# Added E3. /ab loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2-200312052122.sgf 4 10 reg_genmove black #? [E5|E6|E3] loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2-200312052122.sgf 6 20 reg_genmove black #? [!D5] loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2-200312052122.sgf 10 30 reg_genmove black #? [D7]* loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2-200312052122.sgf 26 40 reg_genmove black #? [D4]* # H3 might also be acceptable. /ab loadsgf games/nngs/evand-gnugo-3.5.2-200312060932.sgf 4 50 reg_genmove black #? [F4]* loadsgf games/nngs/evand-gnugo-3.5.2-200312060932.sgf 8 60 reg_genmove black #? [D4|G5]* #C7 is bigger than D8 loadsgf games/nngs/evand-gnugo-3.5.2-200312060932.sgf 22 70 reg_genmove black #? [C7] loadsgf games/nngs/evand-gnugo-3.5.2-200312060932.sgf 32 80 reg_genmove black #? [F8]* #something better than H6 loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2-200312041808.sgf 6 90 reg_genmove black #? [E4|F5|E3] loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2-200312041808.sgf 10 100 reg_genmove black #? [F5]* #much, much safer than J2 # yes, safe way to win the game with 77 points. :) /ab loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2-200312041808.sgf 40 110 reg_genmove black #? [G2] #make the ko threat #game move is B1, maybe a caching issue? loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2-200312041808.sgf 58 120 reg_genmove black #? [F1] #large endgame, white will have to pick up. loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2-200312041808.sgf 64 130 reg_genmove black #? [B9]* loadsgf games/nngs/speciman-gnugo-3.5.2-200312091734.sgf 7 140 reg_genmove black #? [D7|C7|E4]* # Removed E7. Would be huge ko that black loses. /ab loadsgf games/nngs/speciman-gnugo-3.5.2-200312091734.sgf 9 150 reg_genmove black #? [E6]* # Only move. /ab loadsgf games/nngs/speciman-gnugo-3.5.2-200312091734.sgf 13 160 reg_genmove black #? [E7]* #something better than C3 loadsgf games/nngs/speciman-gnugo-3.5.2-200312091734.sgf 15 170 reg_genmove black #? [D3|G7]* loadsgf games/nngs/sjfried-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312130838.sgf 8 180 reg_genmove black #? [E5]* loadsgf games/nngs/sjfried-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312130838.sgf 10 190 reg_genmove black #? [F5]* # Connect under. /ab loadsgf games/nngs/sjfried-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312130838.sgf 14 193 reg_genmove black #? [E8]* loadsgf games/nngs/sjfried-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312130838.sgf 16 197 reg_genmove black #? [E8|H5] #D4 only move to connect all black stones. /ab loadsgf games/nngs/evand-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312130817.sgf 14 200 reg_genmove black #? [D4]* loadsgf games/nngs/evand-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312130817.sgf 26 210 reg_genmove black #? [F8|E9]* #G6 is very hard for gnugo, even if playable loadsgf games/nngs/gnugo-3.5.2gf1-kisome-200312131322.sgf 4 220 reg_genmove white #? [C7|C6|D7|D6|G7|F7] #I think D2 lives because of a threat to connect under #the important thing is to find a way to live, either #here or earlier in the game. loadsgf games/nngs/gnugo-3.5.2gf1-kisome-200312131322.sgf 22 230 reg_genmove white #? [D2]* # Moved to filllib:45 /ab. ##passing gets the wrong score on go servers, etc. ##F9 and G9 are dame that need to be filled. #loadsgf games/nngs/evand-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312150903.sgf ##240 reg_genmove black ##? [G9]* # See also reading:207-216. loadsgf games/nngs/evand-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312161910.sgf 52 250 reg_genmove black #? [A2|C1|C2]* loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312161704.sgf 10 260 reg_genmove black #? [E6] loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312161704.sgf 14 265 reg_genmove black #? [G6]* loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312161704.sgf 24 270 reg_genmove black #? [B5|F7|F8|F3]* #playing B5 now lets white connect at C6, causing problems for the top. loadsgf games/nngs/whitemouse-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312161704.sgf 26 280 reg_genmove black #? [E4]* loadsgf games/nngs/sjfried-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312210441.sgf 22 290 reg_genmove black #? [F5]* loadsgf games/nngs/sjfried-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312210441.sgf 24 300 reg_genmove black #? [D2]* loadsgf games/nngs/sjfried-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312210441.sgf 32 310 reg_genmove black #? [H7|H8] # E5 is best, all other acceptable. /ab loadsgf games/nngs/ruud2d-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312241905.sgf 8 320 reg_genmove black #? [E5|F4|D4|E4]* # D3 is objectively best but dangerous. /ab loadsgf games/nngs/ruud2d-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312241905.sgf 20 330 reg_genmove black #? [D3|F3]* loadsgf games/nngs/ruud2d-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312241905.sgf 28 340 reg_genmove black #? [H8]* # Maybe C2 works, too, I am not sure. /ab loadsgf games/nngs/ruud2d-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312241905.sgf 30 350 owl_defend C3 #? [1 (B4|D2)] loadsgf