.th OPR I 1/15/73 .sh NAME opr \*- off line print .sh SYNOPSIS .bd opr [ .bd \*-\*- ] [ .bd \*- ] [ .bd + ] [ .bd +\*- ]file ... .sh DESCRIPTION .it Opr will arrange to have the 201 data phone daemon submit a job to the Honeywell 6070 to print the file arguments. Normally, the output appears at the GCOS central site. If the first argument is .bd \*-\*-, the output is remoted to station R1, which has an IBM 1403 printer. .s3 Normally, each file is printed in the state it is found when the data phone daemon reads it. If a particular file argument is preceded by .bd +, or a preceding argument of .bd + has been encountered, then .it opr will make a copy for the daemon to print. If the file argument is preceded by .bd \*-, or a preceding argument of .bd \*- has been encountered, then .it opr will unlink (remove) the file. .s3 If there are no arguments except for the optional .bd \*-\*-, then the standard input is read and off-line printed. Thus .it opr may be used as a filter. .sh FILES /usr/dpd/* spool area .br /etc/passwd personal ident cards .br /etc/dpd daemon .sh "SEE ALSO" dpd(I), passwd(V) .sh BUGS There should be a way to specify a general remote site.