[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / src / nas,5.n2.os.2 / pfe / samfe / ReadConfigRies.py
"""handle riesling frontend's '-x config' option
import re
PROMPT = '@SIM_set_prompt'
DIAG_CONF = 'read-configuration'
MEM_IMAGE = 'load-veri-file'
IGNORE_SPARC = 'ignore_sparc'
AT_DEF = '@def'
CMD = 'cmd'
NEW_CMD = '@new_command'
AT_CONF = '@conf'
class ReadConfigRies:
"""handle -x config option
def __init__ (self):
self.data = { }
self.data[PROMPT] = ''
self.data[DIAG_CONF] = ''
self.data[MEM_IMAGE] = ''
self.data[AT_DEF] = { }
self.data[CMD] = [ ]
self.data[IGNORE_SPARC] = [ ]
self.data[NEW_CMD] = { }
self.data[AT_CONF] = [ ]
def __str__ (self):
buffer = [ '-----ReadConfigRies.py-----\n' ]
buffer.append('%s = %s\n' % (PROMPT, self.data[PROMPT]))
buffer.append('%s = %s\n' % (DIAG_CONF, self.data[DIAG_CONF]))
buffer.append('%s = %s\n' % (MEM_IMAGE, self.data[MEM_IMAGE]))
buffer.append('%s = %s\n' % (IGNORE_SPARC, self.data[IGNORE_SPARC]))
buffer.append('---%s---\n' % (AT_DEF))
for key in self.data[AT_DEF].keys():
buffer.append('---%s---\n' % (NEW_CMD))
for key in self.data[NEW_CMD].keys():
buffer.append('---%s---\n' % (CMD))
return ''.join(buffer)
def initKeyword (self):
self.keywords = { }
self.keywords[re.compile('^@num_processors')] = self.ignore
self.keywords[re.compile('^\$sim_no_magic_breakpoint')] = self.ignore
self.keywords[re.compile('^@SIM_set_prompt')] = self.handlePrompt
self.keywords[re.compile('^//')] = self.ignore
self.keywords[re.compile('^read-configuration')] = self.handleReadConfig
self.keywords[re.compile('^load-kernel')] = self.handleLoadMem
self.keywords[re.compile('^load-veri-file')] = self.handleLoadMem
self.keywords[re.compile('^@init_swerver')] = self.ignore
self.keywords[re.compile('^ciop\d+\.cmd')] = self.ignore
self.keywords[re.compile('^ciop\d+\.setvar')] = self.ignore
self.keywords[re.compile('^pdisable')] = self.handlePdisable
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.spu\d+\.spu_ignore_asi_check')] = self.ignore
self.keywords[re.compile('^@?def\s+')] = self.handleAtDef
self.keywords[re.compile('^@?new_command\s*\(')] = self.handleNewcmd
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.setvar')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.call')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.thread_status')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.PASS')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.FAIL')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.HPASS')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.HFAIL')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.DC_ON')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.DC_OFF')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.IC_ON')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.IC_OFF')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.APASS')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.AFAIL')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.start_cycle')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.reset_all_stat')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.T1PASS')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.mom\d+\.T1FAIL')] = self.ignore
self.keywords[re.compile('^run')] = self.handleRun
self.keywords[re.compile('^quit')] = self.handleQuit
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.swvmem\d+\.ignore_sparc')] = self.handleIgnoreSparc
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.swvmem\d+\.printf')] = self.ignore
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.swvmem\d+\.thread_status')] = self.ignore
self.keywords[re.compile('^th\d+\.write-reg')] = self.handleWriteReg
self.keywords[re.compile('^th\d+\.read-reg')] = self.handleReadReg
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.swvmem\d+\.good_trap')] = self.handleTrap
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.swvmem\d+\.bad_trap')] = self.handleTrap
#self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.swvmem\d+\.max_cycle')] = self.ignore
self.keywords[re.compile('^pli-run')] = self.handlePlirun
self.keywords[re.compile('^@.*riesling\.sys\.')] = self.handleRiesling
self.keywords[re.compile('^@conf\.')] = self.handleAtConf
self.klist = self.keywords.keys()
def ignore (self, line):
return None
def arbitrary (self, line):
