.TH VP 4 2/24/79 4 .UC .SH NAME vp \- Versatec interface .SH SYNOPSIS .B /dev/vp0 .SH DESCRIPTION The Versatec printer/plotter in normally used with the programs .IR vprint (1) or .IR vtroff (1). This description is designed for those who wish to drive the Versatec directly. .PP The Versatec at Berkeley is 36'' wide, and has 440 characters per line and 7040 dot per line in plot mode (this is actually slightly less than 36'' of dots.) The paper used is continuous roll paper, and comes in 500' rolls. .PP To use the Versatec yourself, you must realize that you cannot open the device, .I /dev/vp0 if there is a daemon active. You can see if there is a daemon active by doing a .IR ps (1), or by looking in the directory .I /usr/spool/vpd. If there is a file .I lock there, then there is probably a daemon .IR vpd (1) running. If not, you should remove the .I lock. .PP In any case, when your program tries to open the device .I /dev/vp0 you may get one of two errors. The first of these ENXIO indicates that the Versatec is already in use. Your program can then .IR sleep (2) and try again in a while, or give up. The second is EIO and indicates that the Versatec is offline. .PP To set the Versatec into plot mode you can use the following .IR ioctl (2) call .IP ioctl(fileno(vp), SETSTATE, plotmd); .PP where SETSTATE must be defined to be ``('v'<<8) | 1'' and .B plotmd is defined by .IP \fBint\fR plotmd[] = { 0200, 0, 0 }; .PP and .I vp is the result of a call to .I fopen on stdio. When you finish using the Versatec in plot mode you should eject paper by sending it a EOT after putting it back into print mode, i.e. by .sp .1i 'nf \fBint\fR prtmd[] = { 0100, 0, 0 }; \&... fflush(vp); ioctl(fileno(vp), SETSTATE, prtmd); write(fileno(vp), "\e04", 1); .fi .PP .B "\s+2Very important point:\s0" If you use the standard I/O library with the Versatec you .B must do .IP setbuf(vp, vpbuf); .PP where .I vpbuf is declared .IP \fBchar\fR vpbuf[BUFSIZ]; .PP otherwise the standard I/O library, thinking that the Versatec is a terminal (since it is a character special file) will not buffer the data you are sending to the Versatec. This will cause it to run .B extremely slowly and tends to grind the system to a halt. .SH FILES /dev/vp0 .SH SEE ALSO vcat(1), vfont(5), vpr(1), vprint(1), vstat(1), vtroff(1) .SH BUGS