#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # This program is distributed with GNU Go, a Go program. # # # # Write gnugo@gnu.org or see http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/ # # for more information. # # # # Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 # # 2008 and 2009 by the Free Software Foundation. # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # # as published by the Free Software Foundation - version 3, # # or (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be # # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License in file COPYING # # for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free # # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # # Boston, MA 02111, USA. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # matcher_check info: # # Plays one gtp program against itself or lets it analzye a saved .sgf-file, # and watches for bad status transitions. # # FIXME: if the vertex by which a dragon is named ever changes, # the hash table used will consider it new. therefore, if the # vertex changes at the same time an illegal state change occurs, # it will get missed. Also, it is possible that a dragon would # be captured, and that vertex go unused until a new piece was # played in that spot, resulting in a false positive. However, # this should be rare (?). package TWOGTP_A; use IPC::Open2; use Getopt::Long; use FileHandle; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; STDOUT->autoflush(1); #following added globally to allow "use strict" : my $vertex; my $first; my $sgfmove; my $sgffilename; my $pidp; my $sgffile; my $handicap_stones; my $result; my @vertices; my $second; my %game_list; #end of "use strict" repairs my $program; my $size = 19; my $verbose = 0; my $komi = 5.5; my $handicap = 0; my $games = 1; my $wanthelp; #added for matcher_check my %match_hist; my $loadfile; my $movenum; my $movecount; my $move; my $toplay; my $randseed; my $stable; my $pids; my $stable_move = ""; my $noilcheck; my $color; my $helpstring = " Run with: matchercheck --program \' --mode gtp [program options]\' \\ [matcher_check options] Possible matcher_check options: --verbose 1 (to list moves) or --verbose 2 (to draw board) --komi --handicap --size (default 19) --games (-1 to play forever) --sgffile (file to save games as) --loadsgf (file to analyze) --movecount --randseed (sets the random seed) --stable \' --mode gtp [program options]\' --noilcheck (turns off illegal transition checks) --color (only replay for color; has no effect without --noilcheck and --loadsgf) --help (show this) "; GetOptions( "program|p=s" => \$program, "verbose|v=i" => \$verbose, "komi|k=f" => \$komi, "handicap|h=i" => \$handicap, "size|boardsize|s=i" => \$size, "sgffile|o=s" => \$sgffilename, "loadsgf|l=s" => \$loadfile, "games=i" => \$games, "movecount=i" => \$movecount, "randseed=i" => \$randseed, "stable=s" => \$stable, "noilcheck" => \$noilcheck, "color=s" => \$color, "help" => \$wanthelp, ); if ($wanthelp) { print $helpstring; exit; } if (!$program) { $program = '../gnugo --mode gtp --quiet'; warn "Defaulting program to: $program\n"; } if (defined($color) and (!defined($noilcheck) or !defined($loadfile))) { print "Error: --color requires --noilcheck and --loadsgf"; exit; } # create FileHandles my $prog_in = new FileHandle; # stdin of program my $prog_out = new FileHandle; # stdout of program my $stable_in = new FileHandle; # stdin of stable version my $stable_out = new FileHandle; # stdout of stable version if ($loadfile) { #we need to analyze an sgf file if (not defined $movecount) { print "Error: When analyzing an sgf file with --loadsgf , you also need to specify the number of moves to check with --movecount . "; exit; } $pidp = open2($prog_out, $prog_in, $program); $pids = open2($stable_out, $stable_in, $stable) if defined($stable); print "program pid: $pidp\n" if $verbose; print "stable pid: $pids\n" if (defined($stable) and $verbose); if (defined($randseed)) { print $prog_in "set_random_seed $randseed\n"; eat_no_response($prog_out); } else { print $prog_in "get_random_seed\n"; $randseed = eat_one_line($prog_out); print "random seed $randseed\n"; } if (defined($stable)) { $randseed =~ s/^= //smg; print $stable_in "set_random_seed $randseed\n"; eat_no_response($stable_out); } for ($movenum = 1; $movenum <= $movecount + 1; $movenum++) { #load the file, check the statuses, next move. my $lmove = $movenum + 1;#number to load up to print "loading move $movenum\n" if $verbose; print $prog_in "loadsgf $loadfile $lmove\n"; eat_no_response($prog_out); if (!defined($noilcheck)) { check_matcher($prog_in, $prog_out); print "done checking status.