.bp .2C .SH Index .LP .ps 8 .vs 9p ! (negating conditionals)~17 #$ (macro argument)~16 #*x, #(xy (invoke string macro)~14 #b (bracketing function)~13 #d (subscript)~11 #f (font change)~5 #h (horizontal motion)~12 #nx, #n(xy (number register)~15 #o (overstrike)~13 #s (size change)~3 #u (superscript)~11 #v (vertical motion)~11 #w (width function)~12 #z (zero motion)~13 \(fmcommand instead of ^command~9 % (page number register)~10,15 ^^ (end of macro definition)~7 ^bp~9,10 ^br (break)~9 ^ce (center)~2 ^ds (define string macro)~7,14 ^fi (fill)~2 ^ft (change font)~5 ^if (conditional test)~16 ^in (indent)~6 ^lg (set ligatures~5 ^ll (line length)~6 ^nf (nofill)~2 ^nr (set number register)~14 ^pn (page number)~10 ^ps (change point size)~1,3 ^sp (space)~4 ^ss (set space size)~10 ^ta (set tab stops)~11 ^tc (set tab character)~10 ^tl (title)~9 ^tr (translate characters)~2,6 ^ul (italicize)~6 ^vs (vertical spacing)~3 ^wh (when conditional)~9,17 accents~6,13 apostrophes~6 arithmetic~15 backslash~1,3,5,14,16 begin page (^bp)~9 block macros (B1,B2)~8 bold font (.ft B)~5 boustrophedon~12 bracketing function (##b)~13 break (^br)~9 break-causing commmands~9 centering (^ce)~2 changing fonts (^ft, #f)~5 changing macros~15 character set~4,5,19 character translation (^tr)~2,6 columnated output~10 commands~1 commands that cause break~9 conditionals (^if)~16 constant proportion~7 default break list~9 define macro (^de)~7 define string macro (^ds)~14 drawing lines~11 em~7,11 end of macro (^^)~7 even page test (e)~17 fill (^fi)~2 fonts (^ft)~4,19 Greek (#(*-)~5,19 hanging indent (^ti)~12 hints~20 horizontal motion (#h)~12 hp (horizontal position register)~15 hyphen~6 i scale indicator~4 indent (^in)~6 index~21 italic font (.ft I)~4 italicize (^ul)~6 legal point sizes~3 ligatures (ff,fi,fl; ^lg)~5 line length (^ll)~6 line spacing (^vs)~3 local motions (#u,#d,#v,#h,#w,#o,#z,#b)~11 ff m scale indicator~7 machine units~4,12 macro arguments~15 macros~7 macros that change~15 multiple backslashes~14 negating conditionals (!)~17 new page macro (NP)~8 nl (current vertical position register)~15 nofill (^nf)~2 NROFF test (n)~17 nested quotes~12 number registers (^nr,#n)~14 numbered paragraphs~12 odd page test (o)~17 order of evaluation~14 overstrike (#o)~13 p scale indicator~3 page number register (%)~10 page numbers (^pn, ^bp)~10 paragraph macro (PG)~7 Paternoster~6 point size (^ps)~1,3 previous font (#fP, ^ft P)~5 previous point size (#s0,^ps)~3 quotes~6 relative change (\(+-)~6 ROFF~1 ROFF header and footer~8 Roman font (.ft R)~4 scale indicator i~4 scale indicator m~7 scale indicator p~3 scale indicator u~12 scale indicators in arithmetic~15 section heading macro (SC)~15 set space size (^ss)~10 size _ see point size space (^sp)~4 space between lines (^vs)~3 special characters (#(xx)~5,19 string macros (^ds,#*)~14 subscripts (#d)~11 superscripts (#u)~11 tab character (^tc)~11 tabs (^ta)~10 temporary indent (^ti)~7 titles (^tl)~8 translate (^tr)~2,6,12 TROFF examples~19 TROFF test (t)~17 truncating division~15 type faces _ see fonts u scale indicator~12 underline (^ul)~6 valid point sizes~3 vertical motion (#v)~11 vertical position on page~9 vertical spacing (^vs)~3 when (^wh)~9,17 width function (#w)~12 width of digits~10 zero motion (#z)~13