SYSLINE(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual SYSLINE(1) NNAAMMEE sysline - display system status on status line of a terminal SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ssyysslliinnee [ --bbccddeewwhhDDiillmmppqqrrssjj ] [ --HH rreemmoottee ] [ ++NN ] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _S_y_s_l_i_n_e runs in the background and periodically displays system status information on the status line of the termi- nal. Not all terminals contain a status line. Those that do include the h19, concept 108, Ann Arbor Ambassador, vt100, Televideo 925/950 and Freedom 100. If no flags are given, _s_y_s_l_i_n_e displays the time of day, the current load average, the change in load average in the last 5 minutes, the number of users (followed by a `u'), the number of runn- able process (followed by a `r')[VAX only], the number of suspended processes (followed by a `s')[VAX only], and the users who have logged on and off since the last status report. Finally, if new mail has arrived, a summary of it is printed. If there is unread mail in your mailbox, an asterisk will appear after the display of the number of users. The display is normally in reverse video (if your terminal supports this in the status line) and is right jus- tified to reduce distraction. Every fifth display is done in normal video to give the screen a chance to rest. If you have a file named .who in your home directory, then the contents of that file is printed first. One common use of this feature is to alias chdir, pushd, and popd to place the current directory stack in ~/.who after it changes the new directory. The following flags may be given on the command line. --bb Beep once every half hour and twice every hour, just like those obnoxious watches you keep hear- ing. --cc Clear the status line for 5 seconds before each redisplay. --dd Debug mode -- print status line data in human readable format. --DD Print out the current day/date before the time. --ee Print out only the information. Do not print out the control commands necessary to put the information on the bottom line. This option is useful for putting the output of _s_y_s_l_i_n_e onto the mode line of an emacs window. Printed 7/9/88 June 5, 1986 1 SYSLINE(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual SYSLINE(1) --ww Window mode -- print the status on the current line of the terminal, suitable for use inside a one line window. --HH rreemmoottee Print the load average on the remote host _r_e_m_o_t_e [VAX only]. If the host is down, or is not sending out _r_w_h_o_d packets, then the down time is printed instead. If the prefix "ucb" is present, then it is removed. --hh Print out the host machine's name after the time [VAX only]. --ll Don't print the names of people who log in and out. --mm Don't check for mail. --pp Don't report the number of process which are runnable and suspended. --rr Don't display in reverse video. ++NN Update the status line every N seconds. The default is 60 seconds. --qq Don't print out diagnostic messages if something goes wrong when starting up. --ii Print out the process id of the _s_y_s_l_i_n_e process onto standard output upon startup. With this information you can send the alarm signal to the _s_y_s_l_i_n_e process to cause it to update immedi- ately. _s_y_s_l_i_n_e writes to the standard error, so you can redirect the standard output into a file to catch the process id. --ss Print "short" form of line by left-justifying _i_f_f escapes are not allowed in the status line. Some terminals (the Televideos and Freedom 100 for example) do not allow cursor movement (or other "intelligent" operations) in the status line. For these terminals, _s_y_s_l_i_n_e normally uses blanks to cause right-justification. This flag will disable the adding of the blanks. --jj Force the sysline output to be left justified even on terminals capable of cursor movement on the status line. If you have a file .syslinelock in your home directory, then _s_y_s_l_i_n_e will not update its statistics and write on your Printed 7/9/88 June 5, 1986 2 SYSLINE(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual SYSLINE(1) screen, it will just go to sleep for a minute. This is use- ful if you want to momentarily disable _s_y_s_l_i_n_e. Note that it may take a few seconds from the time the lock file is created until you are guaranteed that _s_y_s_l_i_n_e will not write on the screen. FFIILLEESS /etc/utmp names of people who are logged in /dev/kmem contains process table [VAX only] /usr/spool/rwho/whod.* who/uptime information for remote hosts [VAX only] ${HOME}/.who information to print on bottom line ${HOME}/.syslinelock when it exists, sysline will not print AAUUTTHHOORRSS John Foderaro Tom Ferrin converted it to use termcap. Mark Horton added terminfo capability. BBUUGGSS If you interrupt the display then you may find your cursor missing or stuck on the status line. The best thing to do is reset the terminal. If there is too much for one line, the excess is thrown away. Printed 7/9/88 June 5, 1986 3