[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / model / vendor / TLM-2006-11-29 / tlm / tlm_annotated / tlm_annotated_channels / tlm_annotated_fifo.h
#include "tlm_core.h"
#include "tlm_annotated/tlm_annotated_ifs/tlm_annotated_ifs.h"
#include "tlm_annotated/tlm_annotated_channels/tlm_peq.h"
using analysis::analysis_port;
using analysis::analysis_if;
using tlm_core::tlm_fifo;
using tlm_core::tlm_tag;
template< typename T >
class tlm_internal_annotated_fifo :
public tlm_fifo<T> ,
public virtual analysis_if<T> ,
public virtual analysis_if< tlm_tag< T > * > {
typedef tlm_tag<T> *my_tag_ptr;
tlm_internal_annotated_fifo( const char *nm , int size ) :
tlm_fifo<T>( nm , size ) {}
void write( const T &t ) {
assert( nb_can_put( (my_tag_ptr)0 ) );
nb_put( t );
void write( const my_tag_ptr & ) {
read_event( (my_tag_ptr)0 ).notify( SC_ZERO_TIME );
// From the put point of view, delayed puts are immediate. The transaction T is
// considered to be in the fifo from the time at which nb_put( T , t ) was
// called.
// However, from the get point of view, the effect of the delayed put is not
// seen until t has expired. We cannot see the new data on the get side until
// time t.
// The same rules apply to a delayed get : a get( T , t ) gets T immediately,
// but the put side does not see the extra space in the fifo until time t.
// In summary : put->put and get->get is immediate, but put->get and get->put
// are delayed.
// Although the precise effects of put and get may vary from channel to channel
// these observability rules are part of the definition of the annotated
// interfaces.
template< typename T >
class tlm_annotated_fifo :
public sc_module ,
public virtual tlm_annotated_put_if< T > ,
public virtual tlm_annotated_get_peek_if < T > {
tlm_annotated_fifo( sc_module_name nm , int size = 1 ) :
sc_module( nm ) ,
m_size( size ) ,
m_fifo("internal_fifo" , size ) ,
m_put_peq("put_peq") ,
m_get_peq("pop_peq") {
m_put_peq.ap( m_fifo );
m_get_peq.ap( m_fifo );
tlm_annotated_fifo( int size = 1 ) :
sc_module( sc_gen_unique_name("annotated_fifo") ) ,
m_size( size ) ,
m_fifo("internal_fifo" , size ) ,
m_put_peq("put_peq") ,
m_get_peq("pop_peq") {
m_put_peq.ap( m_fifo );
m_get_peq.ap( m_fifo );
// non annotated nb_can_* methods
bool nb_can_put( tlm_tag<T> *t = 0 ) const {
return m_fifo.nb_can_put( m_put_peq.size() + m_get_peq.size() + 1 );
bool nb_can_get( tlm_tag<T> *t = 0 ) const {
return m_fifo.nb_can_get();
bool nb_can_peek( tlm_tag<T> *t = 0 ) const {
return m_fifo.nb_can_peek();
// annotated nb_can_* methods
// these are virtual because we may want to add some additional time based
// restrictions re: what can can be put and popped when : for example, we
// might want to insist that we only ever post to the end of both peqs, to
// preserve the ordering of the transactions.
// nb_can_put is part of the annotated non blocking put interface
virtual bool nb_can_put( const sc_time &time , tlm_tag<T> *t = 0 ) const {
return nb_can_put();
virtual bool nb_can_get( const sc_time &time , tlm_tag<T> *t = 0 ) const {
return nb_can_get();
// ok_to_* methods
const sc_event &ok_to_put( tlm_tag<T> *t = 0 ) const {
return m_fifo.ok_to_put();
const sc_event &ok_to_get( tlm_tag<T> *t = 0 ) const {
return m_fifo.ok_to_get();
const sc_event &ok_to_peek( tlm_tag<T> *t = 0 ) const {
return m_fifo.ok_to_peek();
// non annotated nonblocking put, get + peek
bool nb_put( const T &t ) {
if( !nb_can_put() ) {
return false;
assert( m_fifo.nb_can_put() );
m_fifo.nb_put( t );
return true;
bool nb_get( T &t ) {
if( !nb_can_get() ) {
return false;
assert( m_fifo.nb_can_get() );
m_fifo.nb_get( t );
return true;
bool nb_peek( T &t ) const {
return m_fifo.nb_peek( t );
// annotated nonblocking methods
bool nb_put( const T &transaction , const sc_time &time ) {
if( !nb_can_put( time ) ) {
return false;
m_put_peq.write( transaction , time );
return true;
virtual bool nb_get( T &transaction , const sc_time &time ) {
static tlm_tag<T> *t;
if( !m_fifo.nb_get_no_notify( transaction ) ) {
return false;
m_get_peq.write( t , time );
return true;
// blocking put, get and peek
void put( const T &t ) {
while( !nb_put( t ) ) {
wait( ok_to_put() );
T get( tlm_tag<T> *t = 0 ) {
T trans;
while( !nb_get( trans ) ) {
wait( ok_to_get() );
return trans;
T peek( tlm_tag<T> *t = 0 ) const {
return m_fifo.peek();
int size() { return m_size; }
int m_size;
protected: // to allow for overriding of annotated can_put and can_get
tlm_internal_annotated_fifo<T> m_fifo;
tlm_peq<T> m_put_peq;
tlm_peq< tlm_tag<T> *> m_get_peq;