) 1990 (
) Printed 7/27/90 June 1 HALT(8) UNIX Programmer's Manual HALT(8) NNAAMMEE halt - stop the processor SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS hhaalltt [ --nn ] [ --qq ] [ --yy ] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _H_a_l_t writes out sandbagged information to the disks and then stops the processor. The machine does not reboot, even if the auto-reboot switch is set on the console. The --nn option prevents the sync before stopping. The --qq option causes a quick halt, no graceful shutdown is attempted. The --yy option is needed if you are trying to halt the system from a dialup. _H_a_l_t normally logs the shutdown using _s_y_s_l_o_g(8) and places a shutdown record in the login accounting file /var/log/wtmp. These actions are inhibited if the --nn or --qq options are present. SSEEEE AALLSSOO reboot(8), shutdown(8), syslogd(8) BBUUGGSS It is very difficult to halt a VAX, as the machine wants to then reboot itself. A rather tight loop suffices. Printed 7/27/90 June 24, 1990 1