.TH GETACTIVE 1 "1 September 1985" .UC 4 .SH NAME getactive \- retrieve the active file from the remote news server .SH SYNOPSIS .B /usr/local/lib/rn/getactive filename .SH DESCRIPTION .I Getactive retrieves the newsgroup ``active file'' (which contains the list of all known newsgroups and their high/low message numbers) from the news server on a remote machine and places it in .I filename. .PP The normal use is in support of shell scripts (such as .I newsgroups or .IR newsetup ) which have been taken from existing software, such as .I rn. When used, the file the active file is retrieved into is usually something like .IR /tmp/active.$$ , and should be deleted before the shell script exits. .SH BUGS The pathname shown in the synopsis is system-specific and will depend on how you install .I rn. .SH AUTHOR Phil Lapsley