// Warning: Use the typemaps here in the expectation that the macros they are in will change name. /* * SWIG typemaps for std::vector * C# implementation * The C# wrapper is made to look and feel like a typesafe C# System.Collections.ArrayList * All the methods in IList are defined, but we don't derive from IList as this is a typesafe collection. * Warning: heavy macro usage in this file. Use swig -E to get a sane view on the real file contents! */ %include // MACRO for use within the std::vector class body // CSTYPE and CTYPE respectively correspond to the types in the cstype and ctype typemaps %define SWIG_STD_VECTOR_MINIMUM(CSTYPE, CTYPE...) %typemap(csinterfaces) std::vector "IDisposable, System.Collections.IEnumerable"; %typemap(cscode) std::vector %{ public $csclassname(System.Collections.ICollection c) : this() { if (c == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("c"); foreach (CSTYPE element in c) { this.Add(element); } } public bool IsFixedSize { get { return false; } } public bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } } public CSTYPE this[int index] { get { return getitem(index); } set { setitem(index, value); } } public int Capacity { get { return (int)capacity(); } set { if (value < size()) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Capacity"); reserve((uint)value); } } public int Count { get { return (int)size(); } } public bool IsSynchronized { get { return false; } } public void CopyTo(System.Array array) { CopyTo(0, array, 0, this.Count); } public void CopyTo(System.Array array, int arrayIndex) { CopyTo(0, array, arrayIndex, this.Count); } public void CopyTo(int index, System.Array array, int arrayIndex, int count) { if (array == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("array"); if (index < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", "Value is less than zero"); if (arrayIndex < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("arrayIndex", "Value is less than zero"); if (count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", "Value is less than zero"); if (array.Rank > 1) throw new ArgumentException("Multi dimensional array."); if (index+count > this.Count || arrayIndex+count > array.Length) throw new ArgumentException("Number of elements to copy is too large."); for (int i=0; i currentSize - 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration finished."); if (currentObject == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection modified."); return (CSTYPE)currentObject; } } // Type-unsafe IEnumerator.Current object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get { return Current; } } public bool MoveNext() { int size = collectionRef.Count; bool moveOkay = (currentIndex+1 < size) && (size == currentSize); if (moveOkay) { currentIndex++; currentObject = collectionRef[currentIndex]; } else { currentObject = null; } return moveOkay; } public void Reset() { currentIndex = -1; currentObject = null; if (collectionRef.Count != currentSize) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection modified."); } } } %} public: typedef size_t size_type; %rename(Clear) clear; void clear(); %rename(Add) push_back; void push_back(const CTYPE& value); size_type size() const; size_type capacity() const; void reserve(size_type n); %newobject GetRange(int index, int count); %newobject Repeat(const CTYPE& value, int count); vector(); %extend { vector(int capacity) throw (std::out_of_range) { std::vector* pv = 0; if (capacity >= 0) { pv = new std::vector(); pv->reserve(capacity); } else { throw std::out_of_range("capacity"); } return pv; } CTYPE getitemcopy(int index) throw (std::out_of_range) { if (index>=0 && index<(int)self->size()) return (*self)[index]; else throw std::out_of_range("index"); } const CTYPE& getitem(int index) throw (std::out_of_range) { if (index>=0 && index<(int)self->size()) return (*self)[index]; else throw std::out_of_range("index"); } void setitem(int index, const CTYPE& value) throw (std::out_of_range) { if (index>=0 && index<(int)self->size()) (*self)[index] = value; else throw std::out_of_range("index"); } // Takes a deep copy of the elements unlike ArrayList.AddRange void AddRange(const std::vector& values) { self->insert(self->end(), values.begin(), values.end()); } // Takes a deep copy of the elements unlike ArrayList.GetRange std::vector *GetRange(int index, int count) throw (std::out_of_range, std::invalid_argument) { if (index < 0) throw std::out_of_range("index"); if (count < 0) throw std::out_of_range("count"); if (index >= (int)self->size()+1 || index+count > (int)self->size()) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid range"); return new std::vector(self->begin()+index, self->begin()+index+count); } void Insert(int index, const CTYPE& value) throw (std::out_of_range) { if (index>=0 && index<(int)self->size()+1) self->insert(self->begin()+index, value); else throw std::out_of_range("index"); } // Takes a deep copy of the elements unlike ArrayList.InsertRange void