GETPGRP(2) UNIX Programmer's Manual GETPGRP(2) NNAAMMEE getpgrp - get process group SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ppggrrpp == ggeettppggrrpp((ppiidd)) iinntt ppggrrpp;; iinntt ppiidd;; DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The process group of the specified process is returned by _g_e_t_p_g_r_p. If _p_i_d is zero, then the call applies to the current process. Process groups are used for distribution of signals, and by terminals to arbitrate requests for their input: processes that have the same process group as the terminal are fore- ground and may read, while others will block with a signal if they attempt to read. This call is thus used by programs such as _c_s_h(1) to create process groups in implementing job control. The TIOCGPGRP and TIOCSPGRP calls described in _t_t_y(4) are used to get/set the process group of the control terminal. SSEEEE AALLSSOO setpgrp(2), getuid(2), tty(4) Printed 7/9/88 August 26, 1985 1