# even though we may not know what to do with this line, we will
# try to execute it, and ignore any exception it may raise.
if line.startswith('@'):
line = line[1:]
return None
def handlePrompt (self, line):
lindex = line.find('"')
rindex = line.find('"', lindex+1)
self.data[PROMPT] = line[lindex+1:rindex]
return None
def handleReadConfig (self, line):
lindex = line.find('"')
rindex = line.find('"', lindex+1)
self.data[DIAG_CONF] = line[lindex+1:rindex]
return None
def handleLoadMem (self, line):
self.data[MEM_IMAGE] = line.split()[1]
return None
def handlePdisable (self, line):
return None
def handleAtDef (self, line):
# @def get_addr(name):
# def get_addr(name):
if line.startswith('@'):
line = line[1:]
tokens = line.split()
index = tokens[1].find('(')
fname = tokens[1][:index].strip()
if self.data[AT_DEF].has_key(fname):
raise RuntimeError, 'function %s is already defined' % (fname)
self.data[AT_DEF][fname] = [ line ]
line = self.fd.readline()
# process until encounter a line starting with non-blank char
# at the 1st column
while re.match('^\s', line):
line = self.fd.readline()
return line
def handleNewcmd (self, line):
# @new_command(...)
# new_command(...)
if line.startswith('@'):
line = line[1:]
lindex = line.find('"')
rindex = line.find('"', lindex+1)
cmd = line[lindex+1:rindex]
if self.data[NEW_CMD].has_key(cmd):
raise RuntimeError, 'command %s is already defined' % (cmd)
self.data[NEW_CMD][cmd] = [ line ]
line = self.fd.readline()
while line.strip():
line = self.fd.readline()
return None
def handleRun (self, line):
return None
def handleQuit (self, line):
return None
def handleIgnoreSparc (self, line):
@conf.swvmem0.ignore_sparc = 0
i = line.find('=')
id = line[i+1:].split()[0]
return None
def handleThreadMask (self, line):
# @conf.swvmem0.thread_mask0 = THREAD_MASK
# @conf.swvmem0.thread_mask1 = THREAD_MASK1
use THREAD_MASK to produce THREADS and SPx (for IGNORE_SPARC)
ii = line.find('thread_mask') + len('thread_mask')
cpu = int(line[ii:ii+1])
tokens = line.replace('=', ' ').split()
tokens[1] = tokens[1].lower()
if tokens[1].startswith('0x'):
tokens[1] = tokens[1][2:]
# make sure we have even number of characters, for ease process.
if len(tokens[1])%2 != 0:
if tokens[1][0] == 'x':
tokens[1] = 'x' + tokens[1]
tokens[1] = '0' + tokens[1]
# produce IGNORE_SPARC
# thread_mask = 00xx11xx, each core is presented by two characters
# (8 bits, one for each strand). A 'xx' mean this core should be
# disabled, a 'not-mentioned' core is also disabled, otherwise it is
# enabled.
for i in range(MAX_CORE):
if ((2*(i+1) > len(tokens[1])) or
(tokens[1][(-2*i)-1] == 'x' and tokens[1][(-2*i)-2] == 'x')):
coreid = i + (cpu * MAX_CORE)
self.data[AT_CONF].append('@conf.swvmem0.ignore_sparc =+ %d' % (coreid))
if (2*i < len(tokens[1])):
if (tokens[1][2*i] == 'x') and (tokens[1][(2*i)+1] != 'x'):
if i == 0:
tokens[1] = '0' + tokens[1][1:]
tokens[1] = tokens[1][:2*i] + '0' + tokens[1][(2*i)+1:]
elif (tokens[1][2*i] != 'x') and (tokens[1][(2*i)+1] == 'x'):
if 2*(i+1) >= len(tokens[1]):
tokens[1] = tokens[1][:-1] + '0'
tokens[1] = tokens[1][:(2*i)+1] + '0' + tokens[1][2*(i+1):]
# produce THREADS
self.data[AT_CONF].append('@conf.swvmem0.threads%d = %s' % (cpu, tokens[1].replace('x', '0')))
