[surreal-numbers] / chapter-1-experiments / ch1-breeding-numbers.go
// (c) 2020 Aaron Taylor <ataylor at subgeniuskitty dot com>
// See LICENSE.txt file for copyright and license details.
package main
import (
// =============================================================================
// This program recognizes four types of numbers:
// - Surreal symbols, like those generated by Axiom 1.
// - Surreal numbers, like those selected by Axiom 2.
// - Reduced form numbers, per Definition 7.
// - Named form numbers, which are the equivalence classes induced by
// Definition 6, represented by the first representative reduced
// form number encountered at runtime.
// Although the surrealNumber type can represent any of these four types of
// numbers, the surrealUniverse contains only named form numbers.
// All equality tests (e.g. eq, geq, leq) in this program actually test for
// similarity per Definition 6.
// =============================================================================
type surrealUniverse struct {
// The elements in this slice are stored in order according to Axiom 3.
// Thus, numbers[0] < numbers[1] < ... < numbers[n].
numbers []surrealNumber
nextUniqueID uint
func (u *surrealUniverse) getIndex(num surrealNumber) int {
// Since getIndex() is only ever called on 'num' which already exists in
// the universe, we return the result directly, without bothering to
// confirm an exact match.
// Also, we can get away with a direct comparison of these floating point
// numbers since there will be an exact match, guaranteed since 'num' is
// already in the universe.
return sort.Search(u.cardinality(), func(i int) bool { return u.numbers[i].value >= num.value })
func (u *surrealUniverse) cardinality() int {
return len(u.numbers)
func (u *surrealUniverse) insert(num surrealNumber) {
// Before we can insert a number into the universe, we must first determine
// if it is newly discovered. We do this by looking at its ancestors, all
// guaranteed to be on the number line by construction, finding three
// cases:
// 1. There are zero ancestors.
// We have rediscovered 0 and can abort the insertion unless creating
// a brand new universe.
// 2. There is one ancestor.
// If the number extends the number line, it is new, otherwise it will
// be similar to a form with two ancestors and should be ignored since
// the two ancestor form is a better visual representation.
// 3. There are two ancestors.
// The number is only new if both ancestors are side-by-side on the
// number line.
ancestorCount := num.leftSet.cardinality() + num.rightSet.cardinality()
switch ancestorCount {
case 0:
if u.cardinality() == 0 {
num.value = 0.0
num.identifier = u.nextUniqueID
u.numbers = append(u.numbers, num)
case 1:
if num.leftSet.cardinality() == 1 {
index := u.getIndex(num.leftSet.members[0])
if index+1 == u.cardinality() {
num.value = u.numbers[u.cardinality()-1].value + 1.0
num.identifier = u.nextUniqueID
u.numbers = append(u.numbers, num)
} else {
index := u.getIndex(num.rightSet.members[0])
if index == 0 {
num.value = u.numbers[0].value - 1.0
num.identifier = u.nextUniqueID
u.numbers = append(u.numbers[:1], u.numbers...)
u.numbers[0] = num
case 2:
leftIndex := u.getIndex(num.leftSet.members[0])
rightIndex := u.getIndex(num.rightSet.members[0])
if leftIndex+1 == rightIndex {
num.value = (num.leftSet.members[0].value + num.rightSet.members[0].value) / 2
num.identifier = u.nextUniqueID
u.numbers = append(u.numbers[:rightIndex+1], u.numbers[rightIndex:]...)
u.numbers[rightIndex] = num
// =============================================================================
// Note: The following comparison functions apply only to numbers already in
// the universe, not to new numbers constructed from the universe. To
// determine where a (potentially) new number goes, first insert it into the
// universe.
// This function implements Axiom 3 and is the root of all other comparisons.
func (u *surrealUniverse) isRelated(numA, numB surrealNumber) bool {
// By construction, no number in this program will ever have more than one
// element in its right or left sets, nor will those elements be of a form
// other than that 'registered' with the universe. That allows direct
// comparisons using the surrealNumber.identifier field via u.getIndex().
