\ ========== Copyright Header Begin ========================================== \ \ Hypervisor Software File: dhcp.fth \ \ Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \ \ - Do no alter or remove copyright notices \ \ - Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with \ or without modification, are permitted provided that the following \ conditions are met: \ \ - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice, \ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. \ \ - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, \ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the \ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. \ \ Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of contributors \ may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software \ without specific prior written permission. \ \ This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. \ ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, \ INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A \ PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN \ MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR \ ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR \ DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN \ OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR \ FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE \ DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, \ ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF \ SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. \ \ You acknowledge that this software is not designed, licensed or \ intended for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of \ any nuclear facility. \ \ ========== Copyright Header End ============================================ id: @(#)dhcp.fth 1.7 02/11/27 purpose: copyright: Copyright 1997-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved copyright: Use is subject to license terms. headerless \ Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) RFC 2131, RFC 2132 \ Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) RFC 951, RFC 1542 decimal struct ( bootp/dhcp packet ) 1 field >bp-op \ packet type: 1 = request, 2 = reply 1 field >bp-htype \ hardware addr type 1 field >bp-hlen \ hardware addr length 1 field >bp-hops \ gateway hops 4 field >bp-xid \ transaction ID 2 field >bp-secs \ seconds since boot began 2 field >bp-unused 4 field >bp-ciaddr \ client IP address 4 field >bp-yiaddr \ 'your' IP address 4 field >bp-siaddr \ server IP address 4 field >bp-giaddr \ gateway IP address 16 field >bp-chaddr \ client hardware address 64 field >bp-sname \ server host name 128 field >bp-file \ boot file name 4 field >bp-cookie \ Magic cookie 60 field >bp-options \ Can be longer, extending to end of packet constant /dhcp-packet : bp-op ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-op ; : bp-htype ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-htype ; : bp-hlen ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-hlen ; : bp-hops ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-hops ; : bp-xid ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-xid ; : bp-secs ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-secs ; : bp-ciaddr ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-ciaddr ; : bp-yiaddr ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-yiaddr ; : bp-siaddr ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-siaddr ; : bp-giaddr ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-giaddr ; : bp-chaddr ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-chaddr ; : bp-sname ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-sname ; : bp-file ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-file ; : bp-cookie ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-cookie ; : bp-options ( -- adr ) active-struct@ >bp-options ; 67 constant BOOTPS 68 constant BOOTPC 1 constant BOOTREQUEST 2 constant BOOTREPLY \ DHCP Message types 1 constant DHCPDISCOVER 2 constant DHCPOFFER 3 constant DHCPREQUEST 4 constant DHCPDECLINE 5 constant DHCPACK 6 constant DHCPNAK 7 constant DHCPRELEASE 8 constant DHCPINFORM \ DHCP State machine states 1 constant init-state 2 constant init-info-state 3 constant requesting-state 4 constant verify-state 5 constant configured-state instance variable dhcp-state \ Generic BOOTP/DHCP option structure struct ( bootp/dhcp-opt-header ) 1 field >op-code 1 field >op-len 0 field >op-data constant /dhcp-opt : op-code ( -- adr ) active-struct >op-code ; : op-len ( -- adr ) active-struct >op-len ; : op-data ( -- adr ) active-struct >op-data ; \ RFC 1048 magic cookie h# constant boot-magic \ Maximum possible size of BOOTP/DHCP packet d# 1472 constant /dhcp-maxmsg \ Base BOOTP/DHCP packet size - everything but the options, includes cookie d# 240 constant bootp-base-pkt-size instance variable xid instance variable dhcp-pkt-type instance variable offered-ip-addr instance variable dhcp-server-id instance variable max-dhcp-pkt-size instance variable dhcp-sndlen \ Actual length of packet to be sent -1 instance value dhcp-retries -1 instance value #max-retries : dhcp-msg ( adr len -- ) debug-dhcp? if type cr else 2drop then ; : too-many-boot-retries? ( -- flag ) #retries @ #max-retries u>= ; \ Construct class identifier from the root node's "name" \ property, replacing commas with periods d# 32 buffer: my-class-id : init-vend-class-id ( -- ) root-name$ ?dup if my-class-id pack count bounds do i c@ ascii , = if ascii . i c! then loop else drop then ; \ \ Construct client-identifier. This should be \ 1) The clientid option specified on command line, if any; or \ 2) the clientid options specified in "network-boot-args", if any; or \ 3) the root node "dhcp-clientid" property, if it exists. \ \ Only 3 is implemented currently. 1 and 2 are dependent upon \ wanboot which implements 1) revised parameter parsing \ and 2) "network-boot-args". \ d# 32 buffer: my-client-id : init-client-id ( -- ) 0 my-client-id c! dhcp-clientid-prop 0= if ( adr,len ) my-client-id pack drop ( ) then ; 0 instance value bootreply-len : store-bootreply ( -- ) *buffer @ /ether-header + /ip-header + /udp-header + bootreply-len ( bootreply-pkt-adr pkt-len ) dup to selected-reply-size ( bootreply-pkt-adr pkt-len ) selected-bootreply swap cmove ( ) ; d# 128 constant /options-max 0 value next-option : option, ( byte -- ) next-option bp-options + c! next-option 1+ to next-option ; : start-options bp-options /options-max erase 0 to next-option ; : add-option ( adr len code -- ) option, dup option, bounds ?do i c@ option, loop ; : finish-options d# 255 option, ; \ * DHCPDECLINE messages MUST NOT include \ - option 57 (Max DHCP msg size) \ - option 60 (Class identifier) \ * DHCPREQUESTs and DHCPDECLINEs fill \ - option 50 (Requested IP address) \ - option 54 (DHCP server identifier) \ identifying the offer being responded to \ * All client messages MAY include option 61 \ (client identifier) \ : set-dhcp-msg-type ( -- ) dhcp-pkt-type 1 d# 53 add-option ; : set-class-id ( -- ) my-class-id count d# 60 add-option ; : set-max-dhcp-pkt-sz ( -- ) max-dhcp-pkt-size 2 d# 57 add-option ; : set-offered-ipaddr ( -- ) offered-ip-addr 4 d# 50 add-option ; : set-dhcp-server-id ( -- ) dhcp-server-id 4 d# 54 add-option ; : set-req-params-list ( -- ) " "(01 03 0c 2b)" d# 55 add-option ; : set-client-id ( -- ) my-client-id count ?dup if d# 61 add-option else drop then ; : add-dhcp-options ( -- pktlen ) start-options ( ) set-dhcp-msg-type ( ) dhcp-pkt-type c@ DHCPDECLINE <> if ( ) set-class-id set-req-params-list set-max-dhcp-pkt-sz ( ) then ( ) dhcp-pkt-type c@ dup DHCPREQUEST = swap DHCPDECLINE = or if ( ) set-dhcp-server-id