\ @(#) t_locals.fth 97/01/28 1.1 \ Test PForth LOCAL variables. \ \ Copyright 1996 3DO, Phil Burk include? }T{ t_tools.fth anew task-t_locals.fth decimal test{ \ test value and locals T{ 333 value my-value my-value }T{ 333 }T T{ 1000 -> my-value my-value }T{ 1000 }T T{ 35 +-> my-value my-value }T{ 1035 }T : test.value ( -- ok ) 100 -> my-value my-value 100 = 47 +-> my-value my-value 147 = AND ; T{ test.value }T{ TRUE }T \ test locals in a word : test.locs { aa bb | cc -- ok } cc 0= aa bb + -> cc aa bb + cc = AND aa -> cc bb +-> cc aa bb + cc = AND ; T{ 200 59 test.locs }T{ TRUE }T .( Test warning when no locals defined.) cr : loc.nonames { -- } 1234 ; T{ loc.nonames }T{ 1234 }T \ try to put EOLs and comments in variable list : calc.area { width \ horizontal dimension height \ vertical dimension -- area , calculate area of a rectangle } width height * ; T{ 5 20 calc.area }T{ 100 }T }test