.TH LINK 2 .SH NAME link \- link to a file .SH SYNOPSIS .B link(name1, name2) .br .B char *name1, *name2; .SH DESCRIPTION A link to .I name1 is created; the link has the name .IR name2 . Either name may be an arbitrary path name. .SH "SEE ALSO" ln(1), unlink(2) .SH DIAGNOSTICS Zero is returned when a link is made; \-1 is returned when .I name1 cannot be found; when .I name2 already exists; when the directory of .I name2 cannot be written; when an attempt is made to link to a directory by a user other than the super-user; when an attempt is made to link to a file on another file system; when a file has too many links. .SH ASSEMBLER (link = 9.) .br .B sys link; name1; name2