SAVECORE(8) 1990 SAVECORE(8) NNAAMMEE savecore - save a core dump of the operating system SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ssaavveeccoorree _d_i_r_n_a_m_e [ _s_y_s_t_e_m ] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _S_a_v_e_c_o_r_e is meant to be called near the end of the /etc/rc file. Its function is to save the core dump of the system (assuming one was made) and to write a reboot message in the shutdown log. Savecore checks the core dump to be certain it corresponds with the current running unix. If it does it saves the core image in the file _d_i_r_n_a_m_e/vmcore.n and its brother, the namelist, _d_i_r_n_a_m_e/vmunix.n The trailing ".n" in the path- names is replaced by a number which grows every time _s_a_v_e_c_o_r_e is run in that directory. Before savecore writes out a core image, it reads a number from the file _d_i_r_n_a_m_e/minfree. If the number of free kilo- bytes on the filesystem which contains _d_i_r_n_a_m_e is less than the number obtained from the minfree file, the core dump is not saved. If the minfree file does not exist, savecore always writes out the core file (assuming that a core dump was taken). _S_a_v_e_c_o_r_e also logs a reboot message using facility LOG_AUTH (see _s_y_s_l_o_g(3)) If the system crashed as a result of a panic, _s_a_v_e_c_o_r_e logs the panic string too. If the core dump was from a system other than /vmunix, the name of that system must be supplied as _s_y_s_n_a_m_e. FFIILLEESS /vmunix current UNIX BBUUGGSS Can be fooled into thinking a core dump is the wrong size. Printed 7/27/90 June 1