WHATIS(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual WHATIS(1) NNAAMMEE whatis - describe what a command is SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS wwhhaattiiss [ --MM _p_a_t_h ] command ... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _W_h_a_t_i_s looks up a given command and gives the header line from the manual page. You can then use the _m_a_n(1) command to get more information. Normally _w_h_a_t_i_s checks in a standard location (/usr/man) for its database ``whatis''. This can be changed by supplying a _p_a_t_h (a la the Bourne shell) with the --MM flag. This search path must be a colon (``:'') separated list of directories which _w_h_a_t_i_s will search for files named ``whatis''. The path can also be set with the environmental variable _M_A_N_- _P_A_T_H. FFIILLEESS /usr/man/whatis data base SSEEEE AALLSSOO apropos(1), man(1) Printed 7/9/88 June 30, 1987 1