#! /usr/bin/env pike /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * This is GNU Go, a Go program. Contact gnugo@gnu.org, or see * * http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/ for more information. * * * * Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and * * 2009 by the Free Software Foundation. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation - version 3 or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License in file COPYING for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02111, USA. * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #define DUMP_GTP_PIPES 0 int maximal_fixed_handicap(int board_size) { if (board_size < 7) return 0; if (board_size % 2 == 1 && board_size >= 9) return 9; return 4; } float result_to_float(string result) { if (result[..1] == "W+") return (float) result[2..]; if (result[..1] == "B+") return - (float) result[2..]; return (float) result; } string arrange_values_nicely(array(string) values, string delimiter) { string result = ""; for (int k = 0; k < sizeof(values); k++) { if (k > 0 && k % 12 == 0) result += "\n"; result += delimiter + values[k]; } return result + "\n"; } string list_sgf_positions(array(array(string)) positions, array(string) sgf_properties) { string result = ""; for (int k = 0; k < sizeof(positions); k++) { if (sizeof(positions[k])) result += sgf_properties[k] + arrange_values_nicely(positions[k], ""); } return result; } string nice_time(float _time) { int time = (int) (_time * 10); #ifdef __AUTO_BIGNUM__ return sprintf("%d:%02d.%d", time / 600, (time % 600) / 10, time % 10); #else return sprintf("%d:%02d", time / 600, (time % 600) / 10); #endif } int is_numeric(string str) { str = String.trim_all_whites(str); if (str[0] == '+') str = str[1..]; return ((string) ((int) str)) == str; } class GtpServer { int server_is_up; int board_size; private Stdio.File file_out; private Stdio.FILE file_in; int protocol_version; string color; string capitalized_color; string command_line; string full_engine_name; string random_seed; private float main_time; private float byo_yomi_time; private int byo_yomi_stones; private float time_left; private int stones_left; float total_used_time; private array(string) statistics; private array(string) reset; private array totals; void create(string _command_line, array(string) _statistics, array(string) _reset, string _color, float _main_time, float _byo_yomi_time, int _byo_yomi_stones) { file_out = Stdio.File(); file_in = Stdio.FILE(); set_color(_color); command_line = _command_line; array error = catch { Process.create_process(command_line / " ", ([ "stdin" : file_out->pipe(), "stdout" : file_in->pipe() ])); }; if (error) { werror(error[0]); werror("Command line was `%s'.\n", command_line); destruct(this_object()); } else { array error = catch { array answer = send_command("protocol_version"); protocol_version = answer[0] ? 1 : (int) answer[1]; full_engine_name = get_full_engine_name(); server_is_up = 1; }; if (error) { werror("Engine `%s' crashed at startup.\nPerhaps command line is wrong.\n", command_line); destruct(this_object()); } else { main_time = _main_time; byo_yomi_time = _byo_yomi_time; byo_yomi_stones = _byo_yomi_stones; total_used_time = 0.0; statistics = _statistics; reset = _reset; totals = ({ 0 }) * sizeof(statistics); } } } void set_color(string _color) { color = _color; capitalized_color = String.capitalize(color); } void restart_if_crashed() { if (!server_is_up) { werror("Restarting engine `%s' playing %s.\n", command_line, color); Process.create_process(command_line / " ", ([ "stdin" : file_out->pipe(), "stdout" : file_in->pipe() ])); server_is_up = 1; } } array send_command(string command) { #if DUMP_GTP_PIPES werror("[%s%s] %s\n", full_engine_name ? full_engine_name + ", " : "", color, command); #endif command = String.trim_all_whites(command); sscanf(command, "%[0-9]", string id); if (command[0] == '#' || command == id) return ({ 0, "" }); file_out->write("%s\n", command); string response = file_in->gets(); if (!response) { server_is_up = 0; error("Engine `%s' playing %s crashed!", command_line, color); } #if