KRB.REALMS(5) 4.0 KRB.REALMS(5) NNAAMMEE /etc/kerberosIV/krb.realms - host to Kerberos realm transla- tion file DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _k_r_b._r_e_a_l_m_s provides a translation from a hostname to the Kerberos realm name for the services provided by that host. Each line of the translation file is in one of the following forms (domain_name should be of the form .XXX.YYY, e.g. .LCS.MIT.EDU): host_name kerberos_realm domain_name kerberos_realm If a hostname exactly matches the _h_o_s_t__n_a_m_e field in a line of the first form, the corresponding realm is the realm of the host. If a hostname does not match any _h_o_s_t__n_a_m_e in the file, but its domain exactly matches the _d_o_m_a_i_n__n_a_m_e field in a line of the second form, the corresponding realm is the realm of the host. If no translation entry applies, the host's realm is con- sidered to be the hostname's domain portion converted to upper case. SSEEEE AALLSSOO krb_realmofhost(3) Printed 7/27/90 Kerberos 1