\ ========== Copyright Header Begin ========================================== \ \ Hypervisor Software File: retained.fth \ \ Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \ \ - Do no alter or remove copyright notices \ \ - Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with \ or without modification, are permitted provided that the following \ conditions are met: \ \ - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice, \ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. \ \ - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, \ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the \ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. \ \ Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of contributors \ may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software \ without specific prior written permission. \ \ This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. \ ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, \ INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A \ PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN \ MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR \ ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR \ DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN \ OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR \ FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE \ DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, \ ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF \ SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. \ \ You acknowledge that this software is not designed, licensed or \ intended for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of \ any nuclear facility. \ \ ========== Copyright Header End ============================================ id: @(#)retained.fth 1.1 06/12/13 purpose: copyright: Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved copyright: Use is subject to license terms. \ With the present firmware stack retained memory DOES NOT work on sun4v \ systems. One reason (among others) is that soft resets are translated to \ power-cycle events. However we cannot remove the cif because Solaris will \ panic without it. This file attempts to fake up the cif in as benign a way \ as possible. Memory is of course not retained across resets, however, at \ runtime OBP allows a client program to allocate named chunks of memory, \ and keeps track of them in case they are asked for again. It does not \ assume that a certain physical address for the retained table of contents \ will always be available like its sun4u counterpart. Instead it just \ allocates a virtual page at stand-init time. \ Until retained memory is fixed or redesigned for sun4v machines this is \ our compromise. See withdrawn FWARC case 2006/049 for a possible solution. headerless 0 value retained \ R E T A I N E D h# constant retained-magic0 h# 64.65.6e. constant retained-magic1 pagesize constant /retained 16meg constant retained-min-align : map-in-retained ( -- vadr ) /retained alloc-mem ; : retained@ ( offset -- n ) retained + x@ ; : retained! ( n offset -- ) retained + x! ; struct h# 20 field >retained-name h# 08 field >retained-base-pa h# 08 field >retained-size h# 08 field >retained-count h# 08 field >retained-align constant /retained-struct : retained-base-pa@ ( adr -- pa.lo ) >retained-base-pa x@ ; : retained-base-pa! ( pa.lo adr -- ) >retained-base-pa x! ; : retained-size@ ( adr -- size ) >retained-size x@ ; : retained-size! ( size adr -- ) >retained-size x! ; : retained-count@ ( adr -- count ) >retained-count x@ ; : retained-count! ( count adr -- ) >retained-count x! ; : retained-align@ ( adr -- align ) >retained-align x@ ; : retained-align! ( align adr -- ) >retained-align x! ; : free-retained-slot ( offset -- ) 0 swap >retained-name x! ; : retained-bounds ( -- end,start ) retained /retained /retained-struct /string bounds ; : find-free-retained-slot ( -- offset true | false ) retained-bounds ?do i >retained-name cstrlen 0= if i unloop true exit then /retained-struct +loop false ; : mark-retained ( -- ) retained-magic0 dup h# 20 retained! -1 xor h# 18 retained! retained-magic1 dup h# 28 retained! -1 xor h# 10 retained! ; : init-retained ( -- ) map-in-retained to retained ( ) mark-retained ( ) ; : $find-retained ( name$ -- offset true | false ) retained-bounds ?do 2dup i >retained-name cscount $= if ( name$ ) 2drop i unloop true exit then /retained-struct +loop 2drop false ; : $release-retained ( name$ -- ) $find-retained if ( offset ) >r ( ) ( r: offset ) r@ retained-base-pa@ obmem ( pa.lo pa.hi ) r@ retained-size@ ( pa.lo pa.hi size ) mem-release ( ) r> free-retained-slot ( ) then ; : $new-retained ( name$ size align -- ) 2dup 2>r mem-claim 2r> 2swap ( name$ size align pa.lo pa.hi ) find-free-retained-slot if ( name$ size align pa.lo pa.hi offset ) >r drop ( name$ size align pa.lo ) ( r: offset ) r@ retained-base-pa! ( name$ size align ) ( r: offset ) r@ retained-align! ( name$ size ) ( r: offset ) r@ retained-size! ( name$ ) ( r: offset ) true r@ retained-count! ( name$ ) ( r: offset ) r> >retained-name swap cmove ( ) else ( name$ size align pa.lo pa.hi ) 2>r drop 2r> rot mem-release ( name$ ) 2drop ( ) then ( ) ; : alloc-retained ( name$ size align -- pa.lo pa.hi false | true ) retained-min-align round-up swap ( name$ align' size ) mmu-pagesize round-up swap ( name$ size' align' ) 2>r 2dup $find-retained if ( name$ offset ) ( r: size align ) dup retained-size@ ( name$ offset osize ) ( r: size align ) over retained-align@ ( name$ offset osize oalign ) ( r: size align ) 2r@ d= if ( name$ offset ) ( r: size align ) \ prev size/align are same true over retained-count! ( name$ offset ) ( r: size align ) r> over retained-align! ( name$ offset ) ( r: size ) r> swap retained-size! ( name$ ) else ( name$ offset ) ( r: size align ) \ prev size/align were different drop 2dup $release-retained ( name$ ) ( r: size align ) 2dup 2r> $new-retained ( name$ ) then ( name$ ) else ( name$ ) ( r: size align ) \ This is the first time for this name 2dup 2r> $new-retained ( name$ ) then ( name$ ) $find-retained if ( offset ) retained-base-pa@ obmem false ( ok ) else ( ) true ( failed ) then ( pa.lo pa.hi false | true ) ; headers " /memory" find-device caps @ caps off : SUNW,retain ( cname size align -- pa.lo pa.hi ) ?dup if ( cname size align ) rot cscount 2swap ( name$ size align ) alloc-retained ( pa.lo pa.hi false | true ) else ( cname pa.lo pa.hi size ) \ Deprecate align=0 support true ( true ) then throw ( pa.lo pa.hi ) ; : SUNW,free-retain ( cname -- ) cscount $release-retained ; caps ! device-end stand-init: Init Retained memory init-retained ;