[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / common / verilog / soc_sync / fc_ncu_csr_probe.v
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: fc_ncu_csr_probe.v
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
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// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
`include "fc.vh"
`include "defines.vh"
`include "ccx.vri"
`include "cmp.vri"
`define NIU_UCB `CPU.rdp.niu_pio_ucb
`define NIU_PIO `CPU.rdp.niu_pio
`timescale 1 ps/ 1 ps
module fc_ncu_csr_probe;
//array to store snooped address
reg [48:0] snoop_address [0:63];
// PCX packet
wire ncu_pcx_valid;
wire [39:0] ncu_pcx_pa;
wire [2:0] ncu_pcx_cid;
wire [2:0] ncu_pcx_tid;
wire [5:0] ncu_pcx_tnum;
wire [4:0] ncu_pcx_typ;
wire [7:0] ncu_pcx_size;
wire ncu_clk;
integer ncu_csr;
assign ncu_pcx_typ = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifd_ctl.pcx_ncu_data[`PCX_RQTYP];
assign ncu_pcx_pa = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifd_ctl.pcx_ncu_data[`PCX_ADDR];
assign ncu_pcx_size = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifd_ctl.pcx_ncu_data[`PCX_SIZE];
assign ncu_pcx_cid = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifd_ctl.pcx_ncu_data[`PCX_CID];
assign ncu_pcx_tid = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifd_ctl.pcx_ncu_data[`PCX_TID];
assign ncu_pcx_tnum = {ncu_pcx_cid,ncu_pcx_tid};
assign ncu_pcx_valid = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifcd_ctl.ncu_c2ifd_ctl.pcx_ncu_vld &&
assign #1 ncu_clk = `CPU.ncu.gclk;
//When a valid packet to NCU space is snooped it gets recorded into the array
always @(negedge ncu_clk) begin // {
if( ncu_pcx_valid && (ncu_pcx_typ == 5'b00000)) begin // {
// a PIO read to NCU status registers gets recorded in the array
if ((ncu_pcx_pa[39:32] == 8'h80) || (ncu_pcx_pa[39:32] == 8'h90)) begin // {
snoop_address[ncu_pcx_tnum[5:0]] <= {1'b1,ncu_pcx_pa[39:0]};
end // }
// a PIO read to RST status registers gets recorded in the array
else if ((ncu_pcx_pa[39:0] == 40'h89_00000808)||(ncu_pcx_pa[39:0] == 40'h89_00000810)||
(ncu_pcx_pa[39:0] == 40'h89_00000818)||(ncu_pcx_pa[39:0] == 40'h89_00000838))
begin // {
snoop_address[ncu_pcx_tnum[5:0]] <= {1'b1,ncu_pcx_pa[39:0]};
end // }
// a PIO read to PEP registers gets recorded in the array
else if (ncu_pcx_pa[39:36] == 4'hC) begin // { <= checks for PCIE PIO address
snoop_address[ncu_pcx_tnum[5:0]] <= {ncu_pcx_size,1'b1,ncu_pcx_pa[39:0]};
end // }
end // }
end // }
//When their is a read from the iobuf then read the contents of snooped address and
//print it out
wire iobuf_cpx_valid;
wire [40:0] iobuf_cpx_pa;
wire [2:0] iobuf_cpx_cid;
wire [2:0] iobuf_cpx_tid;
wire [5:0] iobuf_cpx_tnum;
wire [63:0] iobuf_cpx_data;
wire [63:0] iobuf_cpx_data_le;
wire [3:0] iobuf_cpx_typ;
wire [7:0] iobuf_cpx_size;
wire iobuf_rd_en;
wire [7:0] iobuf_asi;
reg [7:0] iobuf_pio_size;
assign iobuf_asi_rd = (iobuf_cpx_pa[39:32] == 8'h90); // JTAG block
