nothing will be evaluated
my($line)= @_ ;
$line =~ s/\n$//; # get rid of \n, if any.
$line =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # change \ to \\; to print as \
$line =~ s/'/\\'/g; # replace quote w/ 'backslash quote'
#$line = "print \"\\n\", \'$line\';\n"; #enclose $line w/ ': no escaped needed
$line = "print \'$line\', \"\\n\";\n"; #enclose $line w/ ', so no escaped needed
sub PASS_AS_IS { #everything EXCEPT PERL $ variables appear as is
local($line)= @_; #perl variable is evaluated to its value;
#so only $ need be escaped by programmer.
$line=~ s/\n$//; # get rid of \n
my($prefix_stmt)= & proc_SELECTION(*line, 1);
### only '\' and " need be escaped !!
$line =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # change \ to \\ for printing as \
$line =~ s/"/\\"/g; # change " to \" for printing as "
### preseve $ as $; so when printed, it is perl variable.
### preseve \$ as \$; so when printed, it is '$' . {...}.
### preseve $$ as $$; so when printed, it is process id.
$line =~ s/\\\\([\[\$\@\]])/\\$1/g; # put \\$ back to \$; to print as $
#$line = $prefix_stmt . "print \"\\n$line\";\n";
$line = $prefix_stmt . "print \"$line\\n\";\n";
#------------------- [[....]] is selection list which randomly choose element
#------------------- [e[...]] is enumeration list which choose elements in order
#------------------- [l[...]] return the number of elements in the list
sub proc_SELECTION { #process selection list [e?[...]]
local(*string, $func_sub)= @_; #string is either text or perl stmt.
my($list, $cmd); #list is stuff within [e?[ and ]]
my($sel_stmt, $fun_stmt);
$acc= '';
########## selection list replacement:
while( 1 ) { ###--replace next [..[..]] to a $variable
last if($string !~ /\[([\w ,:]*)\[([^\]]*)\]\]/) ;
########### [ cmd [ .list. ] ]
++ $list_idx; #GLOBAL: increment after done with it
$acc .= $` . "\$\{_PARAM$list_idx\}"; #become a variable
$string = $'; #process rest later
$cmd= $1;
$list= "$2";
$list=~ s/([^\\])"/$1\\"/g; # escape non-escaped "
$list=~ s/^"/\\"/;
$list=~ s/\n//g; # remove all new-line char
my($ln)= $curr_linenum - 1;
##--- $_PARAMn is delay-evaluated until the last run, where all
##----- $perl variables in [[..]] list are evaluated else where.
$sel_stmt .= "\$_PARAM$list_idx= &proc_SEL($list_idx, \"[$list]\", \"$cmd\", \"$curr_file:$ln\");\n";
$string= $acc . $string;
$acc= '';
########## function call replacement in 'text string':
if( $func_sub ) {
while(1) {
last if($string !~ /(.)?\&\s*([a-zA-Z_]\w*\s*\([^\)]*\))/ );
### & ---funcName-- ( ..... )
$match= $&;
if($1 eq '\\') {
$string= $'; #set before another substitute.
$acc .= $`;
$match =~ s/^.//; #un-escape \& to &.
$acc .= $match;
++ $func_idx;
$acc .= $` . "$1\$\{_RETURN$func_idx\}";
$string = $'; #remaining part
$fun_stmt .= "\$_RETURN$func_idx= & $2;\n";
# $fun_stmt=~ s/\\"/"/g; #un-escape \"
# $fun_stmt=~ s/\\\\/\\/g; #un-escape \\
$string= "$acc" . "$string"; # substitute orignal stmt
$sel_stmt . $fun_stmt; #### return prefix stmt: proc_SEL() + func-call
# cleanup
sub cleanup { # remove .pp and .pl files when no -k option
if($keep_tmpFile) {
my($targ)= &basename($infile_pl);
$targ=~ s/$$\.//;
$targ= File::Spec->catfile( $OUTPUT_DIR, $targ) if $OUTPUT_DIR ne ".";
system("mv $infile_pl $targ");
unlink($infile_pp) if(-f $infile_pp);
unlink($infile_pl) if(-f $infile_pl);
# usage and INFO
sub usage {
my(@version)= split(' ', $VERSION);
print <<EOF;
Usage: $prog [options] {file.$prog} [{\@ARGV for file.$prog}]
{var}={expr} will set ${var} to {expr} after "^#END_INIT", before
which is the place to give default values.
-h(elp) print usage information.
-I <include_dir> add <include_dir> to search path for #includes.
-k(eep) keep temporary files after run.
-ko|-keeponly generate temporary files and exit.
-o <outfile> output assembly language to <outfile>.
-perl <file> Change the default perl version use to <file>.
-r(everse) reverse to TEXT mode by treating lines prefixed w/ '.'
as perl stmt, the rest are output unchanged.
-R '{prefix}' same as -r except perl-prefix set to {prefix};
char special to regular expression need be escaped.
-s(eed) {number} set random number seed by calling 'srand({number})'.
'$PROG', Perl extended Language, is a macro language based on Perl.
Version: 1.00.
# -H(ELP) more info about $PROG extension: reverse mode,
# string/number selection/enumeration, etc.
#end of print <<EOF;
sub INFO {
print <<EOF;
List substitution: same as what CHAOS accepted
1. [[....]]: selection; replace the whole thing with a randomly
selected element from the ... list.
2. [e[...]]: enumeration; replace the while thing with the NEXT
element from the ... list.
3. [l[...]]: length; replace the whole thing with the number of
elements of the ... list.
4. Type of list:
a. number list: [[0, 2, 4-9, 11-13]]
b. string list: [[bc1f, bc1t, bc1fl, bc1tl]]
About MODE: perl, text, and plain-text";
The original testgen is always in perl mode where all lines are perl
stmt by default. Only those prefixed with ':' are output as is with
perl variables evaluated. $PROG can switch mode bewteen perl and
text. In perl mode, text needs be prefixed with ':' just like in
testgen. In text mode, all lines are text by default. Perl stmt
need be started with perl-prefix, whose default is '.'. It can
be set to something else by using -R option. To make life more
versatile (or complicated :-), $PROG can switch modes on the fly.
Two pseudo perl functions are added for the purpose:
start_perl and start_text[({new_perl_prefix})]
Start_perl switches to perl mode and to comply with testgen, the
text-prefix is always ':'. Start_text switches to text mode with
perl-prefix set to either previous perl-prefix or {new_perl_prefix}
if specified. NOTE: perl-prefix is to process as regular expression.
Appropriate escape is needed. Here are Examples to set . and []
as perl-prefix:
$prog -R '\\.' and $prog -R '\\[\\]' on the command line, and
start_text(\\.) and start_text(\\[\\]) on your .tg file.
In text mode, perl variables are still evaluated. To prevent that,
a pure text mode is added which must always be prefixed with ';'
if it is not used as perl_prefix.
Other differences in TEXT lines:
'\$': In testgen, '\$' if not for perl variables is escaped with \$\$;
in $PROG, it is escaped with more conventional \\\$.
'#': .tg file is first fed to cpp for macro processing.
So, '#' can't appear in the 1st column even in text
mode unless it is escaped with \\.
leading spaces: In testgen, spaces following ':' are replaced with
1 blank; in $PROG, they survive to maintain original indent.
# end of prnt <<EOF;
sub basename {
my($name) = @_;
my( $basename ) = "";
split(/\//, $name);
$basename = pop @_;
## $basename =~ s/,.*$//;