.TH RAND 3C "19 January 1983" .SH NAME rand, srand \- random number generator .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B srand(seed) .B int seed; .PP .B rand() .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .ft B The newer random(3) should be used in new applications; rand remains for compatibilty. .ft R .PP .I Rand uses a multiplicative congruential random number generator with period 2\u\s732\s0\d to return successive pseudo-random numbers in the range from 0 to 2\u\s731\s10\d\-1. .PP The generator is reinitialized by calling .I srand with 1 as argument. It can be set to a random starting point by calling .I srand with whatever you like as argument. .SH "SEE ALSO" random(3)