GETUID(2) UNIX Programmer's Manual GETUID(2) NNAAMMEE getuid, geteuid - get user identity SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ##iinncclluuddee <> uuiidd == ggeettuuiidd(()) uuiidd__tt uuiidd;; eeuuiidd == ggeetteeuuiidd(()) uuiidd__tt eeuuiidd;; DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _G_e_t_u_i_d returns the real user ID of the current process, _g_e_t_e_u_i_d the effective user ID. The real user ID identifies the person who is logged in. The effective user ID gives the process additional permis- sions during execution of "set-user-ID" mode processes, which use _g_e_t_u_i_d to determine the real-user-id of the pro- cess that invoked them. SSEEEE AALLSSOO getgid(2), setreuid(2) Printed 7/9/88 January 7, 1986 1