From: "Lars Hecking" Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1992 17:56:24 -0400 Subject: Gawk-2.14 -- Amiga-Port, the 2nd Gawk on the Amiga has been compiled and tested using the Amiga port of gcc by Markus Wild ( I recommend the use of this compiler (at least v2.2.2) because the provided environment (includes, libs, binutils) allows straight-forward porting of BSD/UNIX programs. Gcc compiled programs access/emulate UNIX syscalls via a shared library (ixemul.library); thus, only minimal changes to the source are necessary. That release also provides a `sh'- command. If no `sh'-command is available or another compiler is being used, `config.h' and `Makefile' are to be created by hand. Since I'm afraid that none of the Amiga-specific make-commands handles UNIX-style makefiles correctly I suggest the use of Dennis Vadura's`dmake', which is available on the Amiga (v3.6). I'm currently using dmake v3.8 (a hack) or GNU make v3.62 (another hack :), which even allows to start multiple make jobs! Thanx to Markus!). Machine Configuration (obsoleted by gawk 2.16) --------------------- Only copy the following into config/amiga: Amiga under AmigaOS with gcc DOPRNT_MISSING 1 ENVSEP ',' DEFPATH ".,/usr/local/lib" HAVE_UNDERSCORE_SETJMP 1 SRANDOM_PROTO 1 STDC_HEADERS 1 The gcc compiler and the compiled executables are working under AmigaOS 1.2/1.3 as well as AmigaOS 2.x. However, some very special functions of ixemul.library currently require AmigaOS 2.x to work properly. How to compile (obsoleted by gawk 2.16) -------------- Compiling and installing on the Amiga rather clones the UNIX- installation: After you have extracted the `gawk' distribution, `cd' to `gawk- 2.14'. Look in the `config' subdirectory for a file that matches your machine (in this case: `amiga', if the gawk maintainers put it there :). If you find such a file, run the command: sh configure amiga This produces a `Makefile' and `config.h' tailored to your system. You may wish to edit the `Makefile' to use a different C compiler, such as `gcc', the GNU C compiler (recommended), if you have it. You may also wish to change the `CFLAGS' variable, which controls the command line options that are passed to the C compiler (such as optimization levels, or producing `resident'-able code) After you have configured `Makefile' and `config.h', type: make and shortly thereafter (a little bit longer on a 7MHz machine >:->, you should have an executable version of `gawk'. That's all there is to it! Testing ( %-/ ------- Testing gawk with the included shell-scripts and .awk-files is not possible. As far as I found out this is a Shell problem (shell- metas), not a gawk problem. Using gawk from the commandline requires modifications, too. To perform at least some of the tests I'd suggest: make >amitest -n bigtest then modifying 'amitest' to work with your shell and execute amitest All tests that are depending on UNIX-shell specifics will fail (eg. redirection of stderr: stderr and stdout are identical on the Amiga). If I really have the time (currently I'm finishing my studies) I'll write an amiga-script for the tests ... Despite testing is not a thankful task, `gawk' works and I found it very useful for tasks where both shell scripts and C-programs are inadequate.