Updated hello.c from putch() to printf().
[pdp11-modern-c] / pdp11 / interrupt_handler.s
... / ...
1# (c) 2020 Aaron Taylor <ataylor at subgeniuskitty dot com>
2# See License.txt file for copyright and license details.
4.globl _int4_asm_handler
5.globl _int4_c_handler
8 # GCC appears to be using the same calling convention documented in the
9 # original UNIX manuals. Most of these register saves are probably
10 # unnecessary.
11 mov r0,-(sp)
12 mov r1,-(sp)
13 mov r2,-(sp)
14 mov r3,-(sp)
15 mov r4,-(sp)
16 mov r5,-(sp)
17 jsr pc, _int4_c_handler
18 mov (sp)+,r5
19 mov (sp)+,r4
20 mov (sp)+,r3
21 mov (sp)+,r2
22 mov (sp)+,r1
23 mov (sp)+,r0
24 rti