.\" @(#)frexp.3 6.3 (Berkeley) %G% .\" .TH FREXP 3 "" .AT 3 .SH NAME frexp, ldexp, modf \- split into mantissa and exponent .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B double frexp(value, eptr) .B double value; .B int *eptr; .PP .B double ldexp(value, exp) .B double value; .PP .B double modf(value, iptr) .B double value, *iptr; .SH DESCRIPTION Every nonzero number can be written uniquely as .if t \fIx\fP\|\(**\|2\u\fIn\fP\d, .if n \fIx\fP * 2^\fIn\fP, where the ``mantissa'' (fraction) \fIx\fP is in the range 0.5 <= |x| < 1.0, and the ``exponent'' \fIn\fP is an integer. \fIFrexp\fP returns the mantissa of a double \fIvalue\fP, and stores the exponent indirectly in the location pointed to by \fIeptr\fP. If \fIvalue\fP is 0, both results returned by \fIfrexp\fP are 0. .PP \fILdexp\fP returns the quantity .if t \fIvalue\|\(**\|2\u\fIexp\fP\d. .if n \fIvalue\fP * 2^\fIexp\fP. .PP \fIModf\fP returns the signed fractional part of \fIvalue\fP and stores the integer part indirectly in the location pointed to by \fIiptr\fP. .SH DIAGNOSTICS If \fIldexp\fP would cause overflow, \fBHUGE\fP is returned and \fIerrno\fP is set to \fBERANGE\fP.