loadsgf golois/Goemate990902-15.sgf 1 defend S10 #? [1 T7] loadsgf golois/Goemate990902-5.sgf 2 defend J2 #? [1 M1] loadsgf golois/Goemate990904-4.sgf 3 defend Q15 #? [0] # This problem is much harder than it may look. After black H5, white # can force with the sequence W E1, B F2, W H2, B J2, W H3, B J3. # After that, white plays H6 and black has to work hard to stop escape. /gf # Changed point of attack to H6, which looks correct. /db loadsgf golois/Goemate991109-1.sgf 4 attack G5 #? [1 H6]* # It looks as if the originally recommended solution [1 S3] is wrong. # After W:S3 B:S2 W:T2 B:S1 W:O1 B:S5 black wins the semeai. /db loadsgf golois/Handtalk980821-2.sgf 5 attack R4 #? [1 S3]* loadsgf golois/Handtalk980821-2.sgf 6 attack O2 #? [1 (O3|N2|P1|S3|O1|S2)] loadsgf golois/Handtalk980821-2.sgf 7 defend R3 #? [1 (S3|O3|N2|P1|O1|S2)] loadsgf golois/Handtalk980824-1.sgf 8 defend K5 #? [0]* loadsgf golois/Handtalk980826-1.sgf 9 defend B4 #? [0] # P11 seems to be an effective tactical defense too, albeit making # things much more difficult. /gf loadsgf golois/Jimmy990711-2.sgf 10 defend P10 #? [1 O11]* loadsgf golois/knippel.sgf 11 defend C8 #? [0] loadsgf golois/ko990604.sgf 12 defend B3 #? [0] loadsgf golois/Prendre990424-1.sgf 13 attack C8 #? [1 D8]* loadsgf golois/Prendre990430-1.sgf 14 defend H7 #? [0] loadsgf golois/Prendre990502-1.sgf 15 defend G4 #? [0] loadsgf golois/Prendre990630-1.sgf 16 defend B12 #? [1 (A12|A15|B17|B18|A17|A18)] loadsgf golois/test.sgf 17 attack G7 #? [1 G6] # This test case originally said "defend G5", which must be an error. # Changed it to defend the weak stone at F5 instead. /gf # F6 works to defend F3 -trevor loadsgf golois/web000103.sgf 18 defend F5 #? [1 F6]