set-offered-ipaddr ( ) then ( ) set-client-id finish-options ( ) bootp-base-pkt-size next-option + ( pktlen ) ; : setup-dhcp-pkt ( pkt-type -- ) BOOTPC my-udp-port ! BOOTPS his-udp-port ! ( .. pkt-type ) dhcp-pkt-type c! packet-to-send active-struct ! packet-to-send /dhcp-maxmsg erase BOOTREQUEST bp-op c! 1 ( ARPHRD_ETHER ) bp-htype c! \ Hardware address type 6 bp-hlen c! \ Hardware address length xid @ bp-xid be-l! \ "Random" transaction ID my-ip-addr bp-ciaddr 4 cmove my-en-addr bp-chaddr 6 cmove boot-magic bp-cookie be-l! add-dhcp-options dhcp-sndlen ! broadcast-ip-addr his-ip-addr 4 cmove broadcast-en-addr his-en-addr 6 cmove ; : setup-discover-pkt ( -- ) DHCPDISCOVER setup-dhcp-pkt ; : setup-inform-pkt ( -- ) DHCPINFORM setup-dhcp-pkt ; : setup-decline-pkt ( -- ) DHCPDECLINE setup-dhcp-pkt ; : setup-request-pkt ( -- ) DHCPREQUEST setup-dhcp-pkt ; : boot-magic? ( -- flag ) bp-cookie be-l@ boot-magic = ; : c@++ ( adr -- adr+1 char ) dup ca1+ swap c@ ; \ A 256 element array, indexed by DHCP option number. Each element \ holds the pointer to "op-data". We interpret the options we are \ interested in. 0 instance value options : options-array ( index -- adr ) /n* options + ; \ Scan field for options : field-scan ( adr len -- ) over ca+ >r ( adr ) ( r: end ) begin dup r@ <= while c@++ case 0 of endof d# 255 of r> 2drop exit endof ( default ) >r c@++ over r> options-array ! ca+ 0 endcase repeat r> 2drop ; : option-overload-val ( -- val ) d# 52 options-array @ dup if c@ then ; \ Determine options specified in the BOOTP/DHCP packet. \ First scan the standard options fields. Then scan the specified additional \ fields if "option overload" is set. : scan-options ( bootreply-pkt-adr bootreply-len -- ) swap active-struct ! ( bootreply-len ) 0 options-array d# 256 /n* erase \ Havent read anything yet boot-magic? if ( bootreply-len ) \ Scan standard options fields bp-options swap bootp-base-pkt-size - field-scan \ Scan additional fields option-overload-val ?dup if ( option-overload-val ) case \ "bp-file" holds options 1 of bp-file d# 128 field-scan endof \ "bp-sname" holds options 2 of bp-sname d# 64 field-scan endof \ Both "bp-file" and "bp-sname" hold options 3 of bp-sname d# 192 field-scan endof endcase then else drop then ; : receive-bootreply ( -- flag ) \ True if bootreply received begin receive-udp-packet 0= if false exit then ( udp-adr udp-len ) swap active-struct ! ( udp-len ) udp-dest-port be-w@ BOOTPC <> ( udp-len flag ) /udp-header active-struct +! bp-xid be-l@ xid @ <> or ( udp-len flag' ) bp-op c@ BOOTREPLY <> or ( udp-len flag'' ) while drop repeat ( udp-len ) /udp-header - ( bootp-len ) dup to bootreply-len ( bootp-len ) active-struct @ swap ( bootreply-pkt bootreply-len ) scan-options true ; : bootreply-msg-type ( -- val ) d# 53 options-array @ dup if c@ then ; instance variable rn \ Random number instance variable dhcp-timeout-msecs \ Retransmission delay is doubled with each transmission upto a maximum \ of 64 seconds. Delay intervals are randomized by a period of +/- 1 second : get-dhcp-retrans-time ( -- n ) rn @ d# 199961 * d# 524287 + h# 7FFFFFFF and rn ! rn @ d# 1000 /mod 2 /mod drop if negate then dhcp-timeout-msecs @ + ( n ) dhcp-timeout-msecs @ d# 64000 < if dhcp-timeout-msecs dup @ 2* swap ! then ; : send-dhcp-pkt ( -- ) packet-to-send dhcp-sndlen @ /dhcp-packet max ( pkt len ) prepare-udp-packet ( len ) transmit drop ( ) get-dhcp-retrans-time set-timeout ( ) ; instance defer prepare-dhcp-pkt instance defer receive-dhcp-reply \ Basic DHCP packet exchange logic. : dhcpcom ( -- ok? ) prepare-dhcp-pkt #retries off begin send-dhcp-pkt receive-dhcp-reply ?dup 0= while 1 #retries +! ." Timeout waiting for BOOTP/DHCP reply. Retrying ... " cr too-many-boot-retries? if false exit then repeat ; \ Set "random" transaction ID and random number generator seed : init-dhcp-xid ( -- ) my-en-addr 5 + c@ get-msecs xor dup xid ! rn ! ; \ -------------------------- INIT state ------------------------------- false instance value bootp-config? 