# # Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement # specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. # # @(#)Makefile 5.8 (Berkeley) %G% # # Bug report processor and associated programs # CFLAGS = -O -I. DESTDIR= SRCS= bugfiler.c error.c gethead.c process.c redist.c reply.c OBJS= bugfiler.o error.o gethead.o process.o redist.o reply.o all: bugfiler bugfiler: ${OBJS} ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o $@ ${OBJS} install: bugfiler sendbug.sh bugformat install -s -m 4755 -o root -g staff bugfiler ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/bugfiler install -c sendbug.sh ${DESTDIR}/usr/ucb/sendbug install -c -m 644 bugformat ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/bugformat clean: rm -f ${OBJS} core bugfiler tags: ctags ${SRCS} lint: lint ${CFLAGS} -chapbx ${SRCS} ${OBJS}: bug.h