.TH CXREF UCB 2/24/79 UCB .SH NAME cxref \- a simple C routine referencing program .SH SYNOPSIS .B cxref file ... .SH DESCRIPTION .I Cxref is a simple shell script which uses .IR grep (UCB) and .IR ex (UCB) and .IR sort (1) to make a listing of the routines in the specified C program files and the lines on which they are defined. It is useful as a summary when prowling in a large program, especially since .I cref has a habit of looping on large program input. .SH SEE\ ALSO cref(1) .SH AUTHOR William Joy .SH BUGS .I Cxref assumes that routines begin in the first column of lines, and that type names are given on different lines than the routine names. If you have a program which is in a different format than this, .I cxref will fail miserably. The operating system, C compiler, Pascal translator, .I ex editor, etc. all work with .I cxref.