# # Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. # Use is subject to license terms. # # ident "@(#)README.exit_at 1.1 05/10/05 SMI" # # # Using the 'exit_at' feature to stop the simulation # # This explains how to enable and use the 'exit_at' feature # [-] Enabling this Features: 1) Recompile legion You will need to compile legion with PERFORMANCE_CHECK=1. Edit your GNUMakefile in your legion build directory and re-compile legion. 2) Edit your config file Modify your legion config file and add the 'exit_at' value to your processor directive. Examples: processor "niagara" { clkfreq 5000000 ; cores 1; vthreads 1; nglobals 4; nwins 8; rstv 0xfff0000020; maxtl 7; exit_at 0x1234567; // stop legion when instn cnt >= 0x1234567 } [-] Output When running legion in this mode, the simulation will check for a match between instn_count and the exit_at value every 10000000 instructions. If your exit_at value is not a factor of this interval, legion will stop within 10000000 of your exit_at value. Example: fatal: Reached the value for exit_at in conf file 0x1234567, current icount=0x1312d00