[cmless] / bin / template.py
# (c) 2017 Aaron Taylor <ataylor at subgeniuskitty dot com>
# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.
# Python imports
import os, datetime
# CMless imports
import config, misc
def add_delimiter(keyword):
return config.template_delimiter + keyword + config.template_delimiter
def menu_top_level(template):
"""Generate a menu based on the directories contained in config.site_data_prefix.
Only top level directories are included, i.e. no recursion. The root
directory '.' is included with the menu name "Home". All other directories
use the directory name as the menu name. Each entry is wrapped in an HTML
<a> tag for direct use as a menu.
keyword = add_delimiter("top_level_menu")
dir_list = [["Home","/"]]
for entry in os.listdir(config.site_data_prefix):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(config.site_data_prefix, entry)):
dir_list.append([entry,os.path.join("/", entry, "")])
menu_text = ""
for entry in dir_list:
# Since we highlight (adding class=thisSite) whenever we are inside one
# of these menu directories it is necessary to test for the "Home" or
# "/" entry separately as every page on the site is inside that
# directory.
if ((entry[1] == "/" and os.path.dirname(os.environ['REQUEST_URI']) == "/")
or (entry[1] != "/" and entry[1] == os.environ['REQUEST_URI'][:len(entry[1])])):
menu_text += '<a class="thisSite" href="' + entry[1] + '">' + entry[0] + '</a>\n'
menu_text += '<a href="' + entry[1] + '">' + entry[0] + '</a>\n'
return template.replace(keyword,menu_text)
def menu_current_dir(template):
"""Generate a menu based files in the currently requested directory.
Files are only included in the menu if they have valid menu_text metadata entries.
keyword = add_delimiter("current_dir_menu")
menu_text = ""
current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(config.site_data_prefix,
for entry in os.listdir(current_path):
# We exclude files without valid menu_text metadata (i.e. equal to an
# empty string) so that we can create pages which do not appear in the menu.
# TODO: Should this implicit behavior be made explicit by addition of a
# metadata tag like "visible_in_menu"?
if (entry[-3:] == config.markup_file_extension
and misc.lookup_file_metadata("menu_text",os.path.join(current_path,entry)) != ""):
menu_text += ('<li><a href="' +
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.environ['REQUEST_URI']),entry[:-3]) +'">' +
misc.lookup_file_metadata("menu_text",os.path.join(current_path,entry)) +
return template.replace(keyword,menu_text)
def head_meta_description(template):
keyword = add_delimiter("meta_description")
return template.replace(keyword,'<meta name="description" content="' +
misc.lookup_current_metadata("meta_description") + '">')
def head_meta_keywords(template):
keyword = add_delimiter("meta_keywords")
return template.replace(keyword,'<meta name="keywords" content="' +
misc.lookup_current_metadata("meta_keywords") + '">')
def page_title(template):
keyword = add_delimiter("page_title")
return template.replace(keyword, config.site_name + " - " +
def site_title(template):
keyword = add_delimiter("site_title")
return template.replace(keyword, config.site_name)
def body(template):
keyword = add_delimiter("page_content")
body = misc.load_file(os.path.join(config.site_data_prefix +
os.environ['REQUEST_URI'] + config.markup_file_extension))
body = misc.strip_page_metadata(body)
body = misc.process_markup(body)
return template.replace(keyword, body)
def current_year(template):
keyword = add_delimiter("current_year")
now = datetime.datetime.now()
return template.replace(keyword, str(now.year))