#!/bin/sh - # # Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # # %sccs.include.redist.sh% # # @(#)maketape 5.7 (Berkeley) %G% # # maketape [ 6250 | 1600 [ tapename [ remotetapemachine ] ] ] miniroot=dk4a bootroot=dk2b nbsd=dk1a nbsdusr=dk0c tape=/dev/rmt20 type=6250 block=40 tflag=cbf bprog="/usr/local/20b 20480" if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then type=$1; fi if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then tape=$2; fi tartape=$tape if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then remote=$3; tartape='-'; fi rsh $remote mt -t ${tape} rew date umount /dev/$nbsdusr umount /dev/$nbsd mount -r /dev/$nbsd /nbsd mount -r /dev/$nbsdusr /nbsd/usr cd /nbsd sync if [ $type = '1600a' ] then type=1600 fi echo "Install image of bootstrap file system" eval dd if=/dev/r${bootroot} count=750 bs=1024 conv=sync ${remote+"| rsh"} \ ${remote-"of=$tape"} ${remote+'/usr/local/20b 1024 ">" $tape'} echo "Add image of mini-root file system" eval dd if=/dev/r${miniroot} count=205 bs=10240 conv=sync ${remote+"| rsh"} \ ${remote-"of=$tape"} ${remote+'/usr/local/20b ">" $tape'} echo "Add full dump of real file system" /sbin/${remote+r}dump 0f $remote${remote+:}${tape} /nbsd echo "Add tar image of /usr" cd /nbsd/usr tar ${tflag} ${block} ${tartape} bin contrib games include lib libdata \ libexec local obj old sbin share | rsh $remote ${bprog} ">" $tape if [ ${type} != '6250' ] then echo "Done, rewinding first tape" rsh $remote mt -t ${tape} rew & echo "Mount second tape and hit return when ready" echo "(or type name of next tape drive)" read x if [ "$x" != "" ] then tape=$x fi fi : tape2: echo "Add user source code" FILES="Makefile bin etc games include kerberosIV lib libexec old \ pgrm sbin share usr.bin usr.sbin" cd /nbsd/usr/src tar ${tflag} ${block} ${tartape} ${FILES} | rsh $remote ${bprog} ">" $tape #echo "Add varian fonts" #cd /usr/lib/vfont #tar ${tflag} ${block} ${tartape} . ${remote+'| $remote ${bprog} ">" $tape'} if [ ${type} != '6250' ] then echo "Done, rewinding second tape" $remote mt -t ${tape} rew & echo "Mount third tape and hit return when ready" echo "(or type name of next tape drive)" read x if [ "$x" != "" ] then tape=$x fi fi : tape3: echo "Add tar image of system sources" cd /nbsd/usr/src/sys tar ${tflag} ${block} ${tartape} . | rsh $remote ${bprog} ">" $tape echo "Add user contributed software" # standard (always uncompressed) directories: FILES="Makefile Makefile.inc ansi bib emacs emacs-18.55.tar.Z jove kermit \ mh.tar.Z patch rcs vmsprep" cd /nbsd/usr/src/contrib tar ${tflag} ${block} ${tartape} ${FILES} | rsh $remote ${bprog} ">" $tape #echo "Add ingres source" #cd /nbsd/usr/ingres; eval tar ${tflag} ${block} ${tartape} . \ # ${remote+'| rsh $remote ${bprog} ">" $tape'} echo "Done, rewinding tape" rsh $remote mt -t ${tape} rew &