############################################################ ############################################################ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### ##### This one is the big daddy. There is no "upstairs" ##### to bounce a message to -- except perhaps the arpanet. ##### ##### @(#)ucbvax.mc 4.5 8/31/83 ##### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ### local info ############################################################ # internet hostname Cwucbvax vax k UCB-VAX Berkeley UCB-C70 UCB LOCAL # override SMTP hostname to match Arpanet name DjUCB-VAX.ARPA # uucp hostnames DUucbvax CUucbvax ernie # berknet hostname DBUCBVAX # UUCP connections on ucbcad DVucbcad CVboulder CVcaddyvax caddyva CVlblh CVmasscomp masscom CVmhb5a CVmi-cec CVtekcad CVjupiter # second alternate UUCP connection and hosts #DWucbarpa #CWsun # known computer center hosts and gateway include(cchosts.m4) # we have full sendmail support here Oa include(csbase.m4) # names of NCP hosts include(ncphosts.m4) include(zerobase.m4) ################################################ ### Machine dependent part of ruleset zero ### ################################################ # forward NCP mail through udel-relay R$+<@$=N> $#tcp$@$N$:$1.$2<@$N> user.host@UDEL-RELAY R$+<@$=N.ARPA> $#tcp$@$N$:$1.$2<@$N> user.host@UDEL-RELAY # resolve explicitly arpanet names (to avoid with machine name "arpa" below) R$*<@$*$-.ARPA>$* $#tcp$@$3$:$1<@$2$3.ARPA>$4 user@domain.ARPA # resolve names that can go via the ethernet R$*<@$*$=S>$* $#ether$@$3$:$1<@$2$3>$4 user@etherhost # resolve berknet names R<@$=Z>:$+ $#berk$@$1$:$2 @berkhost: ... R$+<@$=Z> $#berk$@$2$:$1 user@berknethost # resolve names destined for the computer center R$*<@$+.CC>$* $#ether$@$C$:$1<@$2.CC>$3 user@host.CC R$*<@$+.BITNET>$* $#ether$@$C$:$1<@$2.BITNET>$3 user@host.BITNET # resolve nonlocal UUCP links R$*<@$*$=V.UUCP>$* $#ether$@$V$:$1<@$2$3.UUCP>$4 user@host.UUCP R$*<@$*$=W.UUCP>$* $#ether$@$W$:$1<@$2$3.UUCP>$4 user@host.UUCP # resolve local UUCP links (all others) R<@$+.$-.UUCP>:$+ $#uucp$@$2$:@$1.$2.UUCP:$3 @host.domain.UUCP: ... R<@$-.UUCP>:$+ $#uucp$@$1$:$2 @host.UUCP: ... R$+<@$+.$-.UUCP> $#uucp$@$3$:$1@$2.$3.UUCP user@host.domain.UUCP R$+<@$-.UUCP> $#uucp$@$2$:$1 user@host.UUCP # resolve mmdf hack R$+<@UDel-Test> $#ether$@ucbarpa$:$1@Udel-Test user.host@UDel-Relay # other non-local names will be kicked upstairs R$*<@$*$->$* $#tcp$@$3$:$1<@$2$3>$4 user@host # remaining names must be local R$+ $#local$:$1 everything else ######################################## ### Host dependent address cleanup ### ######################################## S8 R$*$=U!$+@$+ $3@$4 drop uucp forward include(berkm.m4) include(uucpm.m4) include(tcpm.m4)