assign iobuf_asi_41 = (iobuf_cpx_pa[25:18] == 8'h41);
assign iobuf_asi_45 = (iobuf_cpx_pa[25:18] == 8'h45);
//assign iobuf_asi_73 = (iobuf_cpx_pa[25:18] == 8'h73);
assign iobuf_core_available = (iobuf_asi_rd & iobuf_asi_41 & (iobuf_cpx_pa[17:0] == 18'h0000));
assign iobuf_core_enable_status = (iobuf_asi_rd & iobuf_asi_41 & (iobuf_cpx_pa[17:0] == 18'h0010));
assign iobuf_core_enable = (iobuf_asi_rd & iobuf_asi_41 & (iobuf_cpx_pa[17:0] == 18'h0020));
assign iobuf_core_xir_steering = (iobuf_asi_rd & iobuf_asi_41 & (iobuf_cpx_pa[17:0] == 18'h0030));
assign iobuf_core_tick_enable = (iobuf_asi_rd & iobuf_asi_41 & (iobuf_cpx_pa[17:0] == 18'h0038));
assign iobuf_core_run_rw = (iobuf_asi_rd & iobuf_asi_41 & (iobuf_cpx_pa[17:0] == 18'h0050));
assign iobuf_core_run_status = (iobuf_asi_rd & iobuf_asi_41 & (iobuf_cpx_pa[17:0] == 18'h0058));
assign iobuf_rst_vec_mask = (iobuf_asi_rd & iobuf_asi_45 & (iobuf_cpx_pa[17:0] == 18'h0018));
assign iobuf_do_asi_read = iobuf_core_run_status |
iobuf_core_run_rw |
iobuf_rst_vec_mask ;
assign iobuf_do_not_follow = iobuf_core_available | // rw registers riesling can handle
iobuf_core_enable_status |
iobuf_core_enable |
iobuf_core_xir_steering |
iobuf_core_tick_enable ;
assign iobuf_asi = iobuf_cpx_pa[25:18];
assign iobuf_cpx_cid = convert_onehot(`CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.iobuf_dout_muxed[153:146]);
assign iobuf_cpx_tid = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.iobuf_dout_muxed[`CPX_TID];
assign iobuf_cpx_valid = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.iobuf_dout_muxed[`CPX_VALID];
assign iobuf_cpx_tnum = {iobuf_cpx_cid, iobuf_cpx_tid};
assign iobuf_cpx_typ = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.iobuf_dout_muxed[`CPX_RTNTYP];
assign iobuf_cpx_data = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.iobuf_dout_muxed[63:0];
assign iobuf_cpx_pa = snoop_address[iobuf_cpx_tnum];
assign iobuf_cpx_size = snoop_address[iobuf_cpx_tnum] >> 41;
assign iobuf_rd_en = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.iobuf_rd;
// accesses to PEP PIO regs are little endian, and 4 byte len, so reverse the data
assign iobuf_cpx_data_le = {iobuf_cpx_data[7:0],iobuf_cpx_data[15:8],iobuf_cpx_data[23:16],iobuf_cpx_data[31:24],
always @(negedge ncu_clk) begin // {
if( iobuf_rd_en && iobuf_cpx_valid && (iobuf_cpx_typ == 4'b1000) && (iobuf_cpx_pa[40] == 1'b1)) begin // {
if (iobuf_cpx_pa[39:36] == 4'hC) begin // { <= check for PCIE PIO address
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on ) begin // {
iobuf_pio_size = (iobuf_cpx_size == 8'h00) ? 8'h01 :
(iobuf_cpx_size == 8'h01) ? 8'h02 :
(iobuf_cpx_size == 8'h02) ? 8'h04 :
(iobuf_cpx_size == 8'h03) ? 8'h08 : 8'h10;
// send big endian data to Riesling, but account for some little
// endian ordering in the data coming back.
// review: this currently only handles 4 byte loads, so you need to
// add handling of 1 and 2 byte loads.