games/nngs/ruud2d-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312241905.sgf 32 355 owl_defend C3 #? [1 (A5|D2)]* loadsgf games/nngs/ruud2d-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312292348.sgf 8 360 reg_genmove black #? [F4|E6|D5]* #E7 appears to be a losing move loadsgf games/nngs/gnugo-3.5.2gf1-Kiskol-200401021557.sgf 10 370 reg_genmove white #? [G7|F7]* loadsgf games/boardspace/GNUGo-GoFigure0.1-200503171816.sgf 9 380 reg_genmove black #? [C3|D3]* loadsgf games/boardspace/GNUGo-GoFigure0.1-200503171816.sgf 17 390 reg_genmove black #? [D7]* loadsgf games/boardspace/GNUGo-GoFigure0.1-200503171816.sgf 35 400 reg_genmove black #? [A5|B3] loadsgf games/boardspace/GNUGo-GoFigure0.1-200503181316.sgf 11 410 reg_genmove black #? [B5]* loadsgf games/boardspace/GNUGo-GoFigure0.1-200503181614.sgf 41 420 reg_genmove black #? [D5]* #solve the endgame problem with one move, not 3 like in the game loadsgf games/boardspace/GNUGo-GoFigure0.1-200503302359.sgf 41 430 reg_genmove black #? [G7|H7]* loadsgf games/bitti-gnug36.sgf 24 440 restricted_genmove black D6 C6 B7 #? [C6|B7]* # Not A8 as in the game loadsgf games/bitti-gnug36.sgf 30 450 reg_genmove black #? [B5|B4]* # This is not very obvious, but B9 still wins the whole board. loadsgf games/bitti-gnug36.sgf 44 460 reg_genmove black #? [B9]* # Need to protect lower right corner loadsgf games/nodan-guno.sgf 8 470 reg_genmove black #? [H3|H4|G4|D3] loadsgf games/nodan-guno.sgf 24 480 restricted_genmove black E2 F2 #? [E2]* # E1 is non-sense. loadsgf games/nodan-guno.sgf 38 490 reg_genmove black #? [D1|A6|H1]* loadsgf games/nodan-guno.sgf 54 500 reg_genmove black #? [H6] # Mandatory to stay connected. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament8/GNU-AyaBot.sgf 6 510 reg_genmove white #? [C4]* # Tenuki from the lower left stones is out of the question. E5 may be # best but is complicated. For now we accept any reasonable move that # stays on focus. In particular the game move at E7 is not acceptable. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament8/GNU-AyaBot.sgf 10 520 reg_genmove white #? [E5|D5|B2|E3|F3|F4] # F2 needlessly complicated and/or backfires. F3 solid and effective. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament8/indigoBot-GNU.sgf 13 530 restricted_genmove black F2 F3 #? [F3]* # D8 is too low. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament8/CrazyStone-GNU.sgf 5 540 restricted_genmove black D8 D7 #? [D7] # B8 is nonsensical. There might be better moves but C6 is easy to see # that it's effective. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament8/CrazyStone-GNU.sgf 9 550 restricted_genmove black B8 C6 #? [C6] # C5 leaves too much aji for white to work with in the corner. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament8/CrazyStone-GNU.sgf 33 560 reg_genmove black #? [B4]* # E4 is better than E7 since it splits the opponent while saving the # cutting stones. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament8/tlsBot-GNU.sgf 13 570 reg_genmove black #? [E4]* # More important to close off the center than the edge. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament8/firstgo-GNU.sgf 7 580 restricted_genmove black E2 E6 #? [E6]* # Important to keep white separated in the center. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament8/firstgo-GNU.sgf 19 590 reg_genmove black #? [E5]* # B7 is too low and in the wrong direction. Many moves are better. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament10/GNU-AyaBot.sgf 4 600 restricted_genmove white B7 F4 F3 G3 #? [F4|F3|G3]* # H9 just doesn't work. The only useful ko threat is E4. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament10/GNU-AyaBot.sgf 30 610 reg_genmove white #? [E4]* # A7 is a wonderful move, setting up an under the stones tesuji to # capture three stones. The move *was* played in the game and this # test case is here to make sure that it won't be forgotten. loadsgf games/kgs/tournament10/GNU-NeuroGo.sgf 68 620 reg_genmove white #? [A7] loadsgf games/9x9-4.sgf 13 630 reg_genmove black #? [J5]* # A8 secures seki, winning the game. On the other hand black can't # start the ko anyway, so the ordinary endgame moves are also good. # The game move at D9 is not good at all, however. # See also reading:229,230, owl1:395,396, and semeai:145,146. loadsgf games/cgos/25811.sgf 52 640 reg_genmove white #? [A8|G6|J6]* # Necessary to start capturing from the left. The game move at J1 is # of course futile. # See also reading:231. loadsgf games/cgos/14198.sgf 53 650 reg_genmove black #? [E1] # D3 is the only possible move. Trying to kill all white stones with # F2 is an unreasonable overplay. loadsgf games/cgos/42896.sgf 33 660 reg_genmove black #? [D3]* # E7 is the only way to live on the upper side. loadsgf games/cgos/390115.sgf 28 670 reg_genmove white #? [E7]* # There's actually nothing difficult with this position, it's only # necessary to avoid a few obvious blunders. The real reason for this # test is that a fix for an atari-atari problem introduced a crash in # this position. Fixing the crash instead reintroduced an atari-atari # mistake in ninestones:220. Let's make sure we won't get a crash here # once more. See also tickets #77 and #161. loadsgf games/atari-crash.sgf 680 reg_genmove white #? [H7]