DUMP_GTP_PIPES werror("%s\n", response); #endif array result; int id_length = strlen(id); if (response && response[..id_length] == "=" + id) result = ({ 0, response[id_length + 1 ..] }); else if (response && response[..id_length] == "?" + id) result = ({ 1, response[id_length + 1 ..] }); else result = ({ -1, response }); result[1] = String.trim_all_whites(result[1]); while (1) { response = file_in->gets(); #if DUMP_GTP_PIPES werror("%s\n", response); #endif if (response == "") { if (result[0] < 0) { werror("Warning, unrecognized response to command `%s':\n", command); werror("%s\n", result[1]); } return result; } result[1] += "\n" + response; } } int is_known_command(string command) { array answer = send_command("known_command " + command); return !answer[0] && answer[1] == "true"; } string get_full_engine_name() { return send_command("name")[1] + " " + send_command("version")[1]; } void set_board_size(int _board_size) { board_size = _board_size; send_command("boardsize " + board_size); if (protocol_version >= 2) send_command("clear_board"); random_seed = get_random_seed(); } array(string) fixed_handicap(int handicap) { array answer = send_command("fixed_handicap " + handicap); return answer[0] ? ({}) : answer[1] / " "; } array(string) place_free_handicap(int handicap) { array answer = send_command("place_free_handicap " + handicap); return answer[0] ? ({}) : answer[1] / " "; } void set_free_handicap(array(string) stones) { send_command("set_free_handicap " + (stones * " ")); } array(string) set_handicap(int handicap, string handicap_mode, GtpServer opponent, GtpServer arbiter) { if (handicap == 0) return ({}); if (handicap_mode == "free") { array(string) stones = place_free_handicap(handicap); opponent->set_free_handicap(stones); if (arbiter) arbiter->set_free_handicap(stones); return stones; } else { opponent->fixed_handicap(handicap); if (arbiter) arbiter->fixed_handicap(handicap); return fixed_handicap(handicap); } } float get_komi() { return (float) (send_command("get_komi")[1]); } void set_komi(float komi) { send_command("komi " + komi); } array load_sgf(string sgf_file_name, int|string load_up_to) { array answer = send_command(sprintf("loadsgf %s %s", sgf_file_name, (string) load_up_to)); board_size = (int) send_command("query_boardsize")[1]; return answer; } void reset_engine() { foreach (reset, string reset_command) send_command(reset_command); initialize_time_control(); } void initialize_time_control() { if (main_time < 0.0) { time_left = 0.0; return; } if (main_time > 0.0) { time_left = main_time; stones_left = 0; } else { time_left = byo_yomi_time; stones_left = byo_yomi_stones; } send_command(sprintf("time_settings %d %d %d", (int) main_time, (int) byo_yomi_time, byo_yomi_stones)); } string generate_move(int use_time_control) { string result; int time_notch = 0; if (use_time_control) { if (main_time >= 0.0) { send_command(sprintf("time_left %s %d %d", color, (int) time_left, stones_left)); } #ifdef __AUTO_BIGNUM__ time_notch = gethrtime(); #else time_notch = time(); #endif } if (protocol_version >= 2) result = send_command("genmove " + color)[1]; else result = send_command("genmove_" + color)[1]; if (use_time_control) { #ifdef __AUTO_BIGNUM__ time_left -= (gethrtime() - time_notch) / 1.0e6; #else time_left -= time() - time_notch; #endif if (main_time >= 0.0) { if (time_left < 0.0) { if (stones_left > 0) return "time"; else { total_used_time += main_time; time_left += byo_yomi_time; stones_left = byo_yomi_stones; if (time_left < 0.0) return "time"; } } if (stones_left > 0 && --stones_left == 0) { total_used_time += byo_yomi_time - time_left; time_left = byo_yomi_time; stones_left = byo_yomi_stones; } } } return result; } string get_time_left() { if (main_time < 0.0) return ""; if (time_left < 0) return "lost on time"; if (stones_left <= 0) { return sprintf("main time: %s / %s", nice_time(time_left), nice_time(main_time)); } return sprintf("byo-yomi time: %s / %s, stones: %d / %d", nice_time(time_left), nice_time(byo_yomi_time), stones_left, byo_yomi_stones); } void finalize_time_control() { if (main_time < 0.0) total_used_time += -time_left; else