InsertRange(int index, const std::vector& values) throw (std::out_of_range) { if (index>=0 && index<(int)self->size()+1) self->insert(self->begin()+index, values.begin(), values.end()); else throw std::out_of_range("index"); } void RemoveAt(int index) throw (std::out_of_range) { if (index>=0 && index<(int)self->size()) self->erase(self->begin() + index); else throw std::out_of_range("index"); } void RemoveRange(int index, int count) throw (std::out_of_range, std::invalid_argument) { if (index < 0) throw std::out_of_range("index"); if (count < 0) throw std::out_of_range("count"); if (index >= (int)self->size()+1 || index+count > (int)self->size()) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid range"); self->erase(self->begin()+index, self->begin()+index+count); } static std::vector *Repeat(const CTYPE& value, int count) throw (std::out_of_range) { if (count < 0) throw std::out_of_range("count"); return new std::vector(count, value); } void Reverse() { std::reverse(self->begin(), self->end()); } void Reverse(int index, int count) throw (std::out_of_range, std::invalid_argument) { if (index < 0) throw std::out_of_range("index"); if (count < 0) throw std::out_of_range("count"); if (index >= (int)self->size()+1 || index+count > (int)self->size()) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid range"); std::reverse(self->begin()+index, self->begin()+index+count); } // Takes a deep copy of the elements unlike ArrayList.SetRange void SetRange(int index, const std::vector& values) throw (std::out_of_range) { if (index < 0) throw std::out_of_range("index"); if (index+values.size() > self->size()) throw std::out_of_range("index"); std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), self->begin()+index); } } %enddef // Extra methods added to the collection class if operator== is defined for the class being wrapped // CSTYPE and CTYPE respectively correspond to the types in the cstype and ctype typemaps %define SWIG_STD_VECTOR_EXTRA_OP_EQUALS_EQUALS(CSTYPE, CTYPE...) %extend { bool Contains(const CTYPE& value) { return std::find(self->begin(), self->end(), value) != self->end(); } int IndexOf(const CTYPE& value) { int index = -1; std::vector::iterator it = std::find(self->begin(), self->end(), value); if (it != self->end()) index = it - self->begin(); return index; } int LastIndexOf(const CTYPE& value) { int index = -1; std::vector::reverse_iterator rit = std::find(self->rbegin(), self->rend(), value); if (rit != self->rend()) index = self->rend() - 1 - rit; return index; } void Remove(const CTYPE& value) { std::vector::iterator it = std::find(self->begin(), self->end(), value); if (it != self->end()) self->erase(it); } } %enddef // Macros for std::vector class specializations // CSTYPE and CTYPE respectively correspond to the types in the cstype and ctype typemaps %define SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(CSTYPE, CTYPE...) namespace std { template<> class vector { SWIG_STD_VECTOR_MINIMUM(CSTYPE, CTYPE) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_EXTRA_OP_EQUALS_EQUALS(CSTYPE, CTYPE) }; } %enddef %define SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE_MINIMUM(CSTYPE, CTYPE...) namespace std { template<> class vector { SWIG_STD_VECTOR_MINIMUM(CSTYPE, CTYPE) }; } %enddef %{ #include #include #include %} %csmethodmodifiers std::vector::getitemcopy "private" %csmethodmodifiers std::vector::getitem "private" %csmethodmodifiers std::vector::setitem "private" %csmethodmodifiers std::vector::size "private" %csmethodmodifiers std::vector::capacity "private" %csmethodmodifiers std::vector::reserve "private" namespace std { // primary (unspecialized) class template for std::vector // does not require operator== to be defined template class vector { SWIG_STD_VECTOR_MINIMUM(T, T) }; } // template specializations for std::vector // these provide extra collections methods as operator== is defined SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(bool, bool) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(char, char) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(sbyte, signed char) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(byte, unsigned char) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(short, short) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(ushort, unsigned short) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(int, int) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(uint, unsigned int) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(int, long) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(uint, unsigned long) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(long, long long) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(ulong, unsigned long long) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(float, float) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(double, double) SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE(string, std::string) // also requires a %include "std_string.i"