.pa 1 .he 'OPR (I)'1/15/73'OPR (I)' .ti 0 NAME opr -- off line print .sp .ti 0 SYNOPSIS opr___ [--__] [-_] [+_] [+-__]file918 ... .sp .ti 0 DESCRIPTION opr___ will arrange to have the 201 data phone daemon submit a job to the Honeywell 6070 to print the file arguments. Normally, the output appears at the GCOS central site. If the first argument is --__, the output is remoted to station R1. (Station R1 has a 1403 printer.) Normally, each file is printed in the state it is found when the data phone daemon reads it. If a particular file argument is preceded by +_, or a preceding argument of +_ has been encountered, then opr___ will make a copy for the daemon to print. If the file argument is preceded by -_, or a preceding argument of -_ has been encountered, then opr will unlink (remove) the file. If there are no arguments except for the optional --__, then the standard input is read and off-line printed. Thus opr___ may be used as a filter. .sp .ti 0 FILES /usr/dpd/* spool area .br /etc/passwd personal ident cards .br /etc/dpd daemon .sp .ti 0 SEE ALSO dpd(I), passwd(V) .sp .ti 0 DIAGNOSTICS -- .sp .ti 0 BUGS --