\n" if ($verbose); } #do stable checks if (defined($stable)) { print $stable_in "loadsgf $loadfile $lmove\n"; $toplay = eat_one_line($stable_out); $toplay =~ s/^=//smg; $toplay =~ s/ //smg; if (!defined($color) or ($color eq $toplay)) { print $prog_in "genmove_$toplay\n"; print $stable_in "genmove_$toplay\n"; $move = eat_move($prog_out); $stable_move = eat_move($stable_out); if ($move ne $stable_move and defined ($stable)) { print "At move $movenum, $toplay\:\n"; print "Test version played $move\n"; print "Stable version played $stable_move\n"; if ($verbose eq 2) { print $prog_in "showboard\n"; print eat_response($prog_out); } } else { print "$toplay plays $move\n" if $verbose; } } } } print "done reading sgf file\n" if ($verbose); exit; } while ($games > 0) { %match_hist = (); $pidp = open2($prog_out, $prog_in, $program); print "program pid: $pidp\n" if $verbose; if (defined($stable)) { $pids = open2($stable_out, $stable_in, $stable); print "stable pid: $pids\n" if $verbose; } $sgffile = rename_sgffile($games, $sgffilename) if defined $sgffilename; if ((defined $sgffilename) && !open(SGFFILEHANDLE, ">$sgffile")) { printf("can't open $sgffile\n"); undef($sgffilename); } #set autoflushing for sgf file SGFFILEHANDLE->autoflush(1); if (!defined $komi) { if ($handicap > 0) { $komi = 0.5; } else { $komi = 5.5; } } print $prog_in "boardsize $size\n"; eat_no_response($prog_out); print $prog_in "komi $komi\n"; eat_no_response($prog_out); if (defined($stable)) { print $stable_in "komi $komi\n"; eat_no_response($stable_out); print $stable_in "boardsize $size\n"; eat_no_response($stable_out); } if (defined($randseed)) { print $prog_in "set_random_seed $randseed\n"; eat_no_response($prog_out); } else { print $prog_in "get_random_seed\n"; $randseed = eat_one_line($prog_out); $randseed =~ s/^= //smg; print "random seed $randseed\n"; } if (defined($stable)) { print $stable_in "set_random_seed $randseed\n"; eat_no_response($stable_out); } undef $randseed; #if more than one game, get a new seed next time. print SGFFILEHANDLE "(;GM[1]FF[4]RU[Japanese]SZ[$size]HA[$handicap]KM[$komi]" if defined $sgffilename; my $pass = 0; $move = ""; if ($handicap < 2) { $toplay = "black"; } else { $toplay = "white"; print $prog_in "fixed_handicap $handicap\n"; $handicap_stones = eat_handicap($prog_out); my $stable_stones = $handicap_stones; if (defined($stable)) { print $stable_in "fixed_handicap $handicap\n"; $stable_stones = eat_handicap($stable_out); } if ($stable_stones ne $handicap_stones) { print "Handicap discrepancy:\n"; print "Test: $handicap_stones\n"; print "Stable: $stable_stones\n"; } if (defined $sgffilename) { print SGFFILEHANDLE $handicap_stones; } } $movenum = 1; while ($pass < 2) { print $prog_in "genmove_$toplay\n"; $move = eat_move($prog_out); if (defined($stable)) { print $stable_in "genmove_$toplay\n" if defined($stable); $stable_move = eat_move($stable_out); print $stable_in "undo\n"; eat_no_response($stable_out); } if ($move ne $stable_move and defined ($stable)) { print "At move $movenum, $toplay\:\n"; print "Test version played $move\n"; print "Stable version played $stable_move\n"; if ($verbose eq 2) { print $prog_in "showboard\n"; print eat_response($prog_out); } } else { print "$toplay plays $move\n" if $verbose; } $sgfmove = standard_to_sgf($move); my $tpc = "B"; #toplay char $tpc = "W" if ($toplay eq "white"); print SGFFILEHANDLE ";$tpc\[$sgfmove\]\n" if defined $sgffilename; print $stable_in "$toplay $move\n" if defined($stable); eat_no_response($stable_out) if defined($stable); if ($toplay eq "black") { $toplay = "white"; } else { $toplay = "black"; } if ($move =~ /PASS/i) { $pass++; } else { $pass = 0; } if ($verbose > 2) { print $prog_in "showboard\n"; eat_no_response($prog_out); if (defined($stable)) { print $stable_in "showboard\n"; eat_no_response($stable_out); } } check_matcher($prog_in, $prog_out) if !defined($noilcheck); $movenum++; } print $prog_in "estimate_score\n"; $result = eat_score($prog_out); if (defined($stable)) { print $stable_in "estimate_score\n"; my $stable_result = eat_score($stable_out); print "scoring discrepancy. Stable score: $stable_result.\n" if ($stable_result ne $result); } print "Result: $result\n"; print $prog_in "quit\n"; print $stable_in "quit\n" if defined($stable); if (defined $sgffilename) { print "sgf file: $sgffile\n"; print SGFFILEHANDLE ")"; close SGFFILEHANDLE; $game_list{$sgffile} = $result; } $games-- if $games > 0; #make sure gnugo dies correctly. close $prog_in; close $prog_out; close $stable_in if defined($stable); close $stable_out if defined($stable); waitpid $pidp, 0; waitpid $pids, 0; print "games remaining: $games\n"; } if (defined $sgffilename) { my $index_out = new FileHandle; open ($index_out, "> " . index_name($sgffilename)); print $index_out "game results

Game Results

White: ".html_encode($program)."

