.TH DRIBBLE UCB 2/24/79 UCB .SH NAME dribble \- copy out terminal interaction to a file .SH SYNOPSIS .B dribble [ typescript [ sh [ arg ... ] ] ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Dribble runs the specified command in an environment where output and input is echoed to the typescript file. The default command is your shell, running into the file .I dribble.out. It is useful for making a transcript of work on a screen terminal. .SH AUTHORS Bill Joy and Olivier Roubine .SH BUGS You can't send an end-of-file through a pipe. Thus hitting control-D in dribble will bring the world crashing down. If you hit `EOF' followed immediately by a control-D dribble tries to fake an EOF which is good enough to fool some programs, notably not .IR ex (UCB). Some programs expect standard input to be a teletype and act strangely when dribbled because it isn't.