SLATTACH(8) 1990 SLATTACH(8) NNAAMMEE slattach - attach serial lines as network interfaces SSYYOOPPNNSSIISS ssllaattttaacchh ttyname [ _b_a_u_d_r_a_t_e ] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _S_l_a_t_t_a_c_h is used to assign a tty line to a network inter- face, and to define the network source and destination addresses. The _t_t_y_n_a_m_e parameter is a string of the form ``ttyXX'', or ``/dev/ttyXX''. The optional _b_a_u_d_r_a_t_e parame- ter is used to set the speed of the connection. If not specified, the default of 9600 is used. Only the super-user may attach a network interface. To detach the interface, use `ifconfig _i_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e-_n_a_m_e down' after killing off the _s_l_a_t_t_a_c_h process. _i_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e-_n_a_m_e is the name that is shown by nneettssttaatt((11)) EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS slattach ttyh8 slattach /dev/tty01 4800 DDIIAAGGNNOOSSTTIICCSS Messages indicating the specified interface does not exit, the requested address is unknown, the user is not privileged and tried to alter an interface's configuration. SSEEEE AALLSSOO netstat(1), netintro(4), ifconfig(8), rc(8) Printed 7/27/90 June 1