DBX(5) 1986 DBX(5) NNAAMMEE dbx - dbx symbol table information DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The compiler symbol information generated for _d_b_x(1) uses the same structure as described in _s_t_a_b(5), with additional type and scope information appended to a symbol's name. The assembler directive used to describe symbol information has the following format: ssttaabbss ``_s_t_r_i_n_g'',_k_i_n_d,0,_s_i_z_e,_v_a_l_u_e _S_t_r_i_n_g contains the name, source language type, and scope of the symbol, _k_i_n_d specifies the memory class (e.g., external, static, parameter, local, register), and _s_i_z_e specifies the byte size of the object, if relevant. The third field (0 above) is unused. For a global variable or a type, _v_a_l_u_e is unused; for a local variable or parameter, it is the offset from the frame pointer, for a register variable, it is the associated register number. The different kinds of stab entries are interpreted by dbx as follows: N_GSYM The symbol is a global variable (e.g., .comm vari- able). The variable's address can be found from the corresponding ld(1) symbol entry, thus the value field for N_GSYM symbols is ignored. For example, a global variable ``x'' will have both an N_GSYM entry and an _l_d(1) entry (e.g., N_BSS + N_EXT). See _a._o_u_t(5) for details about these other entries. of N_FUN The symbol is a procedure or function. The size field contains the line number of the entry point. The value field contains the address of the entry point (in the text segment). N_STSYM The symbol is a statically allocated variable for which an initial value has been specified. The value field contains the address of the variable (in the data segment). N_LCSYM The symbol is statically allocated, but not ini- tialized. N_RSYM The symbol is a register variable whose value is kept in the register denoted by the value field. N_PSYM The symbol is a parameter whose value is pushed on the stack before the call. The value field con- tains the offset from the argument base pointer Printed 7/27/90 January 1 DBX(5) 1986 DBX(5) (on the VAX, the ap register). N_LSYM The symbol is a local variable whose value is stored in the most recently defined procedure's stack frame. The value is the (often negative) offset from the frame pointer (on the VAX, the fp register). N_PC, N_MOD2 The symbol defines separate compilation informa- tion for pre-linking checking for Berkeley Pascal and DEC Modula-2 programs respectively. For Pas- cal, the value field contains the line number that the symbol is defined on. The value field is not used for Modula-2. Most of the source level information about a symbol is stored in the string field of the stab entry. Since strings are kept in a separate string table in the a.out file, they can be arbitrarily long. Thus there are no restrictions on the kind or length of information in the string field, and it was not necessary to modify the assembler or loader when extending or modifying the format of this information. Below is a grammar describing the syntax of the symbol string. Except in the case of a constant whose value is a string, there are no blanks in a symbol string. NAME: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* INTEGER: [-][0-9][0-9]* REAL: [+-][0-9]*(.[0-9][0-9]*|)([eE]([+-]|)[0-9][0-9]*|) STRING: ``.*'' BSTRING: .* String: NAME `:' Class `:' Class Class: `c' `=' Constant `;' Variable Procedure Parameter NamedType `X' ExportInfo -- export or import information (for N_MOD2 only) Constant: `i' INTEGER `r' REAL `c' OrdValue `b' OrdValue Printed 7/27/90 January 2 DBX(5) 1986 DBX(5) `s' STRING `e' TypeId `,' OrdValue `S' TypeId `,' NumElements `,' NumBits `,' BSTRING OrdValue: INTEGER NumElements: INTEGER NumBits: INTEGER Variable: TypeId -- local variable of type TypeId `r' TypeId -- register variable of type TypeId `S' TypeId -- module variable of type TypeId (static global in C) `V' TypeId -- own variable of type TypeId (static local in C) `G' TypeId -- global variable of type TypeId Procedure: Proc -- top level procedure Proc `,' NAME `,' NAME -- local to first NAME, -- second NAME is corresponding ld symbol Proc: `P' -- global procedure `Q' -- local procedure (static in C) `I' -- internal procedure (different calling sequence) `F' TypeId -- function returning type TypeId `f' TypeId -- local function `J' TypeId -- internal function Parameter: `p' TypeId -- value parameter of type TypeId `v' TypeId -- reference parameter of type TypeId NamedType: `t' TypeId -- type name for type TypeId `T' TypeId -- C structure tag name for struct TypeId TypeId: INTEGER -- Unique (per compilation) number of type INTEGER `=' TypeDef -- Definition of type number INTEGER `=' TypeAttrs TypeDef -- -- Type attributes are extra information associated with a type, -- such as alignment constraints or pointer checking semantics. -- Dbx interprets some of these, but will ignore rather than complain -- about any it does not recognize. Therefore this is a way to add -- extra information for pre-linking checking. Printed 7/27/90 January 3 DBX(5) 1986 DBX(5) -- TypeAttrs: `@' TypeAttrList `;' TypeAttrList: TypeAttrList `,' TypeAttr TypeAttr TypeAttr: `a' INTEGER -- align boundary `s' INTEGER -- size in bits `p' INTEGER -- pointer class (e.g., checking) BSTRING -- something else TypeDef: INTEGER Subrange Array Record `e' EnumList `;' -- enumeration `*' TypeId -- pointer to TypeId `S' TypeId -- set of TypeId `d' TypeId -- file of TypeId ProcedureType `i' NAME `:' NAME `;' -- imported type ModuleName:Name `o' NAME `;' -- opaque type `i' NAME `:' NAME `,' TypeId `;' `o' NAME `,' TypeId `;' Subrange: `r' TypeId `;' INTEGER `;' INTEGER Array: `a' TypeId `;' TypeId -- array [TypeId] of TypeId `A' TypeId -- open array of TypeId `D' INTEGER `,' TypeId -- N-dim. dynamic array `E' INTEGER `,' TypeId -- N-dim. subarray ProcedureType: `f' TypeId `;' -- C function type `f' TypeId `,' NumParams `;' TParamList `;' `p' NumParams `;' TParamList `;' NumParams: INTEGER Record: `s' ByteSize FieldList `;' -- structure/record `u' ByteSize FieldList `;' -- C union ByteSize: INTEGER Printed 7/27/90 January 4 DBX(5) 1986 DBX(5) FieldList : Field FieldList Field Field: NAME `:' TypeId `,' BitOffset `,' BitSize `;' BitSize: INTEGER BitOffset: INTEGER EnumList: Enum EnumList Enum Enum: NAME `:' OrdValue `,' ParamList: Param ParamList Param Param: NAME `:' TypeId `,' PassBy `;' PassBy: INTEGER TParam: TypeId `,' PassBy `;' TParamList : TParam TParamList TParam Export: INTEGER ExportInfo ExportInfo: `t' TypeId `f' TypeId `,' NumParams `;' ParamList `;' `p' NumParams `;' ParamList `;' `v' TypeId `c' `=' Constant A `?' indicates that the symbol information is continued in the next stab entry. This directive can only occur where a `;' would otherwise separate the fields of a record or con- stants in an enumeration. It is useful when the number of Printed 7/27/90 January 5 DBX(5) 1986 DBX(5) elements in one of these lists is large. SSEEEE AALLSSOO dbx(1), stab(5), a.out(5) Printed 7/27/90 January 6