if ((iobuf_pio_size==4) && (iobuf_cpx_pa[2])) begin // {
`PR_NORMAL ("ncu_csr_probe", `NORMAL,
" PLI_PIO_READ pa=%h data=%0h sz=%0h ts=%0d (PEP PIO RD RTN)",
iobuf_cpx_pa[39:0], iobuf_cpx_data, iobuf_pio_size, `TOP.core_cycle_cnt-1);
ncu_csr = $sim_send(`PLI_PIO_READ, {24'b0,iobuf_cpx_pa[39:0]}, iobuf_cpx_data, 8'h0, iobuf_pio_size);
end // }
else begin // {
`PR_NORMAL ("ncu_csr_probe", `NORMAL,
" PLI_PIO_READ pa=%h data=%0h sz=%0h ts=%0d (PEP PIO RD RTN)",
iobuf_cpx_pa[39:0], iobuf_cpx_data, iobuf_pio_size, `TOP.core_cycle_cnt-1);
ncu_csr = $sim_send(`PLI_PIO_READ, {24'b0,iobuf_cpx_pa[39:0]}, {32'b0,iobuf_cpx_data[63:32]}, 8'h0, iobuf_pio_size);
end // }
end // }
end // }
begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on ) begin // {
if(iobuf_do_not_follow) begin // {
end // }
else if(iobuf_do_asi_read) begin // {
`PR_NORMAL ("ncu_csr_probe", `NORMAL,
" PLI_ASI_READ asi=%h va=%h tid=%02h data=%0h",
iobuf_asi, iobuf_cpx_pa[17:0], iobuf_cpx_data, iobuf_cpx_tnum);
ncu_csr = $sim_send(`PLI_ASI_READ, iobuf_cpx_tnum, iobuf_asi, {46'b0,iobuf_cpx_pa[17:0]}, iobuf_cpx_data);
end // }
else begin // {
`PR_NORMAL ("ncu_csr_probe", `NORMAL,
" PLI_CSR_READ pa=%h data=%0h tid=%02h ts=%0d",
iobuf_cpx_pa[39:0], iobuf_cpx_data, iobuf_cpx_tnum, `TOP.core_cycle_cnt-1);
ncu_csr = $sim_send(`PLI_CSR_READ, {24'b0,iobuf_cpx_pa[39:0]}, iobuf_cpx_data, 8'h0);
end // }
end // }
end // }
@(posedge ncu_clk)
snoop_address[iobuf_cpx_tnum[5:0]] <= 64'b0;
end // }
end // }
//When their is a read from the iobuf then read the contents of snooped address and
//print it out
wire intbuf_cpx_valid;
wire [40:0] intbuf_cpx_pa;
wire [2:0] intbuf_cpx_cid;
wire [2:0] intbuf_cpx_tid;
wire [5:0] intbuf_cpx_tnum;
wire [63:0] intbuf_cpx_data;
wire [3:0] intbuf_cpx_typ;
wire intbuf_rd_en;
assign intbuf_cpx_cid = convert_onehot(`CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.intbuf_dout_muxed[153:146]);
assign intbuf_cpx_tid = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.intbuf_dout_muxed[`CPX_TID];
assign intbuf_cpx_valid = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.intbuf_dout_muxed[`CPX_VALID];
assign intbuf_cpx_tnum = {intbuf_cpx_cid, intbuf_cpx_tid};
assign intbuf_cpx_typ = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.intbuf_dout_muxed[`CPX_RTNTYP];
assign intbuf_cpx_data = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.intbuf_dout_muxed[63:0];
assign intbuf_cpx_pa = snoop_address[intbuf_cpx_tnum];
assign intbuf_rd_en = `CPU.ncu.ncu_fcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfcd_ctl.ncu_i2cfd_ctl.intbuf_rd;
always @(negedge ncu_clk) begin
if( intbuf_rd_en && intbuf_cpx_valid && (intbuf_cpx_typ == 4'b1000) && (intbuf_cpx_pa[40] == 1'b1)) begin
`PR_INFO ("ncu_csr_probe", `INFO, "ts=%0d NIU CSR READ RETURN: address %x data %x ",
`TOP.core_cycle_cnt-1, intbuf_cpx_pa, intbuf_cpx_data[63:0] );
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on ) begin
ncu_csr = $sim_send(`PLI_CSR_READ, {24'b0,intbuf_cpx_pa[39:0]}, intbuf_cpx_data, 8'h0);
@(posedge ncu_clk)
snoop_address[intbuf_cpx_tnum[5:0]] <= 64'b0;
function [2:0] convert_onehot;
input [7:0] one_hot;
case (one_hot)
8'h1: convert_onehot = 3'b000;
8'h2: convert_onehot = 3'b001;
8'h4: convert_onehot = 3'b010;
8'h8: convert_onehot = 3'b011;
8'h10: convert_onehot = 3'b100;
8'h20: convert_onehot = 3'b101;
8'h40: convert_onehot = 3'b110;
8'h80: convert_onehot = 3'b111;
endmodule // fc_niu_csr_probe