if (stones_left > 0) total_used_time += byo_yomi_time - time_left; else total_used_time += main_time - time_left; } void play(string color, string move) { if (protocol_version >= 2) send_command(sprintf("play %s %s", color, move)); else send_command(sprintf("%s %s", color, move)); } string get_random_seed() { array answer = send_command("get_random_seed"); return answer[0] ? "unknown" : answer[1]; } void set_random_seed(int|string seed) { random_seed = (string) seed; send_command("set_random_seed " + random_seed); } array(string) list_stones(string color) { return send_command("list_stones " + color)[1] / " "; } array(array(string)) get_position_as_sgf() { if (!is_known_command("list_stones")) return ({}); return ({ map(list_stones("white"), move_to_sgf_notation), map(list_stones("black"), move_to_sgf_notation) }); } array(string) final_status_list(string status) { array result = send_command("final_status_list " + status); return result[0] ? ({}) : ((result[1] / "\n") * " ") / " " - ({""}); } array(array(string)) get_territory_as_sgf() { if (!is_known_command("final_status_list")) return ({}); array(array(string)) result = ({ map(final_status_list("white_territory"), move_to_sgf_notation), map(final_status_list("black_territory"), move_to_sgf_notation) }); if (result[0] == ({}) && result[1] == ({})) return ({}); if (is_known_command("color")) { array(string) dead_stones = final_status_list("dead"); foreach (dead_stones, string stone) { switch (send_command("color " + stone)[1]) { case "black": result[0] += ({ move_to_sgf_notation(stone) }); break; case "white": result[1] += ({ move_to_sgf_notation(stone) }); break; } } } return result; } string show_board() { array answer = send_command("showboard"); if (answer[0]) return "\n"; if (answer[1] != "" && answer[1][0] == '\n') return answer[1][1..] + "\n"; return answer[1] + "\n"; } void print_statistics(int dont_print_numerics) { for (int k = 0; k < sizeof(statistics); k++) { array command_result = send_command(statistics[k]); if (!command_result[0]) { if (is_numeric(command_result[1])) { if (totals[k] != "") totals[k] += (int) command_result[1]; if (dont_print_numerics) continue; } else totals[k] = ""; write("%s (%s) statistic `%s': %s\n", full_engine_name, color, statistics[k], command_result[1]); } else { werror("Couldn't acquire statistic `%s': engine failed with message \"%s\"\n", statistics[k], command_result[1]); } } } void print_statistic_totals() { int first_total = 1; for (int k = 0; k < sizeof(statistics); k++) { if (totals[k] != "") { if (first_total) { write("\n%s (%s) statistics totals:\n", full_engine_name, color); first_total = 0; } write("`%s' total: %d\n", statistics[k], totals[k]); } } } string final_score() { array answer = send_command("final_score"); return answer[0] ? "?" : answer[1]; } string cpu_time() { if (is_known_command("cputime")) return send_command("cputime")[1]; return ""; } void quit() { send_command("quit"); } string move_to_sgf_notation(string coordinates) { coordinates = lower_case(coordinates); if (coordinates == "pass") return "[]"; int y = board_size - ((int) coordinates[1..]); int x = coordinates[0] - 'a'; if (x > 'i' - 'a') x--; return sprintf("[%c%c]", 'a' + x, 'a' + y); } }; class GtpGame { private GtpServer white; private GtpServer black; private GtpServer arbiter; private int verbose; private int black_to_play; private string sgf_header; private array(array(string)) territory; private int totals_only; void create(string command_line_white, string command_line_black, string command_line_arbiter, array(string) statistics_white, array(string) statistics_black, array(string) reset_white, array(string) reset_black, int _totals_only, int _verbose, float main_time, float byo_yomi_time, int byo_yomi_stones) { verbose = _verbose; totals_only = _totals_only; white = GtpServer(command_line_white, statistics_white, reset_white, "white", main_time, byo_yomi_time, byo_yomi_stones); if (white) { black = GtpServer(command_line_black, statistics_black, reset_black, "black", main_time, byo_yomi_time, byo_yomi_stones); if (black && command_line_arbiter != "") { arbiter = GtpServer(command_line_arbiter, ({}), ({}), "arbiter", -1.0, 0.0, 0); } else arbiter = UNDEFINED; } if (!white || !black || (command_line_arbiter != "" && !arbiter)) destruct(this_object()); } void swap_engines() { GtpServer temp = white; white = black; black = temp; white->set_color("white"); black->set_color("black"); } void start_new_game(int board_size, int handicap, string handicap_mode, float komi) { white->set_board_size(board_size); black->set_board_size(board_size); if (arbiter) arbiter->set_board_size(board_size); array(string) stones = black->set_handicap(handicap, handicap_mode, white, arbiter); stones = map(stones, black->move_to_sgf_notation); white->set_komi(komi); black->set_komi(komi); if (arbiter) arbiter->set_komi(komi); black_to_play = (handicap == 0); sgf_header = sprintf("(;\nGM[1]FF[4]\nSZ[%d]HA[%d]KM[%.1f]\n", board_size, handicap, komi); if (handicap) sgf_header += "AB" + arrange_values_nicely(stones, ""); } array(string) play(string|int sgf_file_name) { array(string) sgf_moves = ({}); array(array(string)) move_history = ({}); string special_win = ""; GtpServer player; GtpServer opponent; if (verbose) werror("\nBeginning a new game.\n"); white->reset_engine(); black->reset_engine(); territory = UNDEFINED; array error = catch { int passes = 0; while (1) { player = black_to_play ? black : white; opponent = black_to_play ? white : black; string move = player->generate_move(1); string move_lower_case = lower_case(move); if (move_lower_case == "resign") { if (verbose) werror(player->capitalized_color + " resigns!\n"); special_win = sprintf("%c+Resign", opponent->capitalized_color[0]); break; } if (move_lower_case == "time") { if (verbose) werror(player->capitalized_color + " loses on time!\n"); special_win = sprintf("%c+Time", opponent->capitalized_color[0]); break; } opponent->play(player->color, move); sgf_moves += ({ sprintf("%c%s", player->capitalized_color[0], player->move_to_sgf_notation(move)) }); if (arbiter) move_history += ({ ({ player->color, move }) }); if (move_lower_case == "pass") { if (verbose) werror("play " + player->capitalized_color + " pass\n"); if (++passes == 2) break; } else { if (verbose) { string time_left = " (" + player->get_time_left() + ")"; if (time_left == " ()") time_left = ""; werror("play %s %s%s\n", player->capitalized_color, move, time_left); } passes = 0; } if (verbose >= 2) { string board = white->show_board(); if (board == "") board = black->show_board(); werror("%s\n", board); } black_to_play = !black_to_play; if (sgf_file_name) write_sgf_file(sgf_file_name, sgf_moves, ({ "Void" })); } }; white->finalize_time_control(); black->finalize_time_control(); array(string) result; if (error) { result = ({ "Void", error[0] }); if (sgf_file_name) werror("The game will be saved in file `%s'.\n", sgf_file_name); white->restart_if_crashed(); black->restart_if_crashed(); if (arbiter) arbiter->restart_if_crashed(); } else { if (special_win == "") { result = ({ white->final_score(), black->final_score() }); if (result[1] == "?" || result[0] == result[1]) result = ({ result[0] }); else if (result[0] == "?") result = ({ result[1] }); territory = player->get_territory_as_sgf(); if (territory == ({})) territory = opponent->get_territory_as_sgf(); if (arbiter && (sizeof(result) == 2 || result[0] == "?")) { foreach (move_history, array(string) move) arbiter->play(move[0], move[1]); result = ({ arbiter->final_score() }); if (territory == ({})) territory = arbiter->get_territory_as_sgf(); } } else result = ({ special_win }); } if (sgf_file_name) write_sgf_file(sgf_file_name, sgf_moves, result); return result; } int init_endgame_contest(string endgame_file_name, int endgame_moves) { array(string) sgf_nodes; array error = catch { sgf_nodes = Stdio.read_file(endgame_file_name) / ";"; }; if (error) { werror(error[0]); return 0; } Regexp move = Regexp("\\<([BW]\\[[a-z][a-z]\\])"); array(string) moves = ({}); foreach (sgf_nodes, string sgf_node) { array move_groups = move->split(sgf_node); if (move_groups) moves += ({ move_groups[0] }); } int load_up_to = max(sizeof(moves) - endgame_moves + 1, 1); array white_answer = white->load_sgf(endgame_file_name, load_up_to); array black_answer = black->load_sgf(endgame_file_name, load_up_to); array arbiter_answer = (arbiter ? arbiter->load_sgf(endgame_file_name, load_up_to) : ({0})); if (white_answer[0] || black_answer[0] || arbiter_answer[0]) { werror("File `%s' might be corrupt. Engines refuse to load it.