0 instance value best-offer-#points : compute-offer-points ( - #points ) 0 bootreply-msg-type if d# 30 + d# 43 options-array @ if d# 80 + then then boot-magic? if d# 5 + d# 1 options-array @ if d# 5 + then d# 3 options-array @ if d# 5 + then d# 12 options-array @ if d# 5 + then bp-siaddr broadcast-ip-addr? 0= if d# 10 + then d# 52 options-array @ 0= if bp-sname cstrlen 0<> if d# 10 + then bp-file cstrlen 0<> if d# 10 + then then then debug-dhcp? if ." This configuration has " dup .d ." points" cr then ; \ Accumulate replies from DHCP/BOOTP servers and pick the best offer. : get-best-offer ( -- flag ) 0 to best-offer-#points 0 to selected-reply-size begin timeout? 0= while receive-bootreply if compute-offer-points ( #pts ) dup best-offer-#points > if to best-offer-#points store-bootreply else drop then then repeat selected-reply-size if selected-bootreply selected-reply-size scan-options bootreply-msg-type DHCPOFFER <> to bootp-config? true else false then ; \ Decode contents of the selected BOOTP/DHCP reply. : process-offer ( -- ) selected-bootreply active-struct ! bootp-config? if \ Accepted BOOTP configuration. Read my IP address bp-yiaddr my-ip-addr 4 cmove else \ Received a DHCPOFFER. Record offered IP address and server identifier bp-yiaddr offered-ip-addr 4 cmove d# 54 options-array @ dhcp-server-id 4 cmove then ; \ Broadcast DHCPDISCOVER messages and wait for configuration parameters from \ a BOOTP/DHCP server. If a BOOTP configuration is selected, move to \ CONFIGURED state; else, go through other states of DHCP state machine : dhcp-init ( -- ) init-dhcp-xid " Requesting an IP address ... " dhcp-msg ['] setup-discover-pkt to prepare-dhcp-pkt ['] get-best-offer to receive-dhcp-reply d# 8000 dhcp-timeout-msecs ! dhcp-retries to #max-retries dhcpcom 0= if ." BOOTP/DHCP retry count exceeded" cr abort else process-offer bootp-config? if configured-state else requesting-state then dhcp-state ! then ; \ ------------------------------- INIT-INFO state --------------------------- : get-config-params ( -- rcvd? ) \ true if reply rcvd from BOOTP/DHCP server begin receive-bootreply 0= if false exit then bootreply-msg-type dup 0= swap DHCPACK = or ?dup until ; \ Broadcast DHCPINFORM and move to CONFIGURED state once a DHCPACK/BOOTREPLY \ is received. If no replies are received even after 4 tries, attempt to \ proceed further in the booting process. : dhcp-init-info ( -- ) init-dhcp-xid ['] setup-inform-pkt to prepare-dhcp-pkt ['] get-config-params to receive-dhcp-reply d# 4000 dhcp-timeout-msecs ! 4 to #max-retries dhcpcom 0= if ." Unable to receive config params " cr ." Attempting to boot anyway! ... " cr else store-bootreply then configured-state dhcp-state ! ; \ ---------------------------- REQUESTING state --------------------------- : get-ack/nak-pkt ( -- ack/nak-rcvd? ) begin receive-bootreply 0= if false exit then bootreply-msg-type dup DHCPACK = swap DHCPNAK = or ?dup until ; \ Broadcast DHCPREQUESTs and move to VERIFY state after a DHCPACK is \ received. If no reply is received even after 4 tries, or if a \ DHCPNAK is received, revert back to INIT state : dhcp-requesting ( -- ) " Requesting offered parameters ..." dhcp-msg ['] setup-request-pkt to prepare-dhcp-pkt ['] get-ack/nak-pkt to receive-dhcp-reply d# 4000 dhcp-timeout-msecs ! 