\ ========== Copyright Header Begin ========================================== \ \ Hypervisor Software File: showdisk.fth \ \ Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 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SUN \ MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR \ ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR \ DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN \ OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR \ FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE \ DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, \ ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF \ SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. \ \ You acknowledge that this software is not designed, licensed or \ intended for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of \ any nuclear facility. \ \ ========== Copyright Header End ============================================ id: @(#)showdisk.fth 1.10 02/05/02 purpose: copyright: Copyright 1990-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved copyright: Use is subject to license terms. headerless \ more-poss? is true if there are possibly more devices 0 value more-poss? \ The prefix deal- relates to "device alias". \ deal-display is turned on if we want to display text in menu \ It also affects displaying of individual device path names. 0 value deal-display \ menu-cont? controls begin while repeat loop to display/receive input \ It affects only the end text of menu. true value menu-cont? \ deal-counter countes all devices of a given type, along with deal-cycle. 0 value deal-counter \ user's selected counter 0 value my-deal-counter \ If devices to display are more than those can be displayed in one menu 0 value deal-cycle \ value of cycle when user selected counter 0 value my-deal-cycle \ turn off deal-unchosen? after user selects "q" or some valid device true value deal-unchosen? h# 90 constant /deal-buffs h# 20 constant /deal-tbuffs d# 10 constant cyclesize \ no. of items to display in one menu /deal-buffs buffer: start-deal \ initial path/expanded alias /deal-buffs buffer: deal-seled \ device path selected by user. /deal-tbuffs buffer: deal-type-buff \ device_type to search \ display one choice for device : show-me ( -- ) true to deal-display deal-unchosen? if deal-counter ascii a + emit ." ) " deal-seled 0 (pwd) type ( ) cr then ; \ Redisplay selection and some help on how to use it. : show-only-my ( -- ) false to deal-display \ get correct selection deal-counter my-deal-counter = deal-cycle my-deal-cycle = and if ( ) \ collect device name in buffer [ also hidden also command-completion ] cr kill-buffer 1+ 0 (pwd) swap 1- tuck c! dup ". ( pstr ) [ previous previous ] ." has been selected." cr ." Type ^Y ( Control-Y ) to insert it in the command line. " cr ." e.g. ok nvalias mydev ^Y " cr ." for creating devalias mydev for " ". cr then ; \ process input from user other than "m"/"q" : get-menu ( counter -- counter ) \ make sure my-deal-counter is less than current deal-counter dup deal-counter < over 0 >= and if ( counter ) \ there was a valid choice deal-cycle to my-deal-cycle false to menu-cont? false to deal-unchosen? false to deal-display \ ." correctly selected counter/cycle " else ( counter ) \ there was an invalid choice true to deal-unchosen? (cr ." valid choice: a..." deal-counter 1- ascii a + emit ." , " more-poss? if ." m for more or " then ." q to quit " then ( counter ) ; \ display end portion of menu and take input. process "m"/"q" input : deal-menu ( -- ) more-poss? if ." m) MORE SELECTIONS " cr then deal-display if ." q) NO SELECTION " cr ." Enter Selection, q to quit: " then \ true to menu-cont? deal-cycle deal-counter or to menu-cont? begin menu-cont? while key lcc dup emit ascii a - to my-deal-counter my-deal-counter case [ ascii m ascii a - ] literal ( h# c ) of more-poss? if \ next round false to menu-cont? deal-display if cr cr cr then else (cr ." valid choice: a..." deal-counter 1- ascii a + emit ." , " ." q to quit " then true to deal-unchosen? endof [ ascii q ascii a - ] literal ( h# 10 ) of false to menu-cont? false to deal-unchosen? false to deal-display \ quitting endof ( default ) get-menu ( my-deal-counter -- my-deal-counter ) endcase repeat ; \ call routine to individually process a device path name and \ call routine to get input when one set of devices (cyclesize) are displayed. : .countedshow ( acf -- ) \ execute single device handling routine execute ( ) deal-counter 1+ is deal-counter deal-counter cyclesize mod 0= if \ handle selection from user \ TODO if we can terminate (search-preorder) after we select a device, \ then we don't need to worry about deal-unchosen? below deal-display deal-unchosen? and if deal-menu then deal-cycle 1+ is deal-cycle 0 to deal-counter then ; \ select a device of required device_type : (sel-dev-type) ( acf -- ) \ see if device_type property exists, " device_type" get-property if ( acf ) \ not of interest drop ( ) else ( device may be of interest ) ( acf val-adr,len ) \ since device_type existed, this device may be of interest \ see if this device_type is same as we are looking for get-encoded-string deal-type-buff count $= if ( acf ) \ really interesting device .countedshow ( ) else ( acf ) \ skip this device since device_type is of no interest to us drop ( ) then ( ) then ; \ for selecting all devices of a given device_type : sel-devs ( -- flag ) ['] show-me (sel-dev-type) false ; \ for selecting only one device which was chosen by user : sel-only-my ( -- flag ) ['] show-only-my (sel-dev-type) false ; : init-my-counters ( -- ) true to more-poss? true to deal-unchosen? 0 to my-deal-cycle 0 to my-deal-counter ; : init-his-counters ( -- ) deal-seled /deal-buffs erase 0 to deal-cycle 0 to deal-counter false to deal-display ; : init-deal ( type-adr,len -- ) \ initialize counters deal-type-buff /deal-tbuffs erase start-deal /deal-buffs erase deal-type-buff pack drop ( ) init-his-counters ( ) init-my-counters ( ) ; \ initialization and dealing with device path/alias entered by user. : deal-head ( type-adr,len -- dev-pathadr,len ) init-deal ( ) \ handle optional devicepath or alias optional-arg-or-/$ ( dev-pathadr,len ) ?expand-alias ( dev-pathadr,len ) \ save initial path in a buffer for later use with deal-find. 2dup start-deal pack drop ( dev-pathadr,len ) ; \ main routine which calls preorder search on device tree : deal-find ( dev-pathadr,len acf -- ) -rot find-device ( acf ) ( acf ) ['] (search-preorder) catch 2drop device-end ; \ for confirming user's selection (redisplay of the selected device path) : show-sel ( -- ) my-deal-counter ( ascii q ascii a - ) h# 10 <> if init-his-counters ( ) \ start with the same device path/alias as user entered start-deal count ( dev-pathadr,len ) ['] sel-only-my deal-find then ; \ main high level routine to find all devices of a given type. \ stack input is counted string for that device type : deal-devs ( type-adr,len -- ) current-device >r \ init and handle optional input deal-head ( dev-pathadr,len ) ['] sel-devs deal-find \ in case we never made a choice begin deal-unchosen? deal-cycle deal-counter or and while false to more-poss? deal-menu false to deal-display repeat \ after a valid selection by user, redisplay user's selection show-sel r> push-device ; headers : show-disks ( -- ) " block" deal-devs ; : show-ttys ( -- ) " serial" deal-devs ; : show-hier ( -- ) " hierarchical" deal-devs ; : show-nets ( -- ) " network" deal-devs ; : show-tapes ( -- ) " byte" deal-devs ; : show-displays ( -- ) " display" deal-devs ;