# we don't really use thread_mask to set CMP registers, instead we
# use the threads and ignore_sparc produced by thread_mask to do that.
# this is mainly for backward compatibility.
# keep the revised line to be added to list
line = ' = '.join(tokens)
return line
def handleWriteReg (self, line):
th00.write-reg reg-name = ccr 0x00
# just to make sure there are space before/after the = sign
tokens = line.replace('=', ' = ').split()
cmd = '%s %s %s\n' % (tokens[0], tokens[3], tokens[4])
return None
def handleReadReg (self, line):
th00.read-reg reg-name = ccr
# just to make sure there are space before/after the = sign
tokens = line.replace('=', ' = ').split()
cmd = '%s %s\n' % (tokens[0], tokens[3])
return None
def handleTrap (self, line):
@conf.swvmem0.good_trap = get_addr('\.HTRAPS\.HT0_GoodTrap_0x100')
@conf.swvmem0.bad_trap = get_addr('\.TRAPS\.T0_BadTrap_0x101')
lindex = line.find('get_addr')
lindex = line.find("'", lindex)
rindex = line.find("'", lindex+1)
symbol = line[lindex+1:rindex]
symbol = symbol.replace('\\', '')
# convert it into a break command
cmd = 'break &%s' % (symbol)
return None
def handlePlirun (self, line):
return None
def handleRiesling (self, line):
"""allow riesling frontend native calls in configuration file
@riesling.sys.frontend-native-call, e.g.,
return None
def handleAtConf (self, line):
if line.find('ignore_sparc') > -1:
elif line.find('good_trap') > -1 or line.find('bad_trap') > -1:
elif line.startswith('@conf.swvmem0.thread_mask'):
# @conf.swvmem0.thread_mask = THREAD_MASK
line = self.handleThreadMask(line)
## elif line.startswith('@conf.swvmem0.cpu'):
## # @conf.swvmem0.cpu = 1
## tokens = line.replace('=', ' ').split()
## cpu = int(tokens[1])
## if cpu < 1:
## cpu = 1
## elif cpu > 4:
## cpu = 4
## tokens[1] = str(cpu)
## line = ' = '.join(tokens)
# keep all @conf.zzz statements in AT_CONF
# @conf.mom0's, which is used by blaze/mom, can mix with other
# commands, e.g.,
# @conf.mom0.call= "init-anno-sas"
# @conf.mom0.setvar= "itlb0_size_v=0"
# @conf.mom0.PASS= get_addr('\.TRAPS\.T0_GoodTrap_0x100')
# @conf.mom0.thread_status= THREAD_STATUS_ADDR
# @conf.mom0.start_cycle= 1
# run 200
# @conf.mom0.reset_all_stat= 1
# their execution order is important, so we have to keep @conf.mom0
# as part of CMD, blaze use 'mom setvar' as keyword
CONF_MOM = '@conf.mom0.'
CONF_MOM_SET = '@conf.mom0.setvar'
sline = line.strip()
if sline.startswith(CONF_MOM):
sline = sline[len(CONF_MOM):]
sline = sline.replace('=', ' ').replace('"', ' ')
tokens = sline.split()
cmd = 'mom %s\n' % (' '.join(tokens))
return None
## CONF_MOM = '@conf.mom0.'
## CONF_MOM_SET = '@conf.mom0.setvar'
## sline = line.strip()
## if sline.startswith(CONF_MOM):
## if sline.startswith(CONF_MOM_SET):
## lindex = sline.find('"')
## rindex = sline.find('"', lindex+1)
## setcmd = sline[lindex+1:rindex]
## else:
## setcmd = sline[len(CONF_MOM):]
## index = setcmd.find('=')
## lop = setcmd[0:index].strip()
## rop = setcmd[index+1:].strip()
## cmd = 'mom setvar %s %s\n' % (lop, rop)
## self.data[CMD].append(cmd)
## return None
def readConfig (self, fname):
TMP = '.rs_config_ignore'
self.fdtmp = open(TMP, 'w')
self.fd = open(fname, 'r')
line = self.fd.readline()
while line:
sline = line.strip()
rline = None
if sline:
match = 0
for key in self.klist:
if key.match(sline):
rline = self.keywords[key](line)
match = 1
break # out of for loop
if match == 0:
# if cannot find a match, handle it as arbitrary
# statement
# next line
if rline != None:
line = rline
line = self.fd.readline()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# unit test here
import sys
reader = ReadConfigRies()
print reader