4 to #max-retries dhcpcom 0= if ." Failed to receive config params" cr ." Restarting DHCP process ..." cr 10.000 ms \ Wait for 10 seconds init-state dhcp-state ! else bootreply-msg-type DHCPNAK = if ." Server unable to satisfy request" cr ." Restarting DHCP process ..." cr init-state dhcp-state ! else store-bootreply verify-state dhcp-state ! then then ; \ ------------------------ VERIFY state ---------------------------- \ Broadcast an ARP Reply announcing the IP address I am using and \ clear outdated ARP cache entries on other machines. : announce-my-addr ( -- ) my-ip-addr my-en-addr my-ip-addr my-en-addr ARP_REPLY ARP_TYPE send-arp/rarp-packet drop ; : decline-offer ( -- ) ['] setup-decline-pkt to prepare-dhcp-pkt ['] true to receive-dhcp-reply \ Dont wait for a reply dhcpcom drop ; : valid-ip-addr? ( -- valid? ) " Validating IP address ..." dhcp-msg offered-ip-addr broadcast-en-addr my-ip-addr my-en-addr ARP_REQ ARP_TYPE send-arp/rarp-packet drop arp-timeout-msecs set-timeout begin ARP_TYPE receive-ethernet-packet 0<> while ( adr len ) drop /ether-header + active-struct ! arp-tpa my-ip-addr ip= if \ Addressed to me arp-opcode be-w@ ARP_REPLY = if \ ARP reply debug-dhcp? if ." ARP Reply from: " arp-spa be-l@ .inetaddr arp-sha .enaddr cr then arp-spa offered-ip-addr ip= if false exit then then then repeat ( ) debug-dhcp? if ." No ARP Reply " cr then true ; \ Check if the offered IP address is already in use. If yes, decline \ this offer and start all over again : dhcp-verify ( -- ) valid-ip-addr? if " Address validation successful ..." dhcp-msg offered-ip-addr my-ip-addr 4 cmove announce-my-addr configured-state dhcp-state ! else ." IP address already in use by another client!" cr decline-offer ." Restarting DHCP ..." cr 10.000 ms \ Wait for 10 seconds init-state dhcp-state ! then ; \ -------------------------------------------------------------------- \ Navigate through DHCP state machine till state = CONFIGURED : try-dhcp ( -- ) \ Initialize DHCP client state my-ip-addr l@ 0= if init-state else init-info-state then dhcp-state ! begin dhcp-state @ case init-state of dhcp-init endof init-info-state of dhcp-init-info endof requesting-state of dhcp-requesting endof verify-state of dhcp-verify endof configured-state of exit endof endcase again ; \ Initialize network configuration parameters. Read subnet mask, \ TFTP server and router's IP addresses and bootfilename, if they \ haven't been specified as cmd line arguments, from the \ selected bootreply. : init-config-params ( -- ) selected-bootreply selected-reply-size scan-options subnet-mask broadcast-ip-addr? if d# 1 options-array @ ?dup if subnet-mask 4 cmove then then router-ip-addr broadcast-ip-addr? if d# 3 options-array @ ?dup if router-ip-addr 4 cmove then then server-ip-addr broadcast-ip-addr? if bp-siaddr server-ip-addr 4 cmove then tftp-file cstrlen 0= if \ Read bootfilename from BOOTP/DHCP header OR from the \ "bootfile name" option if "option overload" is specified option-overload-val if d# 67 options-array @ ?dup if dup cstrlen tftp-file-buf pack drop then else bp-file dup cstrlen tftp-file-buf pack drop then then ; : init-dhcp ( -- ) /dhcp-maxmsg alloc-mem to packet-to-send /udp-pseudo-hdr alloc-mem is udp-pseudo-hdr d# 256 /n * alloc-mem is options d# 1514 alloc-mem to selected-bootreply selected-bootreply d# 1514 erase /dhcp-maxmsg max-dhcp-pkt-size be-w! init-vend-class-id init-client-id ; : dhcp-close ( -- ) packet-to-send /dhcp-maxmsg free-mem 0 to packet-to-send udp-pseudo-hdr /udp-pseudo-hdr free-mem 0 is udp-pseudo-hdr options d# 256 /n * free-mem 0 to options selected-bootreply d# 1514 free-mem 0 to selected-bootreply ; : .dhcp-params ( -- ) debug-dhcp? if ." Client IP : " my-ip-addr be-l@ .inetaddr cr ." Server IP : " server-ip-addr be-l@ .inetaddr cr ." Router IP : " router-ip-addr be-l@ .inetaddr cr ." Subnet Mask : " subnet-mask be-l@ .inetaddr cr ." TFTP filename : " tftp-file count type cr ." TFTP Retries : " tftp-retries .d cr ." DHCP Retries : " dhcp-retries .d cr then ; headers : do-dhcp ( -- ) reserve-buffer init-dhcp try-dhcp init-config-params publish-bootp-response my-client-id count ?dup if publish-dhcp-clientid else drop then dhcp-close release-buffer .dhcp-params ;