Black: ".html_encode($program)."

"; foreach (sort by_result keys(%game_list)) { print $index_out "" . "\n"; } print $index_out "
SGF file Result
\n"; } exit; #all done here. sub game_result { $_ = shift; $_ = $game_list{$_}; #i.e.: B+13.5 (upper bound: -13.5, lower: -13.5)|B+13.5 (upper bound: -13.5, lower: -13.5) #Make sure that all 4 values are the same. I've not seen them different yet. #If they are ever different, need to improve the HTML output (now just -999) - # an explanation of the score mismatch problem would be appropriate. $_ =~ /^.*upper bound..([0-9+.\-]*)..lower..\1.\|.*upper bound..\1..lower..\1./; if (defined($1)) { return $1; } else { return -999; } } sub by_result { game_result($a) <=> game_result($b) || $a cmp $b; } sub html_encode { #print shift; my $r = shift; $r =~ s/&/&/g; $r =~ s//>/g; return $r; } sub eat_no_response { my $h = shift; # ignore empty lines my $line = ""; while ($line eq "") { chop($line = <$h>) or die "No response!"; $line =~ s/(\s|\n)*$//smg; } } sub eat_response { my $h = shift; my $response = ""; # ignore empty lines my $line = ""; while ($line eq "") { chop($line = <$h>) or die "No response!"; $line =~ s/(\s|\n)*$//smg; } while ($line ne "") { $response = "$response$line\n"; chop($line = <$h>) or die "No response!"; $line =~ s/(\s|\n)*$//smg; } return $response; } sub eat_one_line { my $h = shift; # ignore empty lines my $line = ""; while ($line eq "") { chop($line = <$h>) or die "No response!"; $line =~ s/(\s|\n)*$//smg; } return $line; } sub eat_move { my $h = shift; # ignore empty lines my $line = ""; while ($line eq "") { if (!defined($line = <$h>)) { print SGFFILEHANDLE ")"; close SGFFILEHANDLE; die "Engine crashed!\n"; } $line =~ s/(\s|\n)*$//smg; } my ($equals, $move) = split(' ', $line, 2); $line = <$h>; defined($move) or confess "no move found: line was: '$line'"; return $move; } sub eat_handicap { my $h = shift; my $sgf_handicap = "AB"; # ignore empty lines, die if process is gone my $line = ""; while ($line eq "") { chop($line = <$h>) or die "No response!"; } @vertices = split(" ", $line); foreach $vertex (@vertices) { if (!($vertex eq "=")) { $vertex = standard_to_sgf($vertex); $sgf_handicap = "$sgf_handicap\[$vertex\]"; } } return "$sgf_handicap;"; } sub eat_score { my $h = shift; # ignore empty lines, die if process is gone my $line = ""; while ($line eq "") { chop($line = <$h>) or die "No response!"; $line =~ s/^\s*//msg; $line =~ s/\s*$//msg; } $line =~ s/\s*$//; my ($equals, $result) = split(' ', $line, 2); $line = <$h>; return $result; } sub standard_to_sgf { for (@_) { confess "Yikes!" if !defined($_); } for (@_) { tr/A-Z/a-z/ }; $_ = shift(@_); /([a-z])([0-9]+)/; return "tt" if $_ eq "pass"; $first = ord $1; if ($first > 104) { $first = $first - 1; } $first = chr($first); $second = chr($size+1-$2+96); return "$first$second"; } sub rename_sgffile { my $nogames = int shift(@_); $_ = shift(@_); s/\.sgf$//; # Annoying to loose _001 on game #1 in multi-game set. # Could record as an additional parameter. # return "$_.sgf" if ($nogames == 1); return sprintf("$_" . "_%03d.sgf", $nogames); } sub index_name { $_ = shift; s/\.sgf$//; return $_ . "_index.html"; } sub check_matcher { #check for illegal transitions, and print things if they happen my $in = shift; my $out = shift; my $line = ""; my $legality = "illegal"; my $vertex = " "; my $new_status = " "; my $old_status; my $il_vertex = ""; my $il_move = ""; #send command print $in "dragon_status\n"; while ($line eq "") { chop($line = <$out>); $line =~ s/^\s*//smg; $line =~ s/\s*$//smg; } while ($line ne "") { print "parsing a line\n" if ($verbose); $line =~ s/= //g; #zap the "= " at the front of the response $line =~ s/\n//g; #zap newlines... $line =~ s/://g; #zap the : print $line . "\n" if ($verbose); ($vertex, $new_status) = split(" ", $line); #and split on spaces #extra get trashed $old_status = $match_hist{$vertex} if (exists($match_hist{$vertex})); #debug output if ($verbose > 1) { print "Vertex: $vertex\n"; print "Old Status: $old_status\n" if (exists($match_hist{$vertex})); print "New Status: $new_status\n"; } #if it's new, we don't care if (!exists($match_hist{$vertex})) { print "$vertex is new.\n" if ($verbose > 0); $match_hist{$vertex} = $new_status; next; } #ok, so it's old $legality = "illegal"; if ($old_status eq "critical") {$legality = "legal"}; if ($new_status eq "critical") {$legality = "legal"}; if ($new_status eq "unknown") {$legality = "legal"}; if ($old_status eq "unknown") { if ($new_status eq "alive") {$legality = "legal";} if ($new_status eq "critical") {$legality = "legal";} } if ($old_status eq "alive" and $new_status eq "dead") { $legality = "killed"; } if ($match_hist{$vertex} eq $new_status) { #state didn't change -- valid result print "$vertex remained unchanged.\n" if ($verbose > 0); } else { #state changed if ($legality eq "legal") { #legal state change if ($verbose > 1) { print "Legal state change:\n"; print "Games remaining: $games\n"; print "Move: $movenum\n"; print "Vertex: $vertex\n"; print "Old Status: $old_status\n"; print "New Status: $new_status\n"; print "\n"; } } else { #illegal state change -- alive to dead or vice versa print "Illegal state change:\n"; print "Games remaining: $games\n"; print "Move: $movenum\n"; print "Vertex: $vertex\n"; print "Old Status: $old_status\n"; print "New Status: $new_status\n"; print "\n"; #now print gtp output #FIXME: doesn't work with --loadsgf because we don't have #the move list available (it's hidden by using GTP loadsgf). #FIXME: currently, only produces GTP output for one transition #per move. This is because we have to finish parsing the #entire output of dragon_status before dealing with finding #missed attacks. Using arrays instead would fix it. if ($legality eq "killed" and !defined($loadfile)) { #The type we deal with now. #FIXME: check for defensive errors too. $il_move = $move; $il_vertex = $vertex; } } $match_hist{$vertex} = $new_status; } } continue { chop($line = <$out>); } if ($il_move ne "") { print "attempting gtp output.\n"; #undo the move, check owl_does_attack #and owl_attack, if they disagree, #output a regression test. print $in "undo\n"; eat_no_response($out); my $oa_result = ""; my $oda_result = ""; print $in "owl_attack $il_vertex\n"; $oa_result = eat_one_line($out); print "owl_attack $il_vertex\: $oa_result\n"; print $in "owl_does_attack $il_move $il_vertex\n"; $oda_result = eat_one_line($out); print "owl_does_attack $il_move $il_vertex\: $oda_result\n"; #now try to do something with it if ($oa_result eq "= 0" and $oda_result ne "= 0") { print "found a missed attack.\n\n"; print "loadsgf $sgffile $movenum\n"; print "owl_attack $il_vertex\n"; print "#$oa_result\n"; print "#? [1 $move]*\n\n"; } else { print "no missed attack found.\n\n"; } #cancel the undo my $last_played = "black"; if ($toplay eq "B") { $last_played = "white"; } print $in "genmove_$last_played\n"; eat_move($out); } print "\n" if ($verbose > 0); }