.TH LN 1 11/16/79 .UC .SH NAME ln, lnall \- make links .SH SYNOPSIS .B ln name1 [ name2 ] .br .B lnall name ... directory .SH DESCRIPTION A link is a directory entry referring to a file; the same file (together with its size, all its protection information, etc.) may have several links to it. There is no way to distinguish a link to a file from its original directory entry; any changes in the file are effective independently of the name by which the file is known. .PP .I Ln creates a link to an existing file .IR name1 . If .I name2 is given, the link has that name; .I name2 may also be a directory in which to place the link; otherwise it is placed in the current directory. If only the directory is specified, the link will be made with its name the same as the last component of .IR name1 . .PP .I Lnall makes links to all the named files in the named directory. The links made will have the same name as the files being linked to. .PP It is forbidden to link to a directory or to link across file systems. .SH "SEE ALSO" rm(1)