[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / src / nas,5.n2.os.2 / pfe / samfe / SamUtility.py
# collection of utility functions
pfeSim = None
def initSamUtility(sim):
this function must be called first before other functions in this file
can be used.
global pfeSim
pfeSim = sim
def lstmode(on=None):
set display mode:
0 - silent mode
1 - display instr & register delta
2 - display instr
global pfeSim
for s in pfeSim.s:
def stepx(sid=[-1], n=1, d=1):
execute instructions among strands in round-rabin order
sid: the strands to be included in the execution, -1 means all strands
n: number of instructions to be executed per strand
d: number of instructions to be executed per iteration
global pfeSim
ss = []
if -1 in sid:
# include all strands
ss = pfeSim.s
# otherwise only selected strand(s)
for id in sid:
while n > d:
for s in ss:
brk = s.step(d)
if brk > 0:
# this strand hits a breakpoint, stop execution,
# return remaining instruction count
return n-(d-brk)
n -= d
for s in ss:
brk = s.step(n)
if brk > 0:
# this strand hits a breakpoint, stop execution,
# return remaining instruction count
return brk