[website_subgeniuskitty.com] / data / development / misc / garmin_edge_305_linux.files / Edge305.py
# Wrapper script to dump files from Garmin Edge 305 and convert to TCX for import into GoldenCheetah
# Requires garmintools and garmin-dev-master packages
# Needs root permissions for USB access
# Aaron Taylor
# ataylor@subgeniuskitty.com
# Configuration
# path to garmin_save_runs, garmin_dump and libgarmintools.so
path_garmintools = "/home/ataylor/bin/garmintools"
# path to gmn2tcx and support files (saxon, etc)
path_gmn2tcx = "/home/ataylor/bin/gmn2tcx"
# path to save gmn data files
path_save_gmn = "/mnt/documents/Bicycling/logged_data"
# path to save tcx files
path_save_tcx = "/mnt/documents/Bicycling/logged_data/temp_tcx"
# path to log file for garmintools output
path_log = "/tmp/garmintools.log"
# UID/GID to set on new files
uid = 1000
gid = 1000
import subprocess, os
# Set up the environment. We want to append to PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# in case some system files are in a funky place. However, we must first
# check that the variables exist since they might be blank (like
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH on my system).
my_env = os.environ
my_env["PATH"] = path_garmintools + ":" + path_gmn2tcx
my_env["PATH"] = my_env["PATH"] + ":" + path_garmintools + ":" + path_gmn2tcx
my_env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = path_garmintools
my_env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = my_env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] + ":" + path_garmintools
my_env["GARMIN_SAVE_RUNS"] = path_save_gmn
# Export the data from the GPS as binary gmn files and store STDOUT in result.
result = subprocess.check_output(['/home/ataylor/bin/garmintools/garmin_save_runs'])
# Newly written files will have a line starting with "Wrote: " and then the full
# path to the new file. We want to extract only these lines and add them to the
# written_files list.
line_start = 0
written_files = []
n = 0
for i in result:
if i == b'\n':
line_start = n+1
elif line_start == n:
first_chars = ""
for k in range(9):
first_chars += result[n+k]
if first_chars == b'Wrote: ':
k = 9
temp_string = ""
while result[n+k] != b'\n':
temp_string += result[n+k]
k += 1
n += 1
# Dump output of garmintools run for analysis in case something goes wrong
file_log = open(path_log, 'w')
# For any newly written gmn files, save a copy as tcx format in directory specified
# by path_save_tcx so I can import to GoldenCheetah next time I start it.
devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
if not written_files:
print "No new files to process."
print "New TCX files:"
for path_gmn in written_files:
path_tcx = path_save_tcx + "/" + os.path.split(path_gmn)[1].replace(".gmn", ".tcx")
print path_tcx
file_tcx = open(path_tcx, 'w')
subprocess.call(["gmn2tcx", path_gmn], stdout=file_tcx, stderr=devnull)
os.chown(path_tcx, uid, gid)