# ========== Copyright Header Begin ========================================== # # OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: Makefile # Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES. # # The above named program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # The above named program is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ========== Copyright Header End ============================================ # Makefile for rst/trconv include ../Makefile.master TOP_DIR = .. TARG = trconv $(TARG)-32g: $(TARG) $(TARG)-64g: $(TARG) $(TARG)-32opt: $(TARG) $(TARG)-64opt: $(TARG) CFILES = main.C trconv.C HFILES = trconv.H ALLSRCS = $(CFILES) $(HFILES) OBJS = $(CFILES:%.C=%.o) SPIX_DIR = /import/archperf/pkgs/spix/1.1 READSYMBOLS_DIR = /import/archperf/pkgs/readsymbols/1.0 INCLUDES += -I$(READSYMBOLS_DIR)/inc -I$(SPIX_DIR)/inc LIBS = $(SPIX_DIR)/$(HOST3264)/lib/libspix_sparc.a $(READSYMBOLS_DIR)/$(HOST3264)/lib/read_symbols.a %amd64 := LIBS=$(SPIX_DIR)/x64/lib/libspix_sparc.a $(READSYMBOLS_DIR)/amd64/lib/read_symbols.a EXTRAFLAGS += -D_PRINT_PA -D_VALUE_TRACE CFLAGS += $(EXTRAFLAGS) CCFLAGS += $(EXTRAFLAGS) CXXFLAGS += $(EXTRAFLAGS) $(TARG)-amd64: byteswap.o $(OBJS) $(CCC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(TARG) byteswap.o $(OBJS) $(LIBS) trconv: $(OBJS) $(CCC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) byteswap.o: byteswap.s $(AS) -P -xarch=amd64 -DARCH_AMD64 byteswap.s 32g 32opt 64g 64opt amd64: setup cd $(OBJ_DIR)/$(BUILDTAG); $(MAKE) -f ../Makefile $(TARG)-$(BUILDTAG); cd $(CUR_DIR) clean: -rm -rf $(OBJ_DIR) -rm -f $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/$(TARG) clean-obj:: -rm -rf $(OBJ_DIR) install: $(INSTALL_TARG) install -m 0775 -f $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin $(OBJ_DIR)/$(INSTALL_TARG)/$(TARG) setup: FRC @echo making setup... if test ! -d $(OBJ_DIR); then mkdir -m 0775 -p $(OBJ_DIR); cp $(TOP_DIR)/Makefile.master $(OBJ_DIR); ln -s $(CUR_DIR)/Makefile $(OBJ_DIR); fi; if test ! -d $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin; then mkdir -m 0775 -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin; fi; @for a in 32g 32opt 64g 64opt amd64; do \ if test ! -d $(OBJ_DIR)/$$a; then mkdir -m 0775 -p $(OBJ_DIR)/$$a; fi; \ for f in $(ALLSRCS); do if test -L $(OBJ_DIR)/$$a/$$f; then unlink $(OBJ_DIR)/$$a/$$f; fi; ln -s $(CUR_DIR)/$$f $(OBJ_DIR)/$$a; done; \ if [ "amd64" -eq "$$a" ]; then if test -L $(OBJ_DIR)/$$a/byteswap.s; then unlink $(OBJ_DIR)/$$a/byteswap.s; fi; ln -s $(CUR_DIR)/../rstf/byteswap.s $(OBJ_DIR)/$$a; fi; \ done FRC: .KEEP_STATE: