\ ========== Copyright Header Begin ========================================== \ \ Hypervisor Software File: hub-control.fth \ \ Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 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SUN \ MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR \ ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR \ DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN \ OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR \ FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE \ DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, \ ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF \ SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. \ \ You acknowledge that this software is not designed, licensed or \ intended for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of \ any nuclear facility. \ \ ========== Copyright Header End ============================================ id: @(#)hub-control.fth 1.11 03/06/10 purpose: copyright: Copyright 1997-2001, 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved copyright: Use is subject to license terms. \ XXX Code presumes these are needed only at power-on, probe time, and that \ they can do dma-alloc, free, etc. -1 value #ports \ read from descriptor; global -1 value power-on-time \ in ms -- NOT 2 ms chunks; \ from descriptor; global \ XXX power-switch indicator -- gang, individual port, or no power switch \ XXX port power switch not affected by gang indicators. need setportfeature \ if not ganged. from descriptor \ XXX N.B. standard hub: the status change endpoint is interrupt in, poll \ interval ff. \ XXX need to fiddle c-port-enable? : disable-port ( port# -- ) port-enable swap clear-port-feature ( hw-err? | stat 0 ) \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ; \ XXX need to fiddle c-port-enable? \ Illegal command. don't use this -- just reset the port. reset includes enable. \ : enable-port ( port# -- ) \ port-enable swap set-port-feature \ XXX error recovery instead of this: \ ?dup 2drop \ ; \ Nominally 10 ms for non-root ports. usb1.1 : 1reset-port ( port# -- ) \ Also enables port atomically port-reset swap set-port-feature \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ; : port-reset-done? ( port# -- done? ) get-port-status ( addr hw-err? | addr stat 0 ) \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ( addr ) 2 + le-w@ h# 10 and ; : clear-port-reset ( port# -- ) c-port-reset swap clear-port-feature ( hw-err? | stat 0 ) \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ; 0 value reset-time \ XXX per instance? \ XXX problem around 0 : reset-timed-out? ( -- timed-out? ) get-msecs reset-time u> ; \ should take only 10 ms; book says it could take 50 ms or more : wait-for-reset ( port -- ) get-msecs d# 100 + is reset-time begin 1 ms dup port-reset-done? reset-timed-out? or until drop ; \ do multiple times to get 50 ms reset. May not be needed. : reset-port ( port# -- ) 5 0 do dup clear-port-reset dup 1reset-port dup wait-for-reset loop drop d# 200 ms \ XXX balky device reset; \ shouldn't have to wait this long \ nominally 10 ms, usb1.1 ; \ If ganged, the port goes off when all ports have been unpowered \ (AND function). \ If already off, unpowering again should be ok. : unpower-port ( port# -- ) port-power swap clear-port-feature ( hw-err? | stat 0 ) \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ; \ in case the ports are gang-powered but individually controlled : unpower-ports ( -- ) #ports 1+ 1 do i unpower-port loop ; : port-connected? ( port# -- connected? ) get-port-status ( addr hw-err? | addr stat 0 ) \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ( addr ) le-l@ 1 and ; : port-powered? ( port# -- power-on? ) get-port-status ( addr hw-err? | addr stat 0 ) \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ( addr ) le-l@ h# 100 and ; \ Turn on any port to turn all on with ganged power (OR function). \ Multiple turn-on commands should work. So the ganged power aspect is \ really relevant for unpower-port. \ Device could take 200 ms beyond the hub port power time before it is \ ready to reset 0 value power-time \ can be global; used only at probe time. : power-timed-out? ( -- timed-out? ) get-msecs power-time u> ; : power-port ( port# -- ) port-power over set-port-feature \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop get-msecs power-on-time + is power-time begin 1 ms dup port-powered? power-timed-out? or until drop d# 200 ms \ more delay for balky devices ; : suspend-port ( port# -- ) port-suspend swap set-port-feature \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ; : resume-port ( port# -- ) port-suspend swap clear-port-feature \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ; : port-low-speed? ( port# -- low-speed? ) get-port-status ( addr hw-err? | addr stat 0 ) \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ( addr ) le-l@ h# 200 and if 1 else 0 then ; : clear-connect-change ( port# -- ) c-port-connection swap clear-port-feature ( hw-err? | stat 0 ) \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ; : clear-port-enable ( port# -- ) c-port-enable swap clear-port-feature ( hw-err? | stat 0 ) \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ; : clear-port-suspend ( port# -- ) c-port-suspend swap clear-port-feature ( hw-err? | stat 0 ) \ XXX error recovery instead of this: ?dup 2drop ;