\n", endgame_file_name); return 0; } sgf_header = sprintf("(;\nGM[1]FF[4]\nSZ[%d]KM[%.1f]\n" "C[Original game: `%s' loaded up to move %d]\n", white->board_size, white->get_komi(), endgame_file_name, load_up_to); array(array(string)) stones = white->get_position_as_sgf(); if (!stones) stones = black->get_position_as_sgf(); if (!stones && arbiter) stones = arbiter->get_position_as_sgf(); if (!stones) { stones = ({ ({}), ({}) }); moves = moves[..load_up_to - 2]; foreach (moves, string move) stones[move[0] == 'B'] += ({ move[1..] }); } sgf_header += list_sgf_positions(stones, ({ "AW", "AB" })); white->set_random_seed(0); black->set_random_seed(0); black_to_play = (black_answer[1] == "black"); return load_up_to; } void reinit_endgame_contest(string endgame_file_name, int load_up_to) { swap_engines(); white->load_sgf(endgame_file_name, load_up_to); array black_answer = black->load_sgf(endgame_file_name, load_up_to); if (arbiter) arbiter->load_sgf(endgame_file_name, load_up_to); white->set_random_seed(0); black->set_random_seed(0); black_to_play = (black_answer[1] == "black"); } void write_sgf_file(string sgf_file_name, array(string) sgf_moves, array(string) result) { string sgf_data = sprintf("PW[%s (random seed %s)]\nPB[%s (random seed %s)]\n" "RU[Japanese]\nRE[%s]\n", white->full_engine_name, white->random_seed, black->full_engine_name, black->random_seed, result[0]); if (sizeof(result) > 1) { sgf_data += sprintf("GC[%s]\n", result[0] == "Void" ? result[1] : sprintf("Engines disagreed on results:\n" "White claimed %s\nBlack claimed %s\n", result[0], result[1])); } sgf_data += arrange_values_nicely(sgf_moves, ";"); if (sizeof(result) == 1) { if (territory) sgf_data += ";" + list_sgf_positions(territory, ({ "TW", "TB" })); } else if (result[0] == "Void") sgf_data += ";C[" + result[1] + "]\n"; sgf_data += ")\n"; array error = catch { Stdio.write_file(sgf_file_name, sgf_header + sgf_data); }; if (error) werror(error[0]); } void print_time_report() { string cpu_time_white = white->cpu_time(); string cpu_time_black = black->cpu_time(); if (cpu_time_white != "") write("White: %ss CPU time.\n", cpu_time_white); if (cpu_time_black != "") write("Black: %ss CPU time.\n", cpu_time_black); write("\nTime control report (wall move generation time):\n"); write(" White: %s\n", nice_time(white->total_used_time)); write(" Black: %s\n", nice_time(black->total_used_time)); } void print_statistics() { white->print_statistics(totals_only); black->print_statistics(totals_only); } void print_statistic_totals() { white->print_statistic_totals(); black->print_statistic_totals(); } void finalize() { white->quit(); black->quit(); } } void run_twogtp_match(GtpGame game, int num_games, int board_size, int handicap, string handicap_mode, int adjust_handicap, float komi, int verbose, string|int sgf_base, int skip_games) { int white_wins = 0; int black_wins = 0; int jigos = 0; int result_unknown = 0; int disagreed_games = 0; int last_streak = 0; int last_to_win = '0'; array(array(string)) results = ({}); for (int k = skip_games; k < skip_games + num_games; k++) { game->start_new_game(board_size, handicap, handicap_mode, komi); array(string) result = game->play(sgf_base ? sprintf("%s%03d.sgf", sgf_base, k + 1) : 0); write("Game %d: %s\n", k + 1, result * " "); game->print_statistics(); results += ({result}); if (sizeof(result) == 1 || (result[0][0] == result[1][0])) { switch (result[0][0]) { case 'W': case 'B': if (result[0][0] == 'W') white_wins++; else black_wins++; if (result[0][0] == last_to_win) last_streak++; else { last_to_win = result[0][0]; last_streak = 1; } break; case '0': jigos++; break; default: result_unknown++; last_to_win = '0'; } } else { result_unknown++; last_to_win = '0'; } if (adjust_handicap && last_streak == adjust_handicap) { if (result[0][0] == 'W') { if (handicap_mode == "free" || handicap < maximal_fixed_handicap(board_size)) { if (++handicap == 1) handicap = 2; write("White wins too often. Increasing handicap to %d.