# NOTE: Derived from blib/lib/Inline/denter.pm. # Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again. # See AutoSplit.pm. package Inline::denter; #line 222 "blib/lib/Inline/denter.pm (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Inline/denter/indent_data.al)" sub indent_data { my $o = shift; $_ = shift; return $o->indent_undef($_) if not defined; return $o->indent_value($_) if (not ref); return $o->indent_hash($_) if (ref eq 'HASH' and not /=/ or /=HASH/); return $o->indent_array($_) if (ref eq 'ARRAY' and not /=/ or /=ARRAY/); return $o->indent_scalar($_) if (ref eq 'SCALAR' and not /=/ or /=SCALAR/); return $o->indent_ref($_) if (ref eq 'REF'); return "$_\n"; } # end of Inline::denter::indent_data 1;