\ @(#) savedicd.fth 98/01/26 1.2 \ Save dictionary as data table. \ \ Author: Phil Burk \ Copyright 1987 Phil Burk \ All Rights Reserved. \ \ 970311 PLB Fixed problem with calling SDAD when in HEX mode. \ 20010606 PLB Fixed AUTO.INIT , started with ';' !! decimal ANEW TASK-SAVE_DIC_AS_DATA \ !!! set to 4 for minimally sized dictionary to prevent DIAB \ compiler from crashing! Allocate more space in pForth. 4 constant SDAD_NAMES_EXTRA \ space for additional names 4 constant SDAD_CODE_EXTRA \ space for additional names \ buffer the file I/O for better performance 256 constant SDAD_BUFFER_SIZE create SDAD-BUFFER SDAD_BUFFER_SIZE allot variable SDAD-BUFFER-INDEX variable SDAD-BUFFER-FID 0 SDAD-BUFFER-FID ! : SDAD.FLUSH ( -- ior ) sdad-buffer sdad-buffer-index @ \ data \ 2dup type sdad-buffer-fid @ write-file 0 sdad-buffer-index ! ; : SDAD.EMIT ( char -- ) sdad-buffer-index @ sdad_buffer_size >= IF sdad.flush abort" SDAD.FLUSH failed!" THEN \ sdad-buffer sdad-buffer-index @ + c! 1 sdad-buffer-index +! ; : SDAD.TYPE ( c-addr cnt -- ) 0 DO dup c@ sdad.emit \ char to buffer 1+ \ advance char pointer LOOP drop ; : $SDAD.LINE ( $addr -- ) count sdad.type EOL sdad.emit ; : (U8.) ( u -- a l , unsigned conversion, at least 8 digits ) 0 <# # # # # # # # #S #> ; : (U2.) ( u -- a l , unsigned conversion, at least 2 digits ) 0 <# # #S #> ; : SDAD.CLOSE ( -- ) SDAD-BUFFER-FID @ ?dup IF sdad.flush abort" SDAD.FLUSH failed!" close-file drop 0 SDAD-BUFFER-FID ! THEN ; : SDAD.OPEN ( -- ior, open file ) sdad.close s" pfdicdat.h" r/w create-file dup >r IF drop ." Could not create file pfdicdat.h" cr ELSE SDAD-BUFFER-FID ! THEN r> ; : SDAD.DUMP.HEX { val -- } base @ >r hex s" 0x" sdad.type val (u8.) sdad.type r> base ! ; : SDAD.DUMP.HEX, s" " sdad.type sdad.dump.hex ascii , sdad.emit ; : SDAD.DUMP.HEX.BYTE { val -- } base @ >r hex s" 0x" sdad.type val (u2.) sdad.type r> base ! ; : SDAD.DUMP.HEX.BYTE, sdad.dump.hex.byte ascii , sdad.emit ; : SDAD.DUMP.DATA { start-address end-address num-zeros | num-bytes -- } end-address start-address - -> num-bytes num-bytes 0 ?DO i $ 7FF and 0= IF ." 0x" i .hex cr THEN \ progress report i 15 and 0= IF EOL sdad.emit s" /* " sdad.type i sdad.dump.hex s" : */ " sdad.type THEN \ 16 bytes per line, print offset start-address i + c@ sdad.dump.hex.byte, LOOP \ num-zeros 0 ?DO i $ 7FF and 0= IF i . cr THEN \ progress report i 15 and 0= IF EOL sdad.emit THEN \ 15 numbers per line 0 sdad.dump.hex.byte, LOOP ; : SDAD.DEFINE { $name val -- } s" #define " sdad.type $name count sdad.type s" (" sdad.type val sdad.dump.hex c" )" $sdad.line ; : IS.LITTLE.ENDIAN? ( -- flag , is Forth in Little Endian mode? ) 1 pad ! pad c@ ; : SDAD { | fid -- } sdad.open abort" sdad.open failed!" \ Write headers. c" /* This file generated by the Forth command SDAD */" $sdad.line c" HEADERPTR" headers-ptr @ namebase - sdad.define c" RELCONTEXT" context @ namebase - sdad.define c" CODEPTR" here codebase - sdad.define c" IF_LITTLE_ENDIAN" IS.LITTLE.ENDIAN? IF 1 ELSE 0 THEN sdad.define ." Saving Names" cr s" static const uint8_t MinDicNames[] = {" sdad.type namebase headers-ptr @ SDAD_NAMES_EXTRA sdad.dump.data EOL sdad.emit c" };" $sdad.line ." Saving Code" cr s" static const uint8_t MinDicCode[] = {" sdad.type codebase here SDAD_CODE_EXTRA sdad.dump.data EOL sdad.emit c" };" $sdad.line sdad.close ; if.forgotten sdad.close : AUTO.INIT ( -- , init at launch ) auto.init \ daisy chain initialization 0 SDAD-BUFFER-FID ! 0 SDAD-BUFFER-INDEX ! ; ." Enter: SDAD" cr