// ---------------------------------
// First we implement the check "no member of the first number's left set
// is greater than or equal to the second number".
if numA.leftSet.cardinality() == 1 {
if u.getIndex(numA.leftSet.members[0]) >= u.getIndex(numB) {
return false
// Now we implement the check "no member of the second number's right set
// is less than or equal to the first number".
if numB.rightSet.cardinality() == 1 {
if u.getIndex(numB.rightSet.members[0]) <= u.getIndex(numA) {
return false
return true
func (u *surrealUniverse) isSimilar(numA, numB surrealNumber) bool {
if u.isRelated(numA, numB) && u.isRelated(numB, numA) {
return true
return false
func (u *surrealUniverse) equal(left, right surrealNumber) bool {
return u.isSimilar(left, right)
func (u *surrealUniverse) lessThanOrEqual(left, right surrealNumber) bool {
return u.isRelated(left, right)
func (u *surrealUniverse) lessThan(left, right surrealNumber) bool {
return u.lessThanOrEqual(left, right) && !u.equal(left, right)
func (u *surrealUniverse) greaterThanOrEqual(left, right surrealNumber) bool {
return !u.lessThan(left, right)
func (u *surrealUniverse) greaterThan(left, right surrealNumber) bool {
return !u.isRelated(left, right)
// =============================================================================
type surrealNumber struct {
leftSet surrealSet
rightSet surrealSet
value float64
identifier uint
generation int
type surrealSet struct {
members []surrealNumber
func (s *surrealSet) isMember(num surrealNumber, u surrealUniverse) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(s.members); i++ {
if u.equal(num, s.members[i]) {
return true
return false
func (s *surrealSet) cardinality() int {
return len(s.members)
func (s *surrealSet) insert(num surrealNumber, u surrealUniverse) {
if !s.isMember(num, u) {
s.members = append(s.members, num)
func (s *surrealSet) remove(num surrealNumber, u surrealUniverse) {
for i := 0; i < len(s.members); i++ {
if u.equal(num, s.members[i]) {
s.members[i] = s.members[len(s.members)-1]
s.members = s.members[:len(s.members)-1]
// =============================================================================
func main() {
// Flags to enable various performance profiling options.
cpuProfile := flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "Filename for saving CPU profile output.")
memProfile := flag.String("memprofile", "", "Filename for saving memory profile output.")
suppressOutput := flag.Bool("silent", false, "Suppress printing of numberline at end of simulation. Useful when profiling.")
// Obtain termination conditions from user.
totalGenerations := flag.Int("generations", 2, "Number of generations of surreal numbers to breed.")
if *totalGenerations < 1 {
log.Fatal("ERROR: The argument to '-generations' must be greater than zero.")
remainingGenerations := *totalGenerations - 1
// Setup any CPU performance profiling requested by the user. This will run
// throughout program execution.
if *cpuProfile != "" {
cpuProFile, err := os.Create(*cpuProfile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("ERROR: Unable to open CPU profiling output file:", err)
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
// Build a universe to contain all the surreal numbers we breed.
// Seed it by hand with the number zero as generation-0.
var universe surrealUniverse
universe.nextUniqueID = 0
fmt.Println("Seeding generation 0 by hand.")
universe.insert(surrealNumber{surrealSet{}, surrealSet{}, 0.0, 0, 0})
// Breed however many generations of numbers were requested by the user and
// add them all to the universe.
fmt.Printf("Breeding Generation:")
for generation := 1; generation <= remainingGenerations; generation++ {
// Give the user some idea of overall progress during long jobs.
if generation != 1 {
fmt.Printf(" %d", generation)
// First generate all possible new numbers in this generation.
potentiallyNewNumbers := permuteExistingNumbers(generation, universe)
// Attempt to add the new numbers to the universe. Any duplicates will
// be weeded out in the attempt.
addNumbersToUniverse(potentiallyNewNumbers, &universe)
// Setup any memory profiling requested by the user. This will snapshot
// the heap only at this point, after all numbers were generated.
if *memProfile != "" {
memProFile, err := os.Create(*memProfile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("ERROR: Unable to open heap profile output file:", err)
// Print the number line with generation on the horizontal axis and
// magnitude on the vertical axis.
if !(*suppressOutput) {
for i := 0; i < universe.cardinality(); i++ {
fmt.Println("After", *totalGenerations, "generations, the universe contains", len(universe.numbers), "numbers.")
fmt.Println("If output looks poor, ensure tabstop is eight spaces and that output doesn't wrap.")
// =============================================================================
// We will only build permutations with 0 or 1 elements in each of the left and
// right sets. This covers all the reduced form permutations. Any longer
// permutations will be similar to one of the reduced forms.
func permuteExistingNumbers(generation int, universe surrealUniverse) []surrealNumber {
// Profiling indicates that most calls to growSlice() and memMove()
// originate in this function. Allocating a sufficiently large slice
// upfront results in 2x speed improvement and 1/3 reduction in heap usage.
numberOfPermutations := ((universe.cardinality() + 1) * (universe.cardinality() + 1)) - 1
numbers := make([]surrealNumber, 0, numberOfPermutations)
// First build permutations with 1 element in each set.
for i := 0; i < universe.cardinality(); i++ {
for j := 0; j < universe.cardinality(); j++ {
var leftSet, rightSet surrealSet
leftSet.insert(universe.numbers[i], universe)
rightSet.insert(universe.numbers[j], universe)
newSurrealNumber := surrealNumber{leftSet, rightSet, 0.0, 0, generation}
if isValidSurrealNumber(newSurrealNumber, universe) {
numbers = append(numbers, newSurrealNumber)
// Now build permutations with one empty set and one 1-element set.
for i := 0; i < universe.cardinality(); i++ {
var tempSet surrealSet
tempSet.insert(universe.numbers[i], universe)
newSurrealNumber := surrealNumber{tempSet, surrealSet{}, 0.0, 0, generation}
numbers = append(numbers, newSurrealNumber)
newSurrealNumber = surrealNumber{surrealSet{}, tempSet, 0.0, 0, generation}
numbers = append(numbers, newSurrealNumber)
return numbers
// Although a non-reduced-form number is technically valid, for the purposes of
// this program we're declaring it invalid.
func isValidSurrealNumber(candidate surrealNumber, universe surrealUniverse) bool {
// Is the number in reduced form?
if candidate.leftSet.cardinality() > 1 || candidate.rightSet.cardinality() > 1 {
return false
// Is the number valid per Axiom 2?
if candidate.leftSet.cardinality() != 0 && candidate.rightSet.cardinality() != 0 {
for i := 0; i < candidate.leftSet.cardinality(); i++ {
for j := 0; j < candidate.leftSet.cardinality(); j++ {
// Since candidates are drawn from the universe, this comparison is allowed.
if universe.greaterThanOrEqual(candidate.leftSet.members[i], candidate.rightSet.members[j]) {
return false
return true
func addNumbersToUniverse(numbers []surrealNumber, universe *surrealUniverse) {
for i := 0; i < len(numbers); i++ {
// Pretty print a number, indenting to indicate generation.
func printlnNumber(num surrealNumber) {
for i := 0; i < num.generation; i++ {
fmt.Printf("%s = ", toBase26(num.identifier))
if num.leftSet.cardinality() == 0 {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s", toBase26(num.leftSet.members[0].identifier))
if num.rightSet.cardinality() == 0 {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s", toBase26(num.rightSet.members[0].identifier))
// This function is a total hack, intended only to avoid printing identifiers
// as actual numbers since we don't want to imply any particular association to
// specific 'real' numbers yet. Instead, print them with [a-z] as base-26
// integers.
func toBase26(num uint) (base26String []byte) {
// For alignment reasons, we never print more than three digits. Thus, any
// number greater than (26^3)-1 is out of range.
if num >= 26*26*26 {
base26String = []byte("xxx")
} else {
var firstByte, secondByte, thirdByte byte
thirdByte = byte((num % 26) + uint('a'))
num = num / 26
secondByte = byte((num % 26) + uint('a'))
num = num / 26
firstByte = byte((num % 26) + uint('a'))
num = num / 26
base26String = append(base26String, firstByte)
base26String = append(base26String, secondByte)
base26String = append(base26String, thirdByte)
return base26String