\n", handicap); } } else { if (handicap == 0) { handicap = 2; if (handicap_mode == "fixed") handicap = min(maximal_fixed_handicap(board_size), 2); game->swap_engines(); write("Black looks stronger than white. Swapping colors and setting handicap to %d.\n", handicap); } else { if (--handicap == 1) handicap = 0; write("Black wins too often. Decreasing handicap to %d.\n", handicap); } } last_streak = 0; } if (sizeof(result) == 2 && result[0] != "Void") disagreed_games++; } if (verbose) { write("\n"); for (int k = 0; k < num_games; k++) write("Game %d: %s\n", skip_games + k + 1, results[k] * " "); } write("\nTotal %d game(s).\nWhite won %d. Black won %d.", num_games, white_wins, black_wins); if (jigos) write(" %d jigos.", jigos); if (result_unknown) write(" Results of %d game(s) are unknown.", result_unknown); write("\n"); if (disagreed_games) write("Engines disagreed on results of %d game(s).\n", disagreed_games); game->print_time_report(); game->print_statistic_totals(); game->finalize(); } void endgame_contest(GtpGame game, int endgame_moves, array(string) endgame_files, int verbose, string|int sgf_base, int skip_games) { array(string) differences = ({}); for (int k = skip_games; k < sizeof(endgame_files); k++) { int load_up_to = game->init_endgame_contest(endgame_files[k], endgame_moves); if (load_up_to) { if (verbose) werror("Replaying game `%s'.\n", endgame_files[k]); array(string) result1 = game->play(sgf_base ? sprintf("%s%03d_1.sgf", sgf_base, k + 1) : 0); game->print_statistics(); game->reinit_endgame_contest(endgame_files[k], load_up_to); array(string) result2 = game->play(sgf_base ? sprintf("%s%03d_2.sgf", sgf_base, k + 1) : 0); game->print_statistics(); game->swap_engines(); write("%s: ", endgame_files[k]); if (sizeof(result1) > 1 || sizeof(result2) > 1) { write("can't determine difference, engines disagreed on results.\n"); write("\t%s\n", result1 * " "); write("\t%s\n", result2 * " "); differences += ({ "unknown" }); } else { string difference = sprintf("%+.1f", (result_to_float(result1[0]) - result_to_float(result2[0]))); if (difference == "+0.0") { write("same result: %s\n", result1[0]); differences += ({ "0" }); } else { write("%s %s; difference %s.\n", result1[0], result2[0], difference); differences += ({ difference }); } } } } int white_wins = 0; int black_wins = 0; write("\n"); foreach (differences, string difference) { write(difference + "\n"); if (difference[0] == '+') white_wins++; else if (difference[0] == '-') black_wins++; } write("\nTotal %d game(s) replayed. White won %d. Black won %d.\n", sizeof(differences), white_wins, black_wins); game->print_time_report(); game->print_statistic_totals(); game->finalize(); } string help_message = "Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n\n" "Runs either a match or endgame contest between two GTP engines.\n" "`--white' and `--black' options are mandatory.\n\n" "Options:\n" " -w, --white=COMMAND_LINE\n" " -b, --black=COMMAND_LINE command lines to run the two engines with.\n\n" " -A, --arbiter=COMMAND_LINE command line to run arbiter--program that will\n" " score disputed games--with.\n" " --help display this help and exit.\n" " --help-statistics display help on statistics options and exit.\n" " -v, --verbose=LEVEL 1 - print moves, 2 and higher - draw boards.\n" " --no-sgf do not create SGF game recods.\n" " --sgf-base=FILENAME create SGF files with FILENAME as base (default\n" " is `twogtp' or `endgame' depending on mode).\n" " -m, --match runs a match between the engines (the default).\n" " -e, --endgame=MOVES runs an endgame contest instead of a match.\n" " -c, --continue continue a match or endgame contest.\n\n" "Options valid only in match mode:\n" " -g, --games=GAMES number of games in the match (one by default).\n" " -s, --board-size=SIZE the board size for the match (default is 19).\n" " -h, --handicap=STONES fixed handicap for the black player.\n" " -f, --free-handicap=STONES free handicap for the black player.\n" " -a, --adjust-handicap=LENGTH use simple adjusting scheme: change handicap\n" " by 1 after LENGTH wins in a row.\n" " -k, --komi=KOMI the komi to use.\n\n" "Time control options:\n" " -t, --main-time=TIME main time for a game (default is forever with\n" " no byo-yomi or zero otherwise).\n" " -B, --byo-yomi-time=TIME byo-yomi time for a game (zero by default).\n" " TIMEs are in minutes and can be fractional.\n" " -S, --byo-yomi-stones=STONES stones to be played in a byo-yomi period\n" " (default is 25).\n\n" "Default is no handicap. Komi defaults to 5.5 with no handicap or 0.5 with\n" "nonzero handicap. Note that `--adjust-handicap' option not only can change\n" "handicap, but can also swap engines' colors if black appears stronger.\n\n" "FILEs are only used in endgame contest mode. They must be non-branched SGF\n" "game records. In endgame contest mode the FILEs are loaded into the engines\n" "excluding last non-pass MOVES specified with `--endgame' option. For each of\n" "the FILEs two games are played with alternating colors and the difference in\n" "results is determined.\n\n" "Option `--continue' allows to have a continuous set of game records for\n" "several script runs. It restarts a match or endgame contest skipping all\n" "games for which game records already exist. In case of an endgame contest\n" "it also skips appropriate number of FILEs.\n"; string help_statistics_message = "Engine statistics options:\n" " --statistics=COMMANDS\n" " --statistics-white=COMMANDS\n" " --statistics-black=COMMANDS COMMANDS is a semicolon separated list of GTP\n" " commands to be executed after each game; if\n" " engines' responses appear to be numeric, totals\n" " are printed after all games are played.\n" " --reset=COMMANDS\n" " --reset-white=COMMANDS\n" " --reset-black=COMMANDS semicolon separated list of GTP commands needed\n" " to reset statistics before each game.\n\n" " --totals-only don't print numeric statistics after each game.\n" "Note that you can use `--statistics' and `--reset' options to acquire similar\n" "statistics from both engines (provided they both understand the commands). If\n" "you use color-specific options together with common options, both command lists\n" "are used as one would expect.\n"; int main(int argc, array(string) argv) { string hint = sprintf("Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", basename(argv[0])); if (Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "help")) { write(help_message, basename(argv[0])); return 0; } if (Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "help-statistics")) { write(help_statistics_message); return 0; } string white = Getopt.find_option(argv, "w", "white", UNDEFINED, ""); if (white == "") { werror("White player is not specified.\n" + hint); return 1; } string black = Getopt.find_option(argv, "b", "black", UNDEFINED, ""); if (black == "") { werror("Black player is not specified.\n" + hint); return 1; } string arbiter = Getopt.find_option(argv, "A", "arbiter", UNDEFINED, ""); int verbose = (int) Getopt.find_option(argv, "v", "verbose", UNDEFINED, "0"); Getopt.find_option(argv, "m", "match"); int endgame_moves = (int) Getopt.find_option(argv, "e", "endgame", UNDEFINED, "0"); int mode = (endgame_moves > 0); string|int sgf_base = 0; if (!Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "no-sgf")) { sgf_base = Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "sgf-base", UNDEFINED, mode ? "endgame" : "twogtp"); } else { if (Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "sgf-base")) werror("Warning: `--no-sgf' option specified, `--sgf-base' has no effect"); } int skip_games = Getopt.find_option(argv, "c", "continue"); if (skip_games) { for (skip_games = 0; ; skip_games++) { if (!Stdio.is_file(sprintf("%s%03d%s.sgf", sgf_base, skip_games + 1, mode ? "_1" : ""))) break; } } float main_time = (float) Getopt.find_option(argv, "t", "main-time", UNDEFINED, "0") * 60.0; float byo_yomi_time = (float) Getopt.find_option(argv, "B", "byo-yomi-time", UNDEFINED, "0") * 60.0; if (main_time == 0.0 && byo_yomi_time <= 0.0) main_time = -1.0; int byo_yomi_stones = (int) Getopt.find_option(argv, "S", "byo-yomi-stones", UNDEFINED, "25"); byo_yomi_stones = max(byo_yomi_stones, 1); string|int statistics_value = Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "statistics", UNDEFINED, ""); string|int statistics_white_value = Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "statistics-white", UNDEFINED, ""); string|int statistics_black_value = Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "statistics-black", UNDEFINED, ""); array(string) statistics_white = ({}); array(string) statistics_black = ({}); if (statistics_value && statistics_value != "") { statistics_white = map(statistics_value / ";", String.trim_all_whites); statistics_black = map(statistics_value / ";", String.trim_all_whites); } if (statistics_white_value && statistics_white_value != "") { statistics_white |= map(statistics_white_value / ";", String.trim_all_whites); } if (statistics_black_value && statistics_black_value != "") { statistics_black |= map(statistics_black_value / ";", String.trim_all_whites); } string|int reset_value = Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "reset", UNDEFINED, ""); string|int reset_white_value = Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "reset-white", UNDEFINED, ""); string|int reset_black_value = Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "reset-black", UNDEFINED, ""); array(string) reset_white = ({}); array(string) reset_black = ({}); if (reset_value && reset_value != "") { reset_white = map(reset_value / ";", String.trim_all_whites); reset_black = map(reset_value / ";", String.trim_all_whites); } if (reset_white_value && reset_white_value != "") reset_white |= map(reset_white_value / ";", String.trim_all_whites); if (reset_black_value && reset_black_value != "") reset_black |= map(reset_black_value / ";", String.trim_all_whites); int totals_only = (Getopt.find_option(argv, UNDEFINED, "totals-only") != 0); if (!mode) { string handicap_mode = "fixed"; int handicap = 0; int games = (int) Getopt.find_option(argv, "g", "games", UNDEFINED, "1"); games = max(games, 1); int board_size = (int) Getopt.find_option(argv, "s", "board-size", UNDEFINED, "19"); if (board_size < 1 || 25 < board_size) { werror("GTP only supports boards with size from 1 to 25.\n"); return 1; } int fixed_handicap = (int) Getopt.find_option(argv, "h", "handicap", UNDEFINED, "-1"); int free_handicap = (int) Getopt.find_option(argv, "f", "free-handicap", UNDEFINED, "-1"); if (fixed_handicap >= 0 && free_handicap >= 0) { werror("Fixed and free handicaps are mutually exclusive.\n" + hint); return 1; } if (fixed_handicap >= 0) { int maximum = maximal_fixed_handicap(board_size); if (fixed_handicap > maximum) { write("Maximal allowed handicap for board size %d is %d.\n", board_size, maximum); return 1; } handicap = fixed_handicap; handicap_mode = "fixed"; } else if (free_handicap >= 0) { handicap = free_handicap; handicap_mode = "free"; } if (handicap == 1) { werror("Warning: handicap 1 is not allowed, falling back on handicap 0.\n"); handicap = 0; } int adjust_handicap = (int) Getopt.find_option(argv, "a", "adjust-handicap", UNDEFINED, "0"); adjust_handicap = max(adjust_handicap, 0); float komi = handicap ? 0.5 : 5.5; komi = (float) Getopt.find_option(argv, "k", "komi", UNDEFINED, (string) komi); if (sizeof(Getopt.get_args(argv)) != 1) { werror("Unrecognized input in command line.\n" + hint); return 1; } GtpGame game = GtpGame(white, black, arbiter, statistics_white, statistics_black, reset_white, reset_black, totals_only, verbose, main_time, byo_yomi_time, byo_yomi_stones); if (game) { run_twogtp_match(game, games, board_size, handicap, handicap_mode, adjust_handicap, komi, verbose, sgf_base, skip_games); } } else { array(string) endgame_files = Getopt.get_args(argv)[1..]; if (sizeof(endgame_files) == 0) { werror("No SGF files specified for endgame contest.\n" + hint); return 1; } GtpGame game = GtpGame(white, black, arbiter, statistics_white, statistics_black, reset_white, reset_black, totals_only, verbose, main_time, byo_yomi_time, byo_yomi_stones); if (game) { endgame_contest(game, endgame_moves, endgame_files, verbose